UK University Research Ethics Committees Forum
Meeting held on Tuesday 18th June 2013, 11:00, at King’s College London
Tony Agathangelou, Regents University London
David Anderson-Ford, Brunel University
Stephanie Allison, IOE
Roger Bone, Canterbury Christ Church University
Anna Brooke, University of Bristol
Lorna Carter, CUREC University of Oxford
Lucy Caton, Forum Organiser, King’s College London
Sue Cottam, University of Birmingham
Hazel Covill, Queen Mary, University of London
Eccy De Jonye, St George’s University
Helen Dougal, University College London
Angus Duncan, University of Bedfordshire
Bridget Egan, University of Winchester
Catherine Fieulleteau, King’s College London
Julie Kent, University of the West of England
Richard Kwiatkowski, Cranfield University
Nicola Leighton, Keele University
Ann Macaskill, Sheffield Hallam University
Jackie Maul, AREC
John Oates, Open University
Bob Odle, University of Westminster
Beverley Pascoe, Anglia Ruskin University
Anna Ramberg, City University
Andrew Rawnsley, Teesside University
Gella Richards, Roehampton University
Roy Sinclair, University of Surrey
Timothy Stibbs, AREC - UREC Sector Committee Chairman, Manchester University
Zoe Stockdale, Loughborough University
Gillian Tallents, University of Bristol
Birgit Whitman, Chair, University of Bristol
1. Introductions
Those who had not previously attended were welcomed.
2. Notes of the meeting held on Tuesday 29th January 2013
2.1. The notes were approved as a true record.
3. Matters Arising not covered elsewhere in the agenda
3.1. It had been reported at the last meeting that a working group from the Academy for the Social Sciences (AcSS) had been successful in receiving funding for a proposal to run three symposia to develop a common set of principles and supporting value positions to serve as a unifying framework for ethical practice across the range of UK social sciences. Recordings of these symposia were being analysed and made available on the AcSS website. Plans for future action include a close collaboration with AREC, UKRIO and the UUK working group for the Concordat.
4. Association of Research Ethics Committees (AREC) update
4.1. It was reported that the AREC Subcommittee were focusing on the Framework and how to take it forward.
4.2. A need was identified for AREC to review its strategy due to the changes in the NRES structure and collaboration with the HRA.
5. Watching Briefs
5.1. Human Tissue Act
There was nothing to report.
5.2. Concordat to Support Research Integrity
It was reported that there was a meeting coming up to discuss what the next steps were: this would involve UUK, UKRIO and other key stakeholders. It was noted that at present an official UUK implementation plan was not available and Universities would adopt it in different ways appropriate to their institution for example by developing CPD resources, drawing up action plans and identifying areas for improvement.
5.3. Working in Collaboration with the Health Research Authority (Jackie Maull)
It was reported that although the HRA was not funding AREC membership, the relationship was still positive and NHS member still sat on AREC Council. It has been agreed that the HRA will fund a joint training venture between AREC and the HRA by running joint training workshops covering topics such as “completing an NRES form” and “what RECs look for in an application”. These workshops were in development and will take place at venues across the UK.
5.4. What has been the major issue in your institution since January 2013?
It was reported that a Concordat on Openness on Animal Researchwas in development:
6. Any Other Business
There were no items of any other business
7. Discussion session: Draft of the ‘Quality Assurance Framework for University Research Ethics Committees’
- Background and development, Tim Stibbs (AREC Council member)
- Plans for roll out, Jackie Maull Chief (Executive Officer AREC)
- The following points from the discussion were to be taken forward by the AREC University Development Group:
The forum was supportive of the framework development and the following points should be considered during the final revision:
· Breadth of research in institutions
· Checklist to cover all types of research
· Build in the need for SOP / policy review on a regular basis
· The importance of training for members including lay members and possible to delivery via AREC
· Foreword to be clearer about the aims of the document
· NRES should not be seen as ‘gold standard’
· Include something about the need for a transparent but confidential university ethics structure, the scope of committees and tease out the relationship between ethics and governance
· Aim for consistency in the language
8. Dates of Future Meetings:
11am on Tuesday 29th October 2013 at King’s College London
11am on Tuesday 28th January 2014 at King’s College London
11am on Tuesday 24th June 2014 at King’s College London
To find out more information about:
§ UK URECs Forum please email .
§ Association of Research Ethics Committees (AREC) enquiries, please email
It would be helpful if any changes in University REC contact information could be sent to all.
All minutes, presentations (with permission) and meeting dates are published on the Forum webpages hosted by King’s College London:
Lucy Caton, June 2013