Copyright 2014 AIAMasterSpec Premium06/14
Copyright 2014 by The American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Exclusively published and distributed by Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM) for the AIA
This Product MasterSpec Section is licensed by ARCOM to Savaria ("Licensee").
This Product MasterSpec Section modifies the original MasterSpec text, and does not include the full content of the original MasterSpec Section.
Revisions made to the original MasterSpec text are made solely by the Licensee and are not endorsed by, or representative of the opinions of, ARCOM or The American Institute of Architects (AIA). Neither AIA nor ARCOM are liable in any way for such revisions or for the use of this Product MasterSpec Section by any end user. A qualified design professional should review and edit the document to suit project requirements.
For more information, contact Savaria, 2 Walker Drive, Brampton, ON L6T 5E1, Canada; Toll Free: (800) 661-5112; Phone: (905) 791-555; Fax: (905) 791-2222; Website: Email: .
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Revise this Section by deleting and inserting text to meet Project-specific requirements.
This Section uses the term "Architect." Change this term to match that used to identify the design professional as defined in the General and Supplementary Conditions.
Verify that Section titles referenced in this Section are correct for this Project's Specifications; Section titles may have changed.
Retain or delete this article in all Sections of Project Manual.
- Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
ASMEA17.1/CSAB44 defines a limited-use/limited-application (LU/LA) elevator as "a power passenger elevator in which the use and application is limited by size, capacity, speed, and rise." It limits inside net platform area to 18 sq. ft. (1.67 sq.m), capacity to 1400 lb (635 kg), speed to 30 fpm (0.15m/s), and rise to 25 feet (7.6m).
- Section includes limited-use/limited-application (LU/LA) elevators.
- Related Requirements:
Retain subparagraphs below to cross-reference requirements Contractor might expect to find in this Section but are specified in other Sections.
- Section033000 "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for setting sleeves, inserts, and anchoring devices in concrete.
- Section042000 "Unit Masonry" for setting sleeves, inserts, and anchoring devices in masonry.
- Section051200 "Structural Steel Framing" for attachment plates, angle brackets, and other preparation of structural steel for fastening guide-rail brackets.
- Insert Section number>-<Insert Section title> for finish flooring in elevator cars.
- Section271500 "Communications Horizontal Cabling" for telephone service for elevators.
Retain terms that remain after this Section has been edited for a project.
- Definitions in ASMEA17.1/CSAB44 apply to Work of this Section.
- LU/LA: Limited use/limited application.
- Product Data: Include capacities, sizes, performances, operations, safety features, finishes, and similar information. Include Product Data for car enclosures, hoistway entrances, and operation, control, and signal equipment.
- Shop Drawings:
- Include plans, elevations, sections, and large-scale details indicating service at each landing, machine room layout, coordination with building structure, relationships with other construction, and locations of equipment.
- Indicate loads imposed on building structure at points of support and power requirements.
Retain "Samples for Initial Selection" and "Samples for Verification" paragraphs below for two-stage Samples.
- Samples for Initial Selection: For finishes involving color selection.
- Samples for Verification: For exposed car finishes, hoistway doors, and frames.
- Sample Warranty: Provide sample of manufacturer's standard warranty.
- Inspection and Acceptance Certificates and Operating Permits: As required by authorities having jurisdiction, for normal, unrestricted elevator use.
"Continuing Maintenance Proposal" Paragraph below provides service contract beyond initial maintenance service; usually include with "Initial Maintenance Service" Paragraph in "Maintenance" Article. If continuing maintenance proposal is submitted at time of bid, include that information in the Instructions to Bidders.
Retain "Preventive Maintenance Proposal" Paragraph below if a Preventive Maintenance Proposal is required.
- Preventive Maintenance Proposal: Provide a continuing preventive maintenance proposal from Installer to Owner, in the form of a standard [one-year] [two-year] [five-year] <Insert agreement period> maintenance agreement. State services, obligations, conditions, and terms for agreement period and for future renewal options.
- Installer Qualifications: Elevator manufacturer or an authorized representative who is trained and approved by manufacturer.
- Deliver, store, and handle materials, components and equipment in manufacturer's protective packaging. Store materials, components, and equipment off of ground, under cover, and in a dry location.
- Coordinate installation of sleeves, block outs, and items that are embedded in concrete or masonry for elevator equipment. Furnish templates and installation instructions and deliver to Project site in time for installation.
- Coordinate locations and dimensions of other work relating to LU/LA elevators including sumps and floor drains in pits; entrance subsills; electrical service; and electrical outlets, lights, and switches in hoistways, pits, and machine rooms.
When warranties are required, verify with Owner's counsel that warranties stated in this article are not less than remedies available to Owner under prevailing local laws.
- Manufacturer's Special Warranty: Manufacturer agrees to repair, restore, or replace elevator work that fails in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period.
- Coverage: This warranty applies to the repair or replacement, at Manufacturer's option, of parts that fail due to defective material or workmanship. Manufacturer may, at its option, provide factory reconditioned parts. Warranty is provided to Authorized Dealer on behalf of final purchaser of the product and is not transferable. Manufacturer's warranty does not cover labor charges for the removal, repair, or replacement of warranty parts; but costs may be covered for a period of time by Authorized Dealer's warranty, provided to purchaser separately.
Verify available warranties and warranty periods for units and components.
- Warranty Period: 3 year(s) from date of Shipment.
See Editing Instruction No.1 in the Evaluations for cautions about named manufacturers and products. For an explanation of options and Contractor's product selection procedures, see Section016000 "Product Requirements."
- Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Savaria; Orion LU/LA or a comparable product by one of the following:
- Federal Elevator Inc.
- Liftavator, Inc.
- Nationwide Lifts, Inc.
- Schumacher Elevator Co.
- Insert manufacturer's name>.
The International Building Code (IBC) requires compliance with ASMEA17.1/CSAB44. Insert other requirements, if any, of authorities having jurisdiction.
- Regulatory Requirements: Comply with ASMEA17.1/CSAB44.
Usually retain both standards in "Accessibility Requirements" Paragraph below to comply with authorities having jurisdiction and other applicable laws and regulations.
- Accessibility Requirements: Comply with Section408 in the U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board's ADA-ABA Accessibility Guidelines and with ICCA117.1.
- Seismic Performance: If applicable, elevator system shall comply with elevator safety requirements for seismic risk Zone2 or greater in ASMEA17.1/CSAB44.
- Affected peak velocity acceleration Av for Project's location is:
Retain one of the following three subparagraphs corresponding to applicable seismic risk zone.
- Less than 0.10 (seismic risk Zones0 and 1).
- Greater than or equal to 0.10, but less than 0.20 (seismic risk Zone2).
- Greater than or equal to 0.20 (seismic risk Zones3 and 4).
- Elevator System, General:
- Rated Load: 1400 lb (635 kg).
- Rated Speed: 25 (0.13 m/s).
- Travel: <Insert required total travel length>. Maximum of 25 feet(7.63 m).
- Cab Configuration: [Enter/exit same side] [Enter/exit front/rear] [90 degree exit].
- Levels Serviced: [2] [3] [4].
- Machine Type: 2:1 Roped Hydraulic.
- Pump Units:
- Pump shall be submersible type, suspended inside oil tank.
- Motor shall be 5 HP and have across the line starting.
- Power Supply: [208 volt, 3 phase, 30 amps + 110 volt, 15 amp, 1 phase 60 Hz] [240 volt, 1 phase, 40 amp + 110 volt, 15 amp, 1 phase 60 Hz].
- General: Provide manufacturer's standardmicroprocessor operation system for single automatic operation.
- Battery-Powered Lowering: When power fails, car is lowered to the egress landing.. Door will open once to allow any passengers to exit, and then close. The door open/close button within the car will remain operational; however the landing hall call button will be de-activated. System includes rechargeable battery and automatic recharging system.
Retain one of three options in "Emergency Fire-Service Operation" Paragraph below. ASMEA17.1/CSAB44 may require emergency operation for LU/LA elevators depending on the year enforced, but authorities having jurisdiction may require PhaseI or PhasesI and II operation.
- Emergency Fire-Service Operation: [No Fire-Service shall be provided] [Provide PhaseI emergency recall operation (mandatory for ASME A 17.1 2010 Code)] [Provide PhaseI emergency recall operation and PhaseII emergency in-car operation].
- Infrared Array: Provide door-reopening devices with a uniform array of infrared light beams projecting across car entrance. Interruption of one or more light beams shall cause doors to stop and reopen.
- General: Provide a steel-framed car enclosure with wall panel, car roof, access doors, power door operators, and ventilation. Provide finished car including materials and finishes specified below.
- Clear Inside Cab Dimensions:
ICCA117.1 and the U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board's ADA-ABA Accessibility Guidelines require a clear width of 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum and a clear depth of 54 inches (1370 mm) minimum, with car doors having at least a 32-inch (815-mm) minimum clear width positioned at the narrow ends of cars. An exception is made for a 90-degree adjacent configuration which allows a clear depth of 51 inches (1295 mm) providing the clear width is also 51 inches (1295 mm) and that the car doors provide a clear opening of 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum. ASMEA17.1/CSAB44 limits inside net platform area to not more than 18 sq. ft. (1.67 sq.m) for LU/LA elevators.
- Platform Size:
Retain one of the following three subparagraphs. First two subparagraphs are not applicable for 90 degree configurations. The 51 inch (1295 mm) by 51 inch (1295 mm) platform size must and can only be used on a 90 degree platform configuration.
- 48 inches(1219 mm) wide by 54 inches(1371 mm) deep.
- 42 inches(1067 mm) wide by 60 inches(1524 mm) deep.
- 51 inches(1295 mm) wide by 51 inches(1295 mm) deep.
- Inside Height: 84 inches (2134 mm) to underside of ceiling.
- Materials and Finishes: Manufacturer's standards, but not less than the following:
- Floor Finish: A steel subfloor shall be provided with a [1/8 inch(3 mm)] [1/4 inch(6 mm)] [3/8 inch(10 mm)] [1/2 inch(13 mm)][5/8 inch(16 mm)] recess to allow for a finished floor by others.
Retain "Steel Wall Panels," "Stainless-Steel Wall Panels," or "Raised Plastic-Laminate Wall Panels" Subparagraph below.
- Steel Wall Panels: [Powder coated in Architectural White] [Powder coated in Black].
- Stainless-Steel Wall Panels: No.4brushed finish.
First option in "Raised Plastic-Laminate Panels" subparagraph below is only available with white powder coated or stainless steel No. 4 finish cab.
- Raised Plastic-Laminate Wall Panels: [None - steel cab only] [Stone Grafix Panels] [Fog Panels] [Contact Mahogany Panels] [Natural Oak Panels].
- Sills: Extruded aluminum, with grooved surface.
- Metal Ceiling: [Steel powder coated in Architectural White] [Stainless Steel No. 4 finish].
- Lighting: Four LED pot lights.
- Handrail: Stainless steel single handrail with 1-1/2 inch(38 mm) diameter rail, located on the control wall of the cab.
- Car Doors: Manufacturer's standard units complete with track systems, hardware, sills, and accessories.
- Operation: Power-operated, automatic.
- Type: Two-speed horizontal sliding.
- Clear Opening Width: 36 inches (914 mm).
- Door Height: 80 inches (2032 mm).
- Fire-Rating: Car doors and frames shall be 1-1/2 hr ULC fire rated.
First option in "Door Finish" subparagraph below is standard for Savaria. Second option is an available option.
- Door Finish: [Powder coated architectural white or black to match cab wall finish] [Stainless steel No. 4 brushed].
- General: Provide manufacturer's standard door-and-frame hoistway entrances, same size as car doors, complete with track systems, hardware, sills, and accessories.
- Operation: Power-operated, automatic.
- Type: Two-speed horizontal sliding.
- Clear Opening Width: 36 inches(914 mm).
- Door Height: 80 inches(2032 mm).
- Jamb Frame Size: [Provide manufacturer's standard frame size] [Coordinate frame size and profile with hoistway wall construction].
- Materials and Fabrication:
First option in "Landing Door and Frame Assembly" subparagraph below is standard for Savaria. Other options are subject to an up-charge.
- Landing Door and Frame Assembly: [Primed for Field Painting] [Powder coated architectural white] [Powder coated black] [Stainless steel, No 4 brushed].
- Sills: Extruded aluminum, with grooved surface.
- Fire-Rated Hoistway Entrance Assemblies: Door and frame assemblies shall be 1-1/2 hours ULC fire rated.
- General: Provide hall-call and car-call buttons that light when activated and remain lit until call has been fulfilled.
- Finish: Brushed stainless steel, No.4 finish.
- Car-Control Stations: Provide manufacturer's standard car-control stations. Mount in side panel adjacent to car door.
- Mark buttons and switches for function. Use both tactile symbols and Braille.
Delete subparagraph below if not applicable.
- Provide "No Smoking" sign matching car-control station, either integral with car-control station or mounted adjacent to it, with text and graphics as required by authorities having jurisdiction.
- Emergency Communication System: Two-way voice communication system, with visible signal, which dials preprogrammed number of monitoring station and does not require handset use. System is contained within car operating panel, with identification, instructions for use, and battery backup power supply.
- Car Position Indicator: Provide digital-type position indicator in elevator car.
- Hall Push-Button Stations: Provide manufacturer's standard wall-mounted units, equipped with buttons for calling elevator.
- Hall Lanterns: Provide position indicator with direction arrow.
- Hall Annunciator: With each hall lantern, provide audible signals indicating car arrival.
Retain "Emergency Pictorial Signs" Paragraph below if signs are not specified in another Section.
- Emergency Pictorial Signs: Provide signage with text and graphics as required by authorities having jurisdiction, indicating that in case of fire, elevators are out of service and exits should be used instead. Provide one sign at each hall push-button station unless otherwise indicated.
- General: Provide the following materials for exposed parts of elevator car enclosures, car doors, hoistway entrance doors and frames, and signal equipment as indicated.
- Car Enclosure:
- Walls and Ceiling: Rolled steel sheet, ASTM A 1008/A1008M, commercial steel, Type B, exposed, matte finish, 16 GA, or ASTM A 240/A 240M, Type 304.
- Floor: ASTM A 500-10 Grade C steel tubing, TUBE SQR 1.5 by 1.5 by 0.125W HSS.
- Plastic Laminate: ASTM E 84 Formica® Brand Laminate sheets.
- Entrance Sill: ASTM B 221/B 221M, Alloy 6063.
- Car Doors & Hoist Way Entrance Doors: ASTM A 653 Galvannealed Steel painted or ASTM A 240/A 240M, Type 304.
- Entrance Frames: ASTM A 653 Galvannealed Steel painted or ASTM A 240/A240M, Type 304.
- Signal Equipment: ASTM A 240/A 240M, Type 304.
- Examine elevator areas, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. Verify critical dimensions and examine supporting structure and other conditions under which elevator work is to be installed.
- Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
- Install cylinder plumb and accurately located for elevator car position and travel. Anchor securely in place, supported at pit floor and braced at intervals as needed to maintain alignment. Anchor cylinder guides at spacing needed to maintain alignment and avoid overstressing guides.
- Lubricate operating parts of systems as recommended by manufacturers.
- Alignment: Coordinate installation of hoistway entrances with installation of elevator guide rails for accurate alignment of entrances with car. Reduce clearances to minimum, safe, workable dimension at each landing.
- Leveling Tolerance: 1/4 inch (6 mm), up or down, regardless of load and direction of travel.
- Set sills flush with finished floor surface at landing. Fill space under sill solidly with nonshrink, nonmetallic grout.
- Acceptance Testing: On completion of elevator installation and before permitting elevator use, perform acceptance tests as required and recommended by ASMEA17.1/CSAB44 and by authorities having jurisdiction.
- Advise Owner, Architect, and authorities having jurisdiction in advance of dates and times that tests are to be performed.
- Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner's maintenance personnel to operate elevator(s).
Retain "Maintenance" Paragraph below if subscribing to a preventive maintenance agreement. Insert number of years the agreement is to cover.
- Maintenance: Beginning at Substantial Completion, maintenance service shall include <Insert number>years of quarterly preventive maintenance by skilled employees of elevator installer. Include repair or replacement of worn or defective components, lubrication, cleaning, and adjusting as required for proper elevator operation. Parts and supplies shall be manufacturer's authorized replacement parts and supplies.
- Perform maintenance during normal working hours.