Grade 8 Science and TechnologyName: ______

DUE DATE: Wednesday, May 20th (2D) or Thursday, May 21st (2C)

  1. Details and specifications of the project:

In teams of one, two or three, you must conceive and manufacture a small vehicle which has the following specifications:

  1. Your vehicle must move without the help of a motor, an electric source like a battery or by pushing it forwards.
  2. It must travel in a straight line on flat surface for longest distance possible.
  3. It must transport a golf ball which is held by the cap which is glued your bottle.
  4. It must move without any external help.
  1. Specification list:
  1. Material constraints:
  1. The body of the vehicle must be made using a plastic bottle 600 mL or less (ex. Vitamin Water, Coca-Cola, Gatorade, Naya, etc.)
  2. The cap of the bottle (upside down) will serve as a support for the golf ball. The ball cannot be glued to the cap.
  3. You may use any materials from list to create this vehicle.All other materials must be approved by your teacher.
  4. The vehicle must adhere enough to the floor to be able to roll on the flat surface without slipping.
  5. The vehicle must be light enough and strong enough to be easily handled.
  6. The wooden wheels can be modified, but must be used.
  7. The length of the wooden axles may be altered.
  1. Aesthetic constraints:
  1. The vehicle should have some appeal and attraction. (Your car can have a theme, like, a tiger, a monster, a dragon, a Lamborghini, etc.)
  2. The vehicle must have been constructed with care and precision.


Item / Dimensions / Quantity / Source
Popsicle sticks or chop sticks / Regular / unlimited / Student
Masking or Duct Tape / Any kind, size or color / unlimited / Student
String / Light weight / unlimited / Student
Styrofoam cups / Your choice of size / unlimited / Student
Plastic bottle / 600 mL or less / 1 / Student
Round wooded stick / Used as axels for car / 2 / Teacher
Foam and polyethylene boards / 2 / Teacher
Elastics / Different sizes / unlimited / Teacher
Straws and twist ties / Your choice of size / unlimited / Student
Wooden wheels / 4 / Teacher
Drill / 1 / Teacher
Hot glue gun and glue sticks / 1 / Student
Balloons / Any kind, size or color / unlimited / Student
Scissors / 1 / Student
Ruler and paper / 1 / Student
Pliers / 1 / Student

At least 4 periods will be given to work on this project. The rest will have to be done at home.

You must bring your materials for April 29th (2D) or April 30th (2C) in a small box (shoebox) with your names and homeroom clearly written on the box.

2 point penalty per piece lost (wheel or axle)