Grade Level Curriculum Nights

Grade Level Curriculum Nights

What is a School Parent Compact?
A School Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade-level standards.
This compact is linked to our School Improvement Plan. Which is focused on learning skills and describes how teachers will help students develop skills using high quality instruction, share strategies that parents can use at home and explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress.
Image result for Jointly Developed with community______Jointly Developed
Parents, students and staff of Benjamin E. Mays High School developed this School Parent Compact for Achievement. Meetings are held each year to review the compact and make changes based on student needs. Parents are welcome to contribute comments at any time. If you would like to volunteer participate, or observe in the classroom, please contact Dr. W. J. Swain, II at 404-802-5148 or . Or visit our school’s website. /
A community breakfast will be held in the spring of the school year to express our appreciation to long standing partners and to establish relationships with new community partners. We look forward to collaborating with parents, via: Curriculum Nights, PTA Meetings, DOL (Demonstration of Learning) Nights, Parent Workshops and other organizations.
Communication About Student Learning Academic Achievement
Benjamin E. Mays High School is committed to two-way communication with families about student’s learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach you are:
  • Grade Level Curriculum Nights
  • Parent /Teacher Conferences
  • Phone calls and e-mails
  • One Mass Calling System
  • Social Media (Facebook & Twitter)
Do you have questions about your child’s progress? If so contact your child’s teacher by phone or e-mail address. Information can be found on school website. All parents have access to the Parent Portal with access to student grades. If you need to get your activation code, stop by the main office with your ID. If you need to use a computer, just stop by the parent center in room 1504.
/ C.L. Gideons Elementary
897Welch Street
Atlanta, GA 30310
/ Benjamin E. Mays High School
Image result for Mays high school Raiders Mascot
Revised October 18, 2016

District Goal
Mission Statement: The mission of Benjamin E.
Mays High School is to provide a secure and nurturing
environment that fosters students’ success, to develop interpersonal skills through real-world experiences, to promote the exchange of ideas through multiple
mediums, and to engage communities near and far.
School Goals for Student Achievement:
  • To provide additional support to Math and ELA teachers to increase critical thinking and analyzing skills 9-12.
  • To continue to develop Fine Arts CTAE Pathways.
  • To continue to increase the graduation rate.
  • To increase percentage of students scoring at proficient level in all content areas.
  • Increasing cultural proficiency and awareness for faculty and staff.

Teachers, Parents and Students

At School:
Mays will provide a high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables scholars to meet the high student academic achievement standards by:
Consistently promoting and providing high training sessions and outreach programs to ensure parents and community members play an integral and sustained role in assisting student learning. Introduce new math skills and concepts using authentic application problems so that students see relevance for learning. Assignments will be given that allow students to be able to connect math lessons to the real world
Hold parent-teacher conferences during the school year that
will discuss scholar’s achievement. Specifically, those
conferences will be held: upon request of the teacher (s),
parent(s), administration, or counselors. Provide parents
with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Specifically,
the school will provide parents with Progress Reports and
through the use of the Parent Portal.
Student Responsibilities:
All students of Mays High School are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that is appropriate to good citizenship. Student conduct shall be founded on the basic concept of respect, consideration for the rights of others, school policies, and applicable codes and laws.
Scholars would continue to attend school tutorial programs in Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies. We would utilize available resources sent home by the teacher to find answers to problems that are difficult and to practice math and science skills in preparation for End of Course Tests. /
At home…..
Parents of Benjamin E. Mays High School will help support academic success in many ways. A few ways are:
Parents are encouraged to provide input for student instruction, to serve on committees, to be active in parent led organizations, to participate in decision-making opportunities, and to provide teachers and other appropriate staff with relevant data about their children.
Encouraged parents to communicate with teachers on an ongoing basis through
 Parent-teacher conferences (held twice monthly)
 Use the signed compact as it relates to the individual child’s achievement;
 Provide feedback on their child’s progress reports; via email, hand written letter, or verbal communication.