ltc 62/11-12
University of Bradford
Learning and Teaching committee
Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th February 2012
Present: / Ms S Congdon (Chairperson), Ms J Beaumont, Ms J Beaumont, Ms A Carass, Ms R Colley, Dr M Cox, Ms A Darnbrough, Dr C Dearnley, Professor P Hopkinson, Ms G Hudson, Mr P Hughes, Dr K Hussain, Dr A Konstadopoulou, Mr P Lassey, Professor N Lindsey, Ms S Marsh, Dr A Mdee, Ms C Moran, Dr I Palmer, Professor D Pankhurst, Dr J Pansini-Murrell, Dr D Potts, Mr D WardApologies: / Professor G Bradshaw, Dr R Clarke, Dr R Espindola, Mr I Faghmaus, Professor C Gale, Mrs R Girdham, Dr B Lucas, Ms N Mirza, Dr P Morgan, Professor J Purvis
In Attendance: / Ms L Beebe and Ms L Baxter (for the presentation), Ms J Coates (for agenda items 9.5 11-12), Ms J Hodgson and Ms A Wilson (for agenda items 9.2/3 11-12), Ms J Lindsey, Mr D Smith, Professor B Winn
Before proceeding to the business of the meeting, a presentation was given by Ms J Beaumont, Academic Quality Unit, on the new QAAHE Quality Code
25.11-12 Declaration of Interest
Noted: that no declarations of interest were received.
26.11-12 Minutes of Previous Meeting held 2nd November 2011
Received: Documents LTC 37/11-12
Resolved: that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as a correct record, subject to the recording of the correct title of Dr J Pansini-Murrell under the list of those present.
27.11-12 Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes
27.1 Membership & Terms of Reference of Learning and Teaching Committee and Sub-Committees (Document LTC 38/11-12)
27.1.1 that there had been a meeting to consider and revise the Membership and Terms of Reference of the Learning and Teaching Committee. Minor amendments were proposed to better reflect the remit and expertise required of the membership of the Committee. These had been undertaken, however, in the context of the wider institutional review of committees which was currently taking place and further revisions might be deemed necessary when this review had been completed.
27.1.2 that it was important to ensure that all committees were clear about the extent of their delegated powers and that reporting lines reflected this.
27.1.3 that the Fees, Bursaries and Scholarships Sub-Committee would no longer report to the Learning and Teaching Committee but direct to the Academic Strategy and Policy Committee.
27.1.4 that the Academic Partnerships Sub-Committee would, in future, be chaired by Professor B Winn (Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)).
Recommended to the Senate: that the Membership and Terms of Reference of the Learning and Teaching Committee for the 2011/12 academic year be approved.
27.2 Policy on Student Behaviour (Oral Report)
27.2.1 that the revised policy had now been signed-off on Chairs Action and would be made available on the ADU website. Ms A Carass, AQU, would formally notify Schools of the new policy.
27.2.2 the discussion regarding the quality of published information and whose responsibility this should be. It was agreed that there should be a complete list of University Policies available on the Web and it was noted that Ms A Carass was working to provide a Directory of Policies which had been approved through the Learning and Teaching Committee. This would appear on the AQU website, with links to other areas as appropriate, but would not, however, provide a full record of all University policies.
Resolved: that this issue be pursued further outside the meeting, in liaison with the University Secretary, who had overall responsibility for Governance.
27.3 Plagiarism Working Group
Noted: that the Working Group established to develop a University-wide approach to the prevention of plagiarism had met and it was anticipated that a report would be available at the next meeting.
28.11-12 Chairpersons’ Action
Received: Document LTC 39/11-12
29.11-12 Chairs’ Business
29.1 Review of LTC Business/Outstanding Actions 2011/12 – Update
Received: Document LTC 40/11-12
Resolved: that the outstanding action relating to the QAAHE Code of Practice for Work-based and Placement Learning be incorporated into the work being undertaken by the Employability Task Group. Ms S Marsh/Ms J Beaumont to progress.
29.2 Standard University Forms (Oral Report)
29.2.1 that a common Module Review form had now been agreed but was not yet available as a web-based version.
29.2.2 that a common form to be used for Extenuating Circumstances had also been agreed and was in the process of being converted into a web-based format.
Resolved: that the Secretary liaise with Ms C Gibbons to progress this issue and that Schools supply contact names to the same, so that details for use of the Extenuating Circumstances web form could be sent to them.
29.3 Student Working Hours Policy (Oral Report)
Noted: that work was in progress on the production of a Student Working Hours Policy.
29.4 Meeting of the Fees, Bursaries and Scholarships Sub-Committee held 7th November 2011
Received: Document LTC 41/11-12
30.11-12 Report of Business Relating to Course Approval and Review
Received: Document LTC 42/11-12
30.1 CART for School of Lifelong Education and Development
30.1.1 Meeting held 24th October 2011 New Course Proposal: Foundation Degree Science Leadership and Management for Retail (with Wm Morrison Supermarkets (PLC)
Resolved: that the Foundation Degree in Science Leadership and Management for Retail (with Wm Morrison Supermarkets (PLC),
including the new modules as specified, be approved for delivery from January 2012, subject to the requirements of the CART and agreement of the contract. Phase 1 approval had now been given.
30.1.2 Meeting held 18th January 2012 New Course Proposal: Certificate of Continuing Education Connecting Community Neighbourhoods
Resolved: that the Certificate of Continuing Education in Connecting Community Neighbourhoods and new module as specified, be approved for delivery from February 2012, subject to the requirements of the CART and approval at Phase 1.
31.11-12 Academic Development
31.1 Implementation of the Bradford Offer
31.1.1 Structure of Academic Year
Received: Document LTC 43/11-12
Noted: the above document, as outlined by Dr I Palmer, Dean of SCIM, which had been discussed at the meeting of the Academic Strategy and Performance Committee on 8th February 2012. that discussions would be held with Schools/Directorates during the next month to record issues and identify resource requirements to facilitate a move to Option A for either the 2012/13 or 2013/14 academic year. that a final recommendation would be made to the Senate in March 2012. that the issue of resources was crucial as the University needed to ensure that it did not expose itself to unacceptable risks around delivering the preferred Option. the query as to the what the minimum notification would be to students of the requirement to undertake supplementary assessment in July. the challenges of marking within the 4 week feedback deadline. the need to reduce the assessment burden on both students and staff. the need to develop alternative methods of assessment and marking as part of the new curriculum framework.
31.1.2 LTA Strategy and Curriculum Framework
Received: Document LTC 44/11-12
Noted: the above document, as outlined by Mr P Hughes, CED, which had also been received by the Academic Strategy and Performance Committee on 8th February 2012. that it provided an update on the development of the curriculum principles and teaching philosophy for all taught provision, both undergraduate and postgraduate. that the comments of colleagues were welcomed to feed into on-going discussions with a view to a final version being submitted to the Learning and Teaching Committee in May 2012.
31.1.3 Draft Employability Strategy
Received: Document LTC 45/11-12
Noted: the above document, as outlined by Ms J Beaumont, Head of Careers and Employability. that the draft strategy had been produced as a consultative document which had been presented to the Employability Task Group in December 2011 and to the Academic Strategy and Performance Committee in January 2012. that the current draft had been produced from a review of feedback received through the consultation process, which had generally been positive and supportive. that a wider range of employer feedback on the proposed strategy should be sought, as a matter of urgency. This might be done via Professional Bodies, School Advisory Boards or through the scheduled Careers day in March 2012 at which 33 employers would be in attendance.
Resolved: that a small group meet to discuss employer engagement and the concerns raised by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) regarding following: the use of the phrase ‘Bradford Talent’; the need to set employability targets for Schools, against national benchmarks; the amount of support available to Schools, which would vary according to particular needs; and precisely how much employability should be embedded at programme level and by whom.
31.1.4 Student Charter
Received: Document LTC 46/11-12
Noted: the above document, as outlined by Ms R Colley, Dean of Students. that this was a draft which was currently out to consultation via the student representative system and within the University. It had been very positively received by the UBU and was under consideration by the Student Offer Working Group. that the views of colleagues were welcomed and any feedback to be with Ms Colley by the end of February 2012, with a view to the final version being submitted to the Senate in March 2012. that advice be sought from the Director of Legal Services regarding how far the student charter might be deemed a legal contract.
31.2 Planning Processes, Academic Review, Assurance and Enhancement Planning
Received: Documents LTC 47/11-12 (Two documents, one tabled)
31.2.1 the update on the proposed Annual Planning Process (tabled) considered by the Academic Strategy and Performance Committee in November 2011. The document outlined how a number of review activities would come together in the early part of the calendar year to provide assurance on the quality of taught awards for the 2010/11 academic year; provide reports to the Learning and Teaching Committee, to inform Senate and Council of key plans for the enhancement of taught programmes and to inform the University’s overall Annual Planning process.
31.2.2 the second paper outlining the Terms of Reference, Membership, Timetable, Working Method and Proposed Schedule for the Review of all Academic areas to be undertaken by March 2012.
32.11-12 Student Experience
32.1 Prayer Breaks During Assessment and Learning Activities
Received: Document LTC 48/11-12
32.1.1 the above document, as outlined by Ms R Colley, Dean of Students.
32.1.2 that the proposed policy had been produced to avoid inconsistencies in practice whilst continuing to promote inclusive learning, teaching and assessment strategies.
32.1.3 that the policy would be made available on the web, as appropriate, and Schools notified to ensure consistency across the institution.
Recommended to the Senate:
32.1.4 that students are not permitted to leave a scheduled learning or assessment activity in order to pray. Advice from local Imams and practice from around the UK HE sector suggests that students should pray before and after the scheduled activity rather than interrupting the activity in order to pray.
32.1.5 that the University continue to observe the suspension of scheduling learning and assessment activities during the Friday prayer timeslot.
32.2 UBU Issues (Oral Report)
Noted: that the following issues had been raised by students:
32.2.1 the poor quality of scripts in the recent examinations, in particular, those from Life Sciences. This was being addressed by the Dean of Students in liaison with the School.
32.2.2 the concerns about student safety in the Library.
32.3 Induction Survey Report
Received: Documents LTC 32/62 11-12
32.3.1 the above documents, as outlined by Ms R Colley, Dean of Students, for information.
32.3.2 the Executive Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations to be considered.
32.3.3 that expectations relating to Student Induction, for implementation from the 2012/12 academic year, would be submitted to the final meeting of the Learning and Teaching Committee in May 2012. These would be discussed with Associate Deans (Learning and Teaching) prior to this.
32.4 Student Experience Research – Update (Document LTC 33/11-12)
Noted: that there had never been a document attaching to this item which had been included in error on the agenda.
32.5 Using Student Feedback Effectively
32.5.1 that Document LTC 49/11-12 was not yet available and that an oral update was given by the Dean of Students.
32.5.2 that sufficient qualitative feedback from students was not being received and that systems for delivering this were not as effective as they might be. A Task and Finish Group had been established, led by the Dean of Students, to investigate how feedback was obtained and what use was made of it once it had been obtained. This would report its findings and recommendations to the Learning and Teaching Committee in due course.
33.11-12 Quality Assurance and Standards
33.1 Previous Audit Action Plans
Received: Document LTC 50/11-12
33.1.1 the above document, as outlined by Ms J Beaumont, AQU.
33.1.2 that the document summarised the present position on action plans from the QAA Audits held in 2006, 2007 and 2009 and made proposals relating to the latter.
Resolved: that the actions taken and recommendations contained in the document regarding closure of outstanding actions be approved.
33.2 Collaborative Provision Audit
33.2.1 Annual Monitoring Reports (Oral Report)
Noted: that Annual Monitoring and Review Team meeting were being held during January/February to consider all Collaborative provision programmes and were currently in the process of giving feedback to Schools. A report, with Action Plans from Schools, would be made to the Learning and Teaching Committee at their meeting to consider the AMR process covering the 2010/11 academic year. This had now been re-arranged for Wednesday 13th June 2012 (formerly 2nd May 2012) to enable the findings of the Academic Review to be taken into consideration.
33.2.2 Partnerships Strategy
Received: Document LTC 51/11-12
Noted: that the document had been considered and approved at the last meeting of the Senate.
33.2.3 Collaborative Provision Audit Action Plan