LakeElsinore Unified School DistrictScience Pacing Guide –3rd Grade
Developed by Committee 9/10/09
Board Approved – April 15, 2010
Time Line / Topic / Standards / Vocabulary / ResourcesHoughton Mifflin
California Science
August to Mid-October
Test on OrangeInspect / Physical Science
Energy and Matter
1.0 Energy and matter have multiple forms and can be changed from one form to another.
Investigation and Experimentation
5.0 – Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations / 1.a – Students know energy comes from the Sun to Earth in the form of light.
1.b – Students know sources of stored energy take many forms, such as food, fuel, and batteries.
1.c - Students know machines and living things convert stored energy to motion and heat.
1.d- Students know energy can be carried from one place to another by waves, such as water waves and sound waves, by electric current, and by moving objects..
1.e - Students know matter has three forms: solid, liquid, and gas.
1.f - Students know evaporation and melting are changes that occur when the objects are heated.
1.g – Students know that when two or more substances are combined, a new substance may be formed with properties that are different from those of the original materials.
1.g - Students know that all matter is made of small particles called atoms, too small to see with the naked eye.
1.i - Students know people once thought that earth, wind, fire, and water were the basic elements that made up all matter. Science experiments show that there are more than 100 different types of atoms, which are presented on the periodic table.
5.d – Predict the outcome of a simple investigation and compare the result with the prediction.
5.a – Repeat observations to improve accuracy and know that the results of similar scientific investigations seldom turn out exactly the same because of differences in the things being investigated.
5.b – Differentiate evidence from opinion and know that scientists do not rely on claims or conclusions unless they are backed by observations that can be confirmed.
5.c – Use numerical data in describing and comparing objects, events, and measurements.
5.e – Collect data in an investigation and analyze those data to develop a logical conclusion. / Atom
Physical Change
Physical Property
Thermal Energy
Electric Circuit
Electric Current
Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy
Periodic table
Chemical Change
Chemical Property
Mixture / Unit D
Chapter 8
- Lesson 1 (1.a,1.b.5.d)
- Lesson 2 (1.b,1.c,)
- Lesson 3 (1.d,5.d)
- Lesson 4 (1.c,1.d,5.d)
Chapter 6
- Lesson 1 (1.e,1.h,5.d))
- Lesson 2 (1.e,5.d))
- Lesson 3 (1.e,1.f,5.c,5.d)
- Lesson 1 (1.h,1.i)
- Lesson 2 (1.g)
Directed Inquiry and Guided Inquiry investigations in every lesson.
LakeElsinore Unified School District Science Pacing Guide – 3rd Grade
Developed by Committee 9/10/09
Board Approval – April 15, 2010
Time Line / Topic/Concept / Standards / Vocabulary / Resources
Houghton Mifflin
California Science
October to December
Test on Green Inspect / Physical Science
2.0 Light has a source and travels in a direction.
Investigation and Experimentation
5.0 – Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations / 2.a – Students know sunlight can be blocked to create shadows.
2.b – Students know light is reflected from mirrors and other surfaces..
2.c – Students knowthe color of light striking an object affects the way the object is seen
2.d – Students knowan object is seen when light traveling from the object enters the eye.
3.c – Students know that soil is made partly from weathered rock and partly from organic materials and that soils differ in their color, texture, capacity to retain water, and ability to support the growth of many kinds of plants.
5.a – Repeat observations to improve accuracy and know that the results of similar scientific investigations seldom turn out exactly the same because of differences in the things being investigated.
5.b – Differentiate evidence from opinion and know that scientists do not rely on claims or conclusions unless they are backed by observations that can be confirmed.
5.e – Collect data in an investigation and analyze those data to develop a logical conclusion.
5.c – Use numerical data in describing and comparing objects, events, and measurements.
5.d– Predict the outcome of a simple investigation and compare the result with the prediction. / Absorb
Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy
Electric Circuit
Electric Current / Unit D:
Chapter 9
- Lesson 1 (2.a,2.d)
- Lesson 2 (2.b,2.d)
- Lesson 3 (2.c)
Directed Inquiry and Guided Inquiry investigations in every lesson.
LakeElsinore Unified School District Science Pacing Guide – 3rd Grade
Developed by Committee 9/10/09
Board Approval – April 15, 2010
Time Line / Topic / Standards / Vocabulary / ResourcesHoughton Mifflin
California Science
January to March
Test On Yellow Inspect / Life Science
3.0 Adaptations in physical structure or behavior may improve an organism’s chance for survival.
Investigation and Experimentation
5.0 – Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations / 3.a – Student knowplants and animals have structures that serve different functions in growth, survival, and reproduction.
3.b – Students know examples of diverse life forms in different environments such as oceans, deserts, tundra, forests, grasslands, and wetlands.
3.c – Students knowliving things cause changes in the environment in which they live: some of these changes are detrimental to the organism or other organisms, and some are beneficial.
3.d – Students knowwhen the environment changes, some plants and animals survive and reproduce; others die or move to new locations.
3.e – Students knowthat some kinds of organisms that once lived on Earth have completely disappeared and that some of those resembled others that are alive today.
5.b – Differentiate evidence from opinion and know that scientists do not rely on claims or conclusions unless they are backed by observations that can be confirmed.
5.e – Collect data in an investigation and analyze those data to develop a logical conclusion.
5.a – Repeat observations to improve accuracy and know that the results of similar scientific investigations seldom turn out exactly the same because of differences in the things being investigated.
5.c – Use numerical data in describing and comparing objects, events, and measurements.
5.d– Predict the outcome of a simple investigation and compare the result with the prediction. / Adaptation
Aquatic Habitat
Endangered Species
Extinct Species
Trait / Unit A:
Chapter 1
- Lesson 1 (3.a,3.b,5.e)
- Lesson 2 (3.a,3.b,5.b,5.e)
- Lesson 3 (3.a,3.b,5.e)
- Lesson 1 (3.c,3.d,5.e)
- Lesson 2 (3.c,3.d,5.e)
- Lesson 1 (3.d,3.e,5.e)
- Lesson 2 (3.e,5.b)
- Lesson 3 (3.e,5.b)
Directed Inquiry and Guided Inquiry investigations in every lesson.
LakeElsinore Unified School District Science Pacing Guide –3rd Grade
Developed by Committee 9/10/09
Board Approval – April 15, 2010
Time Line / Topic / Standards / Vocabulary / ResourcesHoughton Mifflin
California Science
March to Mid- May
Test On BlueInspect / Earth Science
4. 0 Objects in the sky move in regular and predictable patterns.
Investigation and Experimentation
5.0 – Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations / 4.a – Students knowthe patterns of stars stay the same, although they appear to move across the sky nightly, and different stars can be seen in different seasons..
4.b – Students knowthe way in which the Moon’s appearance changes during the four-week lunar cycle
4.c – Students knowtelescopes magnify the appearance of some distant objects in the sky, including the Moon and the planets. The number that can be seen through telescopes is dramatically greater than the number that can be seen by the unaided eye.
4.d – Students knowthat Earth is one of several planets that orbit the Sun and that the Moon orbits Earth.
4.e – Students knowthe position of the Sun in the sky changes during the course of the day and from season to season.
5.c – Use numerical data in describing and comparing objects, events, and measurements.
5.a – Repeat observations to improve accuracy and know that the results of similar scientific investigations seldom turn out exactly the same because of differences in the things being investigated.
5.b – Differentiate evidence from opinion and know that scientists do not rely on claims or conclusions unless they are backed by observations that can be confirmed.
5.d– Predict the outcome of a simple investigation and compare the result with the prediction.
5.e – Collect data in an investigation and analyze those data to develop a logical conclusion / Magnify
Inner Planets
Outer Planets
Solar System
Space Probe
Gas Giant
Crescent Moon
Waxing Moon
Quarter Moon
New Moon
Full Moon
Star / Unit B:
Chapter 4
- Lesson 1 (4.c)
- Lesson 2 (4.d)
- Lesson 3 (4.d)
- Lesson 4 (4.d,5.c)
- Lesson 1 (4.e,5.c)
- Lesson 2 (4.d,4.e)
- Lesson 3 (4.b)
- Lesson 4 (4.a)
Directed Inquiry and Guided Inquiry investigations in every lesson.