Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators

April 23, 2012

3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Mendenhall 244

1.  Call to order

2.  Approval of minutes from Feb. 27, 2012

3.  Graduate assistantship reallocation process – Draft form for discussion

4.  Graduate assistantship eligibility & tuition remission eligibility

a.  Full-time status, On-campus status, Program of study

b.  Minimum rate of pay:

c.  $9,000 fall + spring, 18 pay periods, Aug 16 – May 15 (Annual contracts are encouraged)

i.  Effective rate of pay @ 15 weeks / term = $15.00 / hr

ii. Effective rate of pay @ 18 weeks / term - $12.50 / hr

5.  Tuition remission packaging for summer terms

a.  One time for entire summer (1st SS, 2nd SS or 11 wk)

6.  Short orientation for new GPD – meet with Graduate School and Registrar staff

7.  Grading scale for graduate students: A, B, C, F (no plus minus)

a.  Undergraduates enrolled in graduate courses: A+ to D- & F

8.  Predominantly undergraduate enrolled 5000 level courses

a.  152 out of 267 5000 level offerings in the last three years (AY 2009-2011) had a majority undergraduate enrollment

9.  Marketing and recruiting update

a.  Google ad campaign, Marketing brochures

10.  Recent Graduate Council action items

a.  Changes in admissions procedures

b.  Changes in admission deadlines

c.  Change in last day to drop (64% of class days, equivalent to the 45th class day during fall and spring terms)

11.  Update on recommendations from Orientation Working Group