December 13, 2013


Attendees: Joe Hornak, Don Wilson, Hans-Peter Bischof, Chris Licata, Hrushikesh Sagar, Hector Flores, Tom Trabold, Deanna Jacobs, Carol DeFilippo, John McCluskey, Jim Perkins, Andreas Savakis, Linda Underhill

Excused: Marla Schweppe, Jayanti Venkataraman

Scheduled Topic of discussion:

Meeting begins: 10:05 a.m.

Adam Smith provided an overview of proposed advanced certificate in User Experience, Design and Development

User Experience Design for Tablet, Phone and Alternative device Demand

1.  Created 3 courses designed as part of certificate

o  Course #1 User Interface Design

o  Course #2 User Experience Design

1.  These courses represent heart of certificate

2.  Based on what is done in industry today

o  Course #3 Interaction Design and Development

1.  Most demanded course on campus now - - focuses on intro to web technology

o  Course #4 Open elective: soft skills to support core skills

2.  Delivery and Timing Considerations

o  Looked at 3 things in course design: Experience, Content and Outcomes

1.  Experience

a.  6 hours of synchronous to asynchronous

b.  Some unknowns

c.  Three hours asynchronous lectures

d.  5 hour lab time – why and what?

o  Provide students with examples reinforcing concepts/theory

o  Homework following lab

2.  Content

a.  Will experiment with ways to make interactive and use analytics to enhance delivery methods

b.  Core content already exists. Reworking it in 2 ways

o  Student population from Business, Marketing, Engineering move from production based to research and analysis with production applied to it

o  Delivery changing

3.  Outcomes

a.  Outcomes altered from on-campus courses to looking at overall analyses and implementation using visual solution e.g., written solution, research summaries versus products (used on-line)

3.  Resource Management

o  Year 1 – Can only offer 1 course at a time (sequential)

o  Seed funds only allow this

o  Free elective is 2nd course gives time to develop and refine

o  Year 2 – Revenue sharing (Business Model) used

o  May allow offering courses concurrently

o  Note: Plan to leverage qualified alums as instructors for course

Carol D.: asked about demand and is this new content or existing content

·  AS – Existing content is used

·  TH – Market analysis – huge

·  AS – Material delivered in on-line environment being done by other institutions and organizations

·  CL – How will students be informed about expected hours of effort (2 + 5) plus homework?

·  AS – Will provide guidance to students ahead of time

·  HF – How many applicants

·  TH – 12 – projected on conservative side

·  CF – How will students be evaluated?

·  AS – Use test taking tools/plagiarism software, discussions, critiquing, process work and documentation on how you arrive at final solution. Writing and test – the studio will leverage these tools

·  HP – Why moving Bridge Courses and move into certificate?

·  AS – Not a bridge course

·  HF – What is break even # in terms of running courses

·  AS – 10

·  AS – Courses will be open electives to all on-line students

·  JN – Are courses restricted to only on-line students?

·  AS – Yes, not open to on-campus students

·  HP – How many on-line programs

·  NH – 350 difficult to get a handle on

·  JH – Which graduate programs can certificate apply to (based on Program Chair approval)

·  AS – MS, Professional Studies through CIAS

o  CIAS: Visual Communications (2 tracks)

o  Golisano: HCI

o  SCB: Project Management

·  JP – Worth advertising other possible non-on-line programs

·  AS/NH – Yes. We thought students would only be wanting on-line program

Vote Taken:

15 in favor

0 opposed

0 abstentions