Grace Bible Institute

And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses,

entrust to faithful menwho will be able to teach others also

(2 Timothy 2:2)


Expository Preaching I

Fall 2014


  • (813) 317-0625
  • 12101 North 56th Street. Tampa, 33617.


  • Throughout history, God has used His spokesmen, the OT prophets, Jesus Christ, the NT apostles, and present-day preachers, to articulate God’s message to the people. We will begin to study the noteworthy preachers of history in this course to help the student formulate an understanding of Biblical preaching.
  • This course will also instruct the student in the fundamentals of sermon preparation and effective communication of that message. Attention will be given to preparing the heart, selecting the approach, interpreting the text, and delivering the sermon.
  • This course will also expose and train the student in developing the various constituent parts of the sermon, such as the introduction, conclusion, illustrations, and implications of the text.


  • The student should have a basic knowledge of noteworthy preachers in History.
  • The student should have a basic grasp of what expository preaching is.
  • The student should be able to craft a basic,Biblical exposition of approximately 30-45 minutes in length.


A.Classroom Participation (10%) -- Classroom participation and attendance is very important. We will have discussions in the class over the reading, assignments, and class notes. Missing three or more classes will make it impossible for a student to get an A in the course.

B.Weekly Reading (20%) – There will be weekly reading assignments from Scripture, articles, and Preaching: How to Preach Biblically by John MacArthur. There will be partial credit, so read as much as you can before each class each week.

C.Initial Block Diagram (20%) – The student will prepare a block diagram that will be due October 11th on the passage assigned in Hermeneutics. Pastor Mike will cover the basics for making a block diagram before this assignment is due.

D.Homiletical Outline (20%) – The student will prepare a Homiletical diagram that will be due November 22ndon the passage assigned in Hermeneutics class. This outline will include a proposed proposition statement, main points, and the transition statements. Pastor Mike will cover the basics for making a homiletical diagram before this assignment is due.

E.Final Sermon (30%) – The student will prepare a sermon manuscript that will be dueDecember 16th. It must include all the major parts of an expository sermon: An introduction, a plural noun proposition statement, a clear, understandable, and exegetically accurate homiletical outline, illustrations, cross references, application/implications, and a conclusion. This will be read and graded by both Pastor Mark and Pastor Mike.


Week / Date / Topic / Assignment
1 / Sept 6 / Introduction
2 / Sept 13 / Exodus 20 – Chapter 1 Rediscovering Expository Preaching
3 / Sept 20 / Exodus 34 – Chapter 3 The History of Expository Preaching
4 / Sept 27 / Nehemiah 8 – J.C. Ryle: Why Were Our Reformers Burned?
5 / Oct 4 / Psalm 19 – Chapter 4 The Priority of Prayer and Expository Preaching
6 / Oct 11 / John 1:1-18 – Read the Article: What is Expository Preaching? –Initial Block Diagram due
7 / Oct 18 / No class, but there are still reading assignments for the week  / Matthew 5-7 – Read Brothers, We are Not Professionals (Ch 1 only)
8 / Oct 25 / Acts 8 – Read Simplicity in Preaching by JC Ryle
9 / Nov 1 / 2 Timothy 1 – Read Chapter 11 A Study Method for Expository Preaching
10 / Nov 8 / 2 Timothy 2 – Read Chapter 12 Central Ideas, Outlines, and Titles
11 / Nov 15 / 2 Timothy 3 – Read Chapter 13 Introductions, Illustrations, and Conclusions
12 / Nov 22 / 2 Timothy 4 – Read Chapter 16 Moving from Exegesis to Exposition – Homelitical Outline due
13 / Nov 29 / No Class for Thanksgiving
14 / Dec 6 / Greek Exam only / The Final Sermon is Due December 16th


A.Preaching: How to Preach Biblically by John MacArthur and The Master’s Seminary Faculty. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc. 2005.

B.There will be various articles included in the course notes that must be read during the assigned weeks.

C.New American Standard Bible. The Lockman Foundation, 1995.

D.Each student will have a passage to research and complete various projects on for in both Hermeneutics and Expository Preaching I. The student will be required to research various commentaries on his passage. In the final sermon, the student will also provide a works cited page for all the commentaries and other theological resources used.


  • The lectures are an integral part of the learning experience. It isduring this time the teacher and students get to cooperatively interact with the material. The classroom participation part of the grade will be directly tied to attendance. Missing a class means the student will automatically loose one half of the participation grade. Two classes missed and the participation grade is zero. This does not mean the student cannot still pass the class; however, it means they cannot make an A. Missing four classes automatically means the best a student can make is a C in the class.