Grade 1/ 2 Social Relationships Unit:
FranklinFriendship Unit
Lesson One: What is a good Friend?
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize the need for healthy personal relationships with members of their family, friends and others in the community
- Develop their interpersonal skills
- Value Friendship
Lesson 1 Overview:
- Read aloud ‘Franklins New Friend’
- After the story have a class discussion about Franklins decisions throughout the story.
- Discuss how Franklin was a good friend in the story and what times he was not a good friend
- As a class brainstorm brain storm using a the good friend and bad friend outlines this will brainstorm ‘things that a good friend does’ vs ‘things that a good friend does not do’
- Following the brainstorming activity students will use their knowledge of what a good friend is by completing the sentence: “I can be a good friend by_____’
- Students will also draw an illustration
Materials needed:
Franklins New Friend book
Chart paper/ marker
I can be a good friend worksheet
Lesson Two: Friendly Fishing Activity
Learning Objectives:
- Develop their interpersonal skills
- Reflect on what they know and feel about an issue
Lesson 2 Overview:
- As a class we will review friendly and unfriendly behaviours
- Students will participate in a class activity to discuss friendly and un friendly behaviours
- Each student will have catch a fish out of the fish pond and present the fish to the class
- As a class we will discuss if that is a friendly behaviour or an unfriendly behaviour
- We will sort the fish into the friendly pond and the unfriendly pond
- Students will then complete an assessment activity by colouring the happy or sad faces to show if they think the statement is a friendly behaviour or unfriendly
Materials needed:
- Friendly Fishing Game
- Friendly Fishing Worksheet
Lesson Three: My Feelings
Learning Objectives:
- Value themselves as Individuals
- Have confidence in their own feelings
- Gradually incorporate the vocabulary for expressing feelings for social interaction into their talk and writing
Lesson 3 Overview:
- Read aloud the story ‘Franklins Secret Club’
- Have a discussion about a time when they may have been left out and how that made them feel.
- Brainstorm feelings that we may feel from being left out
- Discuss with the students how there are many situations in our lives that make us feel different feelings such as happy, sad, angry ect
- I will use posters to show the different feelings and as a class we will brainstorm things that make us feel that way
- The students will get to create their own book of feelings to start exploring what situations make them feel different feelings
- I will complete a booklet prior to the class to read as an example
- Brainstorm to get students going if necessary
Materials Needed:
- Franklins Secret Club book
- Feelings Booklet template
Lesson Four: Continuation to Lesson 3
Lesson Five: Cooperation and Communication
Learning Objectives:
- Gradually incorporate the vocabulary for expressing feelings and for social interaction into their talk and writing
- Develop their Interpersonal Skills
- Increasingly accept responsibility for themselves and others
Lesson 5 Overview:
- Video of Franklin Plays the Game
- Have a discussion about the story and talk about what made their team successful
- Have a discussion about different teams that the students may be on and what it is like to be on a team
- Discuss rules about working together and being part of a team. Create our own rules about working in groups and the roles of students in a group
- Review what it looks like and sounds like when working together
- Students will participate in a cooperative tan gram activity where they work together to build puzzles
- Students will rotate through the different puzzle activities
- Students will then share how their group worked together and shared the pieces of the puzzles
- Have students reflect on their puzzle activity by doing a class evaluation using smiley faces ex) I worked well with my partner or
Materials Needed:
- Franklin Plays the Game story or video
- Tan gram activity
Lesson Six: Friendship and Honesty
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize the need for healthy personal relationships with members of their family, friends and others in the community
- Develop their intrapersonal skills
- Increasingly accept responsibility for themselves and others
- Value themselves as individuals
Lesson 6 Overview:
- Read aloud the story Franklin Fibs
- Have a discussion about why Franklin Fibbed and why that is wrong
- Students will participate in an activity to demonstrate why it is important to tell the truth
- In the hallway I will have a bucket of water with a loonie at the bottom of the bucket. The loonie represents a lie that someone has told. Each student will have a penny and each penny represents a fib that that person tells to try and cover up the lie. The students will each throw their penny into the bucket trying to cover up the lie at the bottom of the bucket with their fib. The students will find that it is impossible to get rid of a lie by telling fibs. After all of the students have thrown their penny into the bucket I will cover the lie and fibs up with a paper that says the truth. Demonstrating the only way to get rid of a lie is to tell the truth
- We will then go into the classroom and we will sing a song called T-R-U-T-H in the tune of Bingo
Materials Needed:
- Franklin Fibs book
- Bucket of water
- Loonie and pennies for each student
- T-R-U-T-H song
Lesson Seven: Treating our Friends with Respect
Learning Objectives:
- Students will develop their interpersonal Skills
- Recognize the need for healthy personal relationships with members of their family, friends and others in the community
- Gradually incorporate the vocabulary for expressing feelings and for social interaction into their talk and writing
Lesson 7 Overview:
- Read aloud the story Franklin is Bossy
- Read the story up until the point where Franklin leaves his friends then stop
- At this time discuss with the students what Franklin is doing wrong to his friends
- Talk about what we would feel like if we were one of Franklins friends
- Brainstorm ideas of how Franklin could be a better friend
- Students will participate in dramatization to demonstrate ways of being a good friend and to show what it is like to not be a good friend
Materials Needed:
Book Franklin is Bossy
Pre made drama situations
Lesson Eight: Supporting our Friends
Learning Objectives:
- Develop interpersonal skills
- Develop their ability to communicate their knowledge about health to their friends, family and community
- Recognize that family and friends are sources of support
Lesson 8 Overview:
- Read aloud the story Franklins Bad Day
- Discuss why Franklin was having a bad day
- Talk about how Franklin was cheered up and how we can support our friends to help them have a better day when they are having a bad day
- Brainstorm a list of things that we could do to cheer up a friend that is down
- Students will participate in creating a class recipe to cheer up a friend
- Students will then participate in singing the song ‘Friendship Brew’
Lesson Nine: Friendship Poem
Learning Objectives:
- Connect what they already know with what they are learning
- Value friendship
- Recognize that family and friends are sources for support
Lesson 9 Overview:
- Students will be working cooperatively to create an acrostic poem about Friends
- Students will be split into 7 groups. Each group will have a letter of the poem
- The groups will brainstorm words that start with their letter that have to do with friendship
- As a class we will collect all of the words and write them on chart paper
- Students will in small groups create their own Friends poem by selecting words from the chart to complete their poem
Materials Needed:
- Chart paper
- Acrostic poem activity
Lesson Ten: Friendship Celebration
- We will create a class mural using the tracing of our hands to show that we have mastered friendship.
- The mural will be called ‘The Hands of Friendship’