Grading Policy for Mr. Burleigh's
Trigonometry Class
This class is designed to prepare all students for calculus. In addition to solving triangles, students get to explore the various applications of trigonometry to surveying, electricity, vectors, physics, and navigation. Your final grade will be based directly on exams and quizzes.
ExamsThe course will include at least eight (8) exams and a comprehensive final exam.
HomeworkHomework will be assigned daily. It is designed to extend learning and prompt discussion.
QuizzesQuizzes will be given daily to check for understanding. They will be based on the previous night’s assignment or on the new material learned that day.
NotebookAll students will be required to keep a notebook so that notes, bell ringers, and homework can easily be found. Students will be allowed to use their notebook during the quizzes, therefore they need them everyday.
- Come to class prepared with a covered textbook, notebook, pencil, and calculator.
- Immediately complete the bell ringer upon arrival.
- Be actively engaged in class.
- Work diligently until the end of the class period.
- Respect all of your classmates and me. Learn from both.
- Seize the day’s learning opportunity and have a positive attitude.
AbsencesWhen absent, you (the student) are responsible for not only finding out what was missed, but making up all work (exams, homework, and quizzes) in the next three (3) school days. If you are absent only on the day of the test, you should be prepared to take the test when you return. Please check with classmates and me for assistance. E-schoolbooks can also be a resource. Remember to update your notebook with in-class assignments, notes, and homework for the daily quiz.
Note: School functions (field trips, sport functions, etc.) that result in a student missing class are not considered as absences. Students must find out what they missed and come to class prepared the next day.
If you find yourself falling behind, please make arrangements with me to get extra help. I will be available to tutor before and after school, and can also be seen during periods 5 & 7 during the day. I am here to help you anyway I can with your education and future. In addition, I can be reached at or 570-662-2674.