McKnight Hockey Association
Meeting Minutes
Date: October 10, 2012
Location: Thorncliffe/Greenview Community Association, Tweedview Room
Time: 7:00 pm-8:15 pm
Attending - Dave G., Ryan M., Greg W., Dennise R., Leslie G., Stacey F., Brad H., Srecko Z., Clyde B., Shannon Bentley, Susan Worthington, Mark Bjarnason, Danielle Temple
Approval of agenda
Nothing to add.
Evaluations/Team Placements
-Debriefing to take place in the next couple of weeks
-Recommendations: Goalie evaluators – need better qualifications, may need to consider hiring some in future
-Comments: Several regarding perceived collaboration amongst evaluators – care must be taken to avoid this
-Placements: Majority of players where they should be- consensus with Hockey Calgary
-Three appeals brought to the table, parties met last week – issues raised with goalie evaluations
-Change to McKnight policy wording needed re: finalizing of team placements prior to completion of appeals process
-No movements made
Coach Selection
-Greg to verify final coach list for all teams, will take to security officer to determine who still needs police clearance, follow up with Graham Terryberry
Coach Development/Mentorship
-Mandatory coaches meeting – October 15
-Details TBD – Srecko and Greg to touch base with Graham Terryberry re agenda (possible speaker?) and communicate to all coaches
-Lee Walkey volunteered his PeeWee team to work with Timbits during practice – Dave suggested using this as a pilot to see how it works, possibly roll out as an association-wide initiative going forward
-Nine applications so far – deadline Monday October 15
-Not known yet if extra ice needed – TBD over next few days
Silent Auction
-Saturday November 10 – all is running smoothly so far
-Only one team not participating (Midget 4?)
-Stacey contacted all associations requesting that no games be scheduled to conflict with this, just waiting now for schedules
-Liquor revenues to Thorncliffe as in past with the exception of donated wine (approximately 50 bottles, McKnight to keep revenue generated from this)
-Stacey still needs Midget players to run the bid room – will coordinate with Midget coaches on board
Timbits Ice Time
-Concern re allocation of early ice times (6:45/7:00am)
-Board decision in fall 2010 that only 1 early ice time/team/month, some teams are currently scheduled for more (consecutive weekends) and dealing with many parent complaints
-48/78 early ice times allotted to Timbits currently
-Greg/Dave to obtain ice schedule for the year and circulate to Dennise within next few days, if early ice is seen to be a problem over the year then will need to look at changing schedule so it is more in line with board decision. Official position to be addressed/documented at a later date via meeting/conference call - TBA.
-Atom applied for and were granted new jerseys through McDonald’s sponsorship – believed to be a continued sponsorship/new set of jerseys annually. Stacey asked if these could be used in both home/away games – yes as per Dave, on a game-by-game basis dependent on opponent (can’t be the same color or close to)
-Novice has received/is receiving some new equipment per Dennise (bags, hockey sticks, chest protectors, pads)
-Jerseys overdue for replacement – mismatched sizing/damage a big problem, coordinators are taking inventory to help determine priority
-Association is in process of allocating funds to jersey replacement
Hockey Calgary update
-President resigned 3 weeks ago, position filled by executive committee in the interim
-More push for operational input going forward
-Budget approval October 22 (Fall AGM)
Team Photos
-October 14 and 21st – schedule posted to website
Treasurer’s Report
-Per Stacey – 3 cheques have bounced (all FESP families)/in the process of following these up now, 2 postdates still outstanding
-Currently 2 accounts open – seeking to close one
-Christine passed books to Shannon L., still in transition phase – moving to automate practices going forward
-Shannon now making online e-transfer payments versus drafting cheques - Clyde addressed ensuring that there are two persons authorizing all transactions, as per Dave this is being done
-Advertisement cheques are coming in (Ryanco, Don’s Good Time Catering, Tuxedo)
-Tuxedo has sponsored a jersey raffle – prize is a set of jerseys for one team (valued at $1000), only 35 tickets will be sold (one per team) @ $100 each
Casino Update
-Dates: October 26/27 and November 7/8
-Volunteers: Early one fully booked, still needed 14 people at last count for November event
-Will receive funds in February
-Met with Tuxedo, they have sponsored jersey raffle in addition to other initiatives already offered (10% off merchandise for McKnight families, gift certificate top-ups – this info is posted on McKnight website under “Apparel” as per Stacey)
-Regarding jersey raffle – if winning team already has a third jersey, the value of the prize will be honored towards another team purchase
-Corporate sponsors – must get board approval before adding crests/logos to jerseys
-Lowes offers a corporate sponsorship initiative – Stacey to investigate further (Saints sponsored by Lowes last year)
-Note re jersey replacement – tender must be in by March to have jerseys in time for next season
Other Business
-Question raised regarding recognition for championship teams/finalists – there has not been anything done officially at the association level in the past, as per Dave G. the association is seeking to create a banner each year to be placed in each of our 3 arenas recognizing all champions/finalists for the season going forward. At the team level, further options can be pursued if a team chooses to do so at their expense.
-Stacey advised that she has coach development binders from Hockey Calgary now – to be shared amongst coaching staff as a resource
Meeting adjourned: 8:15 pm