To all students auditioning for the Regional Arts Vocal Music Program at Mayfield Secondary School:

· Students will be required to perform the RCM selection provided by the school, Suo-Gan, for their audition. Accompaniment for this song can be downloaded from the school’s website.

· Students will be asked to prepare 1 piece of their own choice that shows the student’s highest capabilities which must be memorized (suggestions: music theatre, pop, classical, jazz). Students may not sing along with an artist’s recording.

· The applicant will be required to sight read a short piece of music given by the adjudicator.


1. The applicant will be required to sing the vocalize provided by the school acapella using the prescribed vowels.

2. The applicant will be required to sing exercises 1 and 2 to the vowels, ah, ay, ee, oh and oo.


5000 Mayfield Road

Caledon, Ontario L7C 0Z5

(905) 846-6060