Grade: 2nd Unit: 1 Block: A

Social practice of the language:Understand and use information about goods and services.

Specific competency with the language: Offer and understand suggestions in order to buy or sell a product.

Environment: Familiar and community.

Product: Goods catalogue.

1. Select the goods to be included in the catalogue. / Doing with the language:
  • Identify topic and purpose.
  • Identify sounds that reveal the location where a dialogue takes place.
  • Identify the relationship between speakers.
  • Detect rhythm, tone, speed, and intonation.
  • Activate previous knowledge to anticipate the general meaning and main ideas.
  • Identify terms that are similar to those in the mother tongue.
  • Identify ways to express suggestions.
  • Determine linguistic resources to link sentences together.
  • Detect expressions to argue or object.
  • Identify function of pauses, rhythm, and intonation.
  • Identify strategies to emphasize meaning (e.g., rephrasing, and adjusting volume/speed).
  • Formulate questions and answers to understand a dialogue.
  • Determine sequence of enunciation.
Knowing about the language:
  • Topic, purpose, and intended audience.
  • Contextual clues.
  • Structure of dialogues.
  • Repertoire of words necessary for this practice of the language.
  • Verbs: modals.
  • Verb forms: subjunctive.
  • Acoustic features.
  • Connectors.
  • Adjectives: qualifying, comparative, and compound.
  • Comparative structures (e.g., as…as…; like; more slowly, less quickly; the least…, the quickest).
  • Adverbs: of degree (e.g., very, too, and rather).
  • Sentence types.
Being through the language:
  • Show assertiveness when making decisions.
  • Foster courtesy in interpersonal relationships.
  • Anticipates the general meaning and the main ideas by listening to familiar expressions.
  • Identifies main ideas in oral exchanges.
  • Brainstorming.
  • Predicting.
  • Comprehension questions.
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2. Design the catalogue format and illustrate its products. / Doing with the language:
  • Include relevant details and interesting information.
Knowing about the language:
  • Contextual clues.
Being through the language:
  • Show assertiveness when making decisions.
  • Foster courtesy in interpersonal relationships.
  • Includes relevant information in the catalogue format and illustrations.
  • Poster.
  • Concept maps.
  • Hand organizer.
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3. Write suggestions about the products included in the catalogue. / Doing with the language:
  • Identify terms that are similar to those in the mother tongue.
  • Identify ways to express suggestions.
  • Determine linguistic resources to link sentences together.
  • Detect expressions to argue or object.
  • Formulate questions and answers to understand a dialogue.
  • Determine sequence of enunciation.
  • Produce expressions to argue or object to the purchase or selling of products.
  • Include relevant details and interesting information.
  • Use linguistic resources to link sentences.
  • Construct expressions to offer alternatives to suggestions.
Knowing about the language:
  • Contextual clues.
  • Structure of dialogues.
  • Repertoire of words necessary for this practice of the language.
  • Verbs: modals.
  • Verb forms: subjunctive.
  • Connectors.
  • Adjectives: qualifying, comparative, and compound.
  • Comparative structures (e.g., as…as…; like; more slowly, less quickly; the least…, the quickest).
  • Adverbs: of degree (e.g., very, too, and rather).
  • Sentence types.
Being through the language:
  • Show assertiveness when making decisions.
  • Foster courtesy in interpersonal relationships.
  • Produces expressions to argue or object.
  • Think aloud.
  • Self assessment.
  • Outline.
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4. Check that the suggestions comply with grammar, spelling and punctuation conventions. / Doing with the language:
  • Identify terms that are similar to those in the mother tongue.
  • Identify ways to express suggestions.
  • Determine linguistic resources to link sentences together.
  • Detect expressions to argue or object.
  • Formulate questions and answers to understand a dialogue.
  • Use linguistic resources to link sentences.
Knowing about the language:
  • Contextual clues.
  • Structure of dialogues.
  • Repertoire of words necessary for this practice of the language.
  • Verbs: modals.
  • Verb forms: subjunctive.
  • Connectors.
  • Adjectives: qualifying, comparative, and compound.
  • Comparative structures (e.g., as…as…; like; more slowly, less quickly; the least…, the quickest).
  • Adverbs: of degree (e.g., very, too, and rather).
  • Sentence types.
Being through the language:
  • Show assertiveness when making decisions.
  • Foster courtesy in interpersonal relationships.
  • Checks that the suggestions comply with grammar, spelling and punctuation conventions.
  • Writing skills rubric (accuracy and discourse organization)
  • Peer assessment.
  • Observation.
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5. Practice the enunciation of suggestions, using the catalogue as a guide. / Doing with the language:
  • Detect rhythm, tone, speed, and intonation.
  • Identify function of pauses, rhythm, and intonation.
  • Identify strategies to emphasize meaning (e.g., rephrasing, and adjusting volume/speed).
  • Formulate questions and answers to understand a dialogue.
  • Select and adjust verbal and non-verbal behaviors for a specific audience.
  • Use strategies to emphasize meaning.
  • Take on the role of the speaker to start a dialogue.
  • Seek confirmation of information in a dialogue.
Knowing about the language:
  • Acoustic features.
Being through the language:
  • Show assertiveness when making decisions.
  • Foster courtesy in interpersonal relationships.
  • Searches for confirmation in an oral exchange.
  • Adjusts tone, rhythm, and intonation in producing oral texts.
  • Individual presentations
(accurate meanings and letter sound links)
  • Reading skills rubric
(in groups) / 1
6. Present the catalogue to a previously selected audience. / Doing with the language:
  • Detect rhythm, tone, speed, and intonation.
  • Identify function of pauses, rhythm, and intonation.
  • Identify strategies to emphasize meaning (e.g., rephrasing, and adjusting volume/speed).
  • Formulate questions and answers to understand a dialogue.
  • Select and adjust verbal and non-verbal behaviors for a specific audience.
  • Use strategies to emphasize meaning.
  • Take on the role of the speaker to start a dialogue.
  • Seek confirmation of information in a dialogue.
Knowing about the language:
  • Acoustic features.
Being through the language:
  • Show assertiveness when making decisions.
  • Foster courtesy in interpersonal relationships.
  • Searches for confirmation in an oral exchange.
  • Adjusts tone, rhythm, and intonation in producing oral texts.
  • Group presentations.
  • Oral skills rubric
(language proficiency)
  • Product as a means of using the language.
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