WatkinsGlenHigh School Art Syllabus
Teacher Elaine M. Wojtus
Courses Offered:
Studio in Art, Advanced Art1, Advanced Art 2, Independent Study in Art, Art Thesis, and Portfolio.
Units include:
Drawing Units in pencil
Pen and Ink Units
Pastel Landscape Units
Cartooning Units
Portrait Drawing Units
Color Units
Acrylic painting Units
Landscape Acrylic Painting Units
Clay Units
Oil pastel Units
Perspective Units
Watercolor Units
Advanced Colored Pencil Drawing Units
Mosaic Units
Sculpture Units
Design Units
Print Making Units
Black and White Photography Units (Upper Arts only)
Art Program Outcomes:
1.Understand Art
Students will be familiarized with various types of artists, designers, and craft persons and the unique aspects of their work. They will understand how art affects the seeing, Thinking, and feeling of all people.
2.Create Art
Students will make decisions about what to create. They will make choices regarding the elements of art and principles of design, media, techniques and resources.
3.Value Art
Students will examine visual cues, such as subject matter, structure, and materials used to discover meaning in the works of art. They will recognize the value of art in different cultures in society.
Students will know how art is related to and makes connections with other disciplines.
Students will develop skills, craftsmanship and knowledge of working safely.
6.Lifelong Learning
Students will know how art relates to the realm of work, lifelong learning, and appreciation of the Arts.
Materials Requirement:
Students need a notebook and a sketchbook. The sketchbook may purchased or homemade. All art materials are provided for class assignments; however it may be a good idea to have a set of colored pencils, a fine black marker and pencils for sketchbook assignments.
There will be 10 assigned drawings per marking period. Drawings will be checked the second meeting of the week. Grades will be given for 5 at the interim marking period, and all at the 10 week marking period.Students may do up to 10 extra credit drawings in their sketchbooks. Drawings are graded per the sketchbook rubric posted in the room.
Course Resources:
There are no assigned textbooks for any art class; however there are many teacher made handouts to be used as notes, books, magazines, videotapes and DVDs, and computers in class for project research. For photo units, cameras are provided for use at school.
Grading for WatkinsGlenHigh School Art Classes:
Report Cards are issued at the end of each marking period (every 10 weeks) and are supplemented by interim reports at the midpoint of the marking period. These are numerical and also include comments from the teacher.
In addition to 10 week grades, students will be taking a midterm and a final. These may be in the form of
a written test and/or final project.
Grades will reflect criteria set in the Art Room Rubric (see last page,) projects, tests, sketchbook, and extra-credit work. Criteria in Rubric include: Planning Process, Art Product, Use of Materials, Use of Classroom Time,
Critique and Social Interaction. There are usually six projects per marking period. Usually projects are weighted equally. Longer term projects and the Upper Arts Sketchbook counts twice.
The final mark/grade in the art course is based on:
The average of 10 week grades times 2, plus the average of midterm/final exam grades, then divided by 3.
Interpretation of the grading system:
Level on Numerical
Art Rubrics: Grade: Letter:
4 90-100 A = Indicates that the student has done excellent
Work and has mastered the course objectives.
Consistently does excellent work with skill
and thoroughness, and has consistently has
applied knowledge gained.
3 83-89 B = Indicates that the student has done above average
work, mastered almost all of the course objectives,
and has applied knowledge gained.
2 73-82 C = Indicates the student has done average work, and
has mastered many of the objectives of the course.
Low 2 72-65 D = Indicates the student has done below average work,
and has mastered few of the objectives of the course.
1 64-0 F = Indicates that the students work fell below a level
acceptable for the course and was unsatisfactory.
I = Indicates incomplete work.
Due Dates and Late Policy:
Due dates are important. It is the student’s responsibility to get work in on time. Due dates will be listed on the “Projects Due Dates” board. If a student is running behind due to absence or working more slowly, it will be their responsibility to come in during a study hall, lunch period or after school to make the work up. Students may also take their work home and sign out for the night, any art materials needed to complete work. Any work not in by the last due date before a marking period will receive a zero. No grade will be given for partially done work.
Classroom Expectations from all Students:
- Arrive on time and bring required materials daily.
- Follow school rules and directions in the student handbook.
- Show respect to all individuals.
- Complete your assignments on time.
- Use your class time wisely. All are expected to work the entire class period. If finished early, work on extra credit work (found on extra credit idea board in room) or you may work ahead in your sketchbook.
- Clean up all materials used and workspace area.
- Follow all rules in the student handbook.
Art Shows and Displays:
All students will participate in the March Art show and the End of the Year Annual Art Show. There may be other opportunities for work to be shown also during the school year in the school and community.