Grace Lutheran Church

Council Meeting

April 19th, 2016

1)  Call to Order

Pastor Sally (X) Pam Long (X) Cheryl Stimac (X) Heather Aro (X)

Rebecca Frost (X) Dave Aro (X) Katie Bridgers (X) Chris Bohjanen (X)

Laurie Aho Treasurer (X)


2)  Dwelling in the word ~ Rebecca Frost

3)  Approve Agenda ~ agenda approved with the addition of AA rent under new business

4)  Approve March 15th minutes ~ approved as printed and to be filed.

5)  Correspondence ~ a thank you from the NGLS for the ad campaign money; request from NGLS for Answer The Call Sunday, this will be sent to the Stewardship Committee; a letter from Superior Water Shed regarding Earth Keepers.

6)  Reports

a.  Pastor’s report ~ report to be filed, on another note Pastor Sally requested reimbursement for ½ the amount of her eye glasses and exam which would be about $100.00. Council approved.

b.  Treasurer’s report ~ to be filed. Council approved to put the “road work fund” of $5,500.00 into current. This money was paid to Grace from MDOT when they redid the highway.

c.  Committee reports

i. Pole Barn Agreement Task Force ~ the new wording is approved. Adding this wording into the agreement and bring back to council in May for approval.

ii.  Christian Education ~ to be filed.

iii.  Worship and Music ~ to be filed.

iv.  Stewardship ~ to be filed.

v.  Mutual Ministry ~ to be filed.

7)  Unfinished Business

a.  Gift Acceptance Policy ~ Memorial gift policy will change to “Memorial and Other Gifts” andwordingchanges concerning non-cash giftsincorporated into the policy which will bebrought back to council for approval in May.

8)  New Business

a.  Nominating Committee ~ Sally will be asking for volunteers to be on the nominating committee during announcements this coming Sunday, April 24th.

b.  Congregational Meeting ~ Pam will open the meeting, followed by Sally. Mike Gaunt will than facilitate the meeting. Katie will make copies of the last five months of income and expenses sheet to be handed out at the meeting for the congregation.

c.  AA Rent ~ AA has requested their rent of $40.00 per month to be lowered to possibly $20.00 per month. They cannot afford the current rate. Council approved that AA rent to be a free monthly rate and pay only a free will donation if they can.

9)  Announcements

a.  Congregational Meeting Sunday, April 24th

b.  Rummage sale Saturday, April 30th from 9am to 12noon.

c.  Sally out of office from May 2nd through May 9th.

d.  Church Music Sunday, May 8th

e.  Synod Assembly Friday, May 13th and Saturday, May 14th.

f.  Confirmation and 3rd grade bibles May 15th

10)  Closing

a.  Next council meeting: Joint meeting on Monday, May 16th at First Lutheran

b.  Coffee: First Lutheran Dwelling in the word: Sally

c.  Adjournment