The Order of the Towel

John 13:1-17Keep on Serving Dr. Harlan Betz

1A. THE SETTING John 13:1-3

Although the disciples didn't realize it at the time, they were not only gathered to celebrate the Passover, but they were also going to be inducted into a new fraternity.


The disciples, knowing where Jesus would recline at the table, began fighting for the most honored positions at Jesus’right and left side. They began arguing over who was the greatest. Who is the greatest? Jesus had already answered this question verbally, now He will answer it visually!

3A. THE SUPPER (John 13:4-11)

Naturally, since they had just argued about who is the greatest, none of them was about to get the wash-basin and wash the other's feet. So, contrary to all customs of cleanliness and mannerliness, they began their supper with dirty feet.

4A. THE SYMBOLISM (John 13:4-17)

Why do I say this is symbolical?

1. Verse 7. ______

2. Verse 10. ______

3. Verse 11. ______

4. Verse 12-15. ______

What does this symbolize?

1. Directly is symbolizes ______.

2. Indirectly, it symbolizes ______.


1B. Take the necessary step...______for the bath...Titus 3:5-6.

2B. Take the next step...______or the cleansing ... 1 John 1:9.

2B. Take the newest step...______to service...John 13:15.

The measure of true Christian greatness is lowliness of service.

Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life!

The way up is ______. The way to greatness is the way of s______.


Although you didn't realize it when you came here today, you not only gathered here to worship our Lord, but you are also invited to join a new fraternity … an honorary fraternity I have entitled Delta Kappa Delta.

Delta = diakoneo = to ______; Kappa = kai = ______; Delta = didomai = to ______”.


Are you willing to give your life to the Lord?

Are you willing to give yourself in service to others?

Pledge prayer: ______.

Pledge song: ______.

The Order of the Towel

John 13:1-17Keep on Serving Dr. Harlan Betz

1A. THE SETTING John 13:1-3

Although the disciples didn't realize it at the time, they were not only gathered to celebrate the Passover, but they were also going to be inducted into a new fraternity.


The disciples, knowing where Jesus would recline at the table, began fighting for the most honored positions at Jesus’right and left side. They began arguing over who was the greatest. Who is the greatest? Jesus had already answered this question verbally, now He will answer it visually!

3A. THE SUPPER (John 13:4-11)

Naturally, since they had just argued about who is the greatest, none of them was about to get the wash-basin and wash the other's feet. So, contrary to all customs of cleanliness and mannerliness, they began their supper with dirty feet.

4A. THE SYMBOLISM (John 13:4-17)

Why do I say this is symbolical?

1. Verse 7. ______

2. Verse 10. ______

3. Verse 11. ______

4. Verse 12-15. ______

What does this symbolize?

1. Directly is symbolizes ______.

2. Indirectly, it symbolizes ______.


1B. Take the necessary step...______for the bath...Titus 3:5-6.

2B. Take the next step...______or the cleansing ... 1 John 1:9.

2B. Take the newest step...______to service...John 13:15.

The measure of true Christian greatness is lowliness of service.

Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life!

The way up is ______. The way to greatness is the way of s______.


Although you didn't realize it when you came here today, you not only gathered here to worship our Lord, but you are also invited to join a new fraternity … an honorary fraternity I have entitled Delta Kappa Delta.

Delta = diakoneo = to ______; Kappa = kai = ______; Delta = didomai = to ______”.


Are you willing to give your life to the Lord?

Are you willing to give yourself in service to others?

Pledge prayer: ______.

Pledge song: ______.