Graduate Policy and Administration Community
USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development
Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90080-06
“Building a community of leaders”
What is GPAC?
The Graduate Policy and Administration Community (GPAC) represents over 400 Master of Public Administration and Master of Public Policy students at the University of Southern California School of Policy, Planning and Development (SPPD).
We recognize that leadership is learned through experience. Consistent with that principle, GPAC was formed to provide students with the opportunity to build networks, practice leadership skills and contribute to the unique culture of our school and the surrounding community.
What does GPAC do?
· SPPD Peers Program
· Conference Coordination
· Social and Athletic Events
· Alumni and Professional Development Outreach
· Bulletins, Newsletters and Communication
· Speaker Series
· SPPD Networking Nights
How do I get involved?
There are many ways to contribute to the School of Policy, Planning and Development and GPAC. You may already be involved and not even know it!
· Coordinate a speaking event
· Host a dinner party with peers
· Organize a service project
· Form an athletic team
· Plan a tour of city hall
· Write an article for publication
· Form a study group
Contact GPAC today with your ideas at:
Building a community of leaders at SPPD.
Consistent with the mission of SPPD, GPAC is committed to enhancing the following aspects of our school:
· Community
Developing lifelong social and professional networks of students, alumni and faculty.
· Governance
Providing opportunities for leadership.
· Place
Contributing to the unique culture of SPPD, USC and the surrounding community.
We commit to creating a culture that promotes:
· Collaboration
Among the stakeholders at SPPD
· Diversity
Of opportunities reflecting the needs, values and goals of our members; and
· Accountability
To our school, our society and each other.
“Building a community of leaders”
I. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee provides structural, financial and organizational support to the GPAC committees. This includes the establishment of a strategic plan and goal setting for the organization as well as regular communication between the committees. In addition to providing structural support within GPAC, the Executive Committee represents the organization in the Graduate Professional Student Senate (GPSS) and USC Student Affairs to secure resources for its membership.
Executive Committee responsibilities include:
· Organizational mission statement
· Strategic plan, organizational goals and by-laws
· Annual Budget and event funding
· Membership database, agendas and minutes
· Hosting bi-weekly meetings with GPAC Committee Chairs
· Coordinating annual GPAC events including:
o SPPD Orientation (Fall)
o SPPD Student Organization Showcase
o GPAC General Assembly (Fall)
o 1st Year Delegate and GPSS Senator Elections (Fall)
o GPAC Elections (Spring)
o Annual Installation of Officers (Spring)
o End of the Year Celebration (Spring)
“Building a community of leaders”
Focus on: The Financial Sub-Committee
The financial officers are committed to managing the resources available to GPAC members. As a recognized member of the Graduate Professional Student Senate (GPSS), GPAC is eligible to receive a portion of the student activity funds for MPA and MPP students at SPPD. However, a number of additional funding opportunities exist for GPAC members including:
· Conference scholarships
· Collaborative events
· Academic or research projects
Contact GPAC today with your ideas:
II. Marketing and Communications Committee
The Marketing and Communications Committee provides GPAC committees with support for activities, event publicity and calendar coordination for SPPD and USC.
We have designed the brand new GPAC website, maintain message boards, and produce handbooks, newsletters and other correspondence. As GPAC presents itself to incoming students, to SPPD staff and faculty, to the USC community and to the professional community as a whole, it is the responsibility of the Communications Committee to make sure GPAC is presented in a clear, strong and professional manner.
Marketing and Communications Committee responsibilities include:
· GPAC website design
· GPAC newsletter and handbooks
· Event Calendar
· SPPD Bulletin Board
· Announcements and supplementary materials
· Communication database
· Membership outreach
· Correspondence
· GPAC logo development
· Communication protocols
Focus on: Communications
There are a number of ways to advertise your events to the GPAC community. The following steps will help you to get organized and help the communications officers to get the word out in a timely and professional manner:
· Check the bulletin board in the student lounge at RGL and the SPPD Website before you calendar your event to avoid scheduling conflicts
· Email your information to gpac@usc at least two weeks prior to the event
· Include who, what, when, where and why in your advertisement
III. Alumni and Professional Development Committee
The Alumni and Professional Development Committee is GPAC’s link to the professional world outside SPPD. We at GPAC believe that some of our member’s most valuable educational experiences in leadership will take place in the broader community. This includes the experiences in government as well as non-governmental and professional organizations.
Alumni and Professional Development Committee responsibilities include:
· Professional Associations Liaison
· Conference Coordination
· Sacramento Center Liaison
· Career Services Liaison
· SPPD Alumni Association Liaison
· SPPD rankings education and development
· Networking and Professional Development Opportunities
Focus on: Professional Associations
There are a number of excellent professional associations available to SPPD students and GPAC members at the local, regional and national level including:
· International City/County Managers Association (ICMA)
· Municipal Managers Association of Southern California (MMASC)
· Association Society of Public Administrators (ASPA)
· Non-Profit Associations
· Pi Alpha Alpha (Honor Society)
Recommend a professional association GPAC should contact:
IV. Social Committee
The Social Committee is one of the most active and visible committees in GPAC providing students with academic, social and professional opportunities to network and build social capital with one another. One of the primary goals of GPAC is to build a sustainable network of students, faculty and alumni. The social committee seeks to facilitate this goal through dynamic events.
Social Committee responsibilities include:
· SPPD networking events
· Event Coordination, barbecues and GPAC Luau
· Booking locations
· Dinner parties
· Intramural sports
· Athletic Events and USC Tailgating
· Happy hours
· Dominos and Poker nights
· Carpooling coordination
Focus on: A Mission to Build Social Capital
I would like to introduce you to the GPAC Social Committee, which is composed of four highly energetic and talented individuals. We are looking forward to an exciting new year filled with many opportunities for all. Our mission is:
Goal: Offer the experiences that will build the leaders of tomorrow.
Provide: Unique opportunities that build professional networks and skill sets, while providing enjoyable social events that renew participants creating balanced individuals.
Assimilate: Create a shared culture and identity among MPA and MPP students by providing events that incorporate diversity and create shared experiences.
Contribute: Provide the opportunity for a first-year delegate to contribute as a social chair to carry on the GPAC tradition of building social capital beyond this short year.
“Building a community of leaders”
Please attend some of our events and contact me should you be interested in holding a leadership position by email at:
“Building a community of leaders”
~Carl Alameda, GPAC Social Chair
“Building a community of leaders”
V. SPPD Programs Committees
By far the largest of the GPAC Committees, the SPPD Programs Committees represent four of the various interest areas at SPPD available to MPA and MPP members of GPAC. These committees were created to represent the specific interests and needs of a diverse GPAC membership and include the following committees:
1. MPP Committee
2. MPA Committee
3. International Students Committee
4. Non-Profit Committee
Essentially, each committee has a great degree of flexibility and often works with SPPD directors to coordinate programs and events related to specific areas of study.
SPPD Programs Committee responsibilities include:
· SPPD Orientation Breakout Sessions
· PPD Peers program
· Regional Events Coordination (program-specific)
· Speaker series programming
· Academic advisor resource
· Faculty/Staff awards
· Service Projects
· Coordinate (program-specific) professional development opportunities
· Course evaluations
Focus On: Bridging
SPPD is one of the unique graduate schools at USC that believes in the power of cross-sectoral collaboration. In 1998, the school combined four programs in an effort to live up to its title as a school of policy, planning and development:
· Master of Public Policy (MPP)
· Master of Public Administration (MPA)
· Master of Planning (MPL)
· Master of Health Administration (MHA)
GPAC values the power of bridging—developing partnerships with organizations outside of one’s field—in order to address the challenges facing today’s leaders. At SPPD, we have the opportunity to bridge the MPP and MPA programs through GPAC. Contact with your collaborative idea today.
Master of Public Policy Committee (MPP)
The MPP Committee acts as a liaison between the MPP students and GPAC, representing the professional and academic interests of aspiring public policy professionals and keeping them informed of the opportunities available through GPAC and SPPD.
The mission of SPPD is to become "premier school for educating leaders and creating knowledge for innovative governance and place-based solutions for the betterment of communities worldwide" ( The MPP Committee reflects such commitment by ensuring that student leadership and the opportunities to undertake such valuable leadership is made available to all students, and that the public policy student community here at USC is actively involved in the academic, professional, community, and networking development and projects championed by GPAC for the long-term benefit of students.
Master of Public Administration Committee (MPA)
The MPA Committee provides students of Public Administration with an advocate to the SPPD as well as a forum for recommendations on enhancing the educational experience of the MPA at USC.
We believe that the Master of Public Administration is a study of leadership and we seek to create leadership opportunities for our students. Consistent with GPAC’s mission to enhance the community, governance and place that is SPPD, the MPA Committee offers the challenge to each MPA student to take a personal responsibility for an aspect of his/her school.
· Join PPD Peers
· Invite a speaker to one of your classes
· Join a committee
Non-profit Committee (NPC)
The Non-profit Committee is dedicated to enhancing educational experiences and networking opportunities for students interested in the nonprofit and philanthropic sector. Representing a significant number of MPP and MPA students with a focus in non-profit management, the committee seeks to expand course offerings and awareness of the non-profit role in governance particularly in the California Southland.
The Committee will continue to host the Non-profit Speaker Series/Community Issues Forums throughout the semester, giving students an opportunity to learn from and interact with practitioners in the field. Previous sessions have focused on topics such as ‘Community Development and Non-profit Organizations’, and ‘Building a Career in the Sector’. In the months ahead, the subcommittee also seeks to act as an information resource for those interested in professional development opportunities related to the independent sector.
International Students Committee (ISC)
The purpose of the International Student Committee is to build up a network of international students to support each other to meet the challenges of adapting to and thriving in this new graduate school environment.
We call on every international student to take an active role in network building, to work together and make our experience in SPPD a fulfilling one.
In addition, it is necessary for all students at SPPD, whether international or not, to explore opportunities for career development, part-time jobs, summer internships, scholarship and financial aid. The committee will promote sharing of information and experience among the international student and SPPD community.
GPAC By-Laws
This organization shall be known as the Graduate Policy and Administration Community (GPAC).
The purpose of this organization is to build a community of leaders at the SPPD and to enhance:
A. Community - developing a lifelong social and professional network of students, alumni and faculty.
B. Governance –providing social, academic and professional leadership experiences.
C. Place – creating a unique culture and identity at the SPPD as a premier school of Public Administration and Public Policy.
A. Categories of membership shall be: Full, Associate, and Alumni.
1. Full Membership shall be open to any full-time graduate student in enrolled in the MPP or MPA program at SPPD.
2. Associate Membership shall be open to any person interested in promoting the purposes of the organization, but who does not qualify for full membership. Such members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the organization, except the right to vote or hold office.
3. Alumni shall be open to USC MPA and MPP Alumni who do not qualify for Full Membership. Such members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the organization, except the right to vote or hold office.
A. No membership dues will be charged; however a per-event fee may be assessed to cover the cost of an event or supplies not covered by student activities fees.
A. GPAC shall be divided into five committees:
1. Executive
- President
- Vice-President(s)
- Secretary
- Financial Officer(s)
- GPSS Representative
2. Marketing and Communications
3. Alumni and Professional Development
4. Social Committee
5. SPPD Programs
- Non-Profit
- International
B. As new committees are established, they may be defined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Any other changes in committee structure shall be considered an amendment to the By-Laws.
C. Committees may organize in a manner of their own choosing. The committee shall be required to select a chairperson or co-chairpersons each year. The current committee chair shall notify the President of the election of the new committee chair(s) each year prior to February 31. All officers and committee chairs shall serve one-year terms beginning March 1.