Governor’s Task Force on Broadband

July 21, 2016

Minnesota Senate Office Building-Room 2308

95 University Avenue West

St. Paul, MN 55155

10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Task Force Members present: Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Hannah Buckland, Denise Dittrich, Kevin Hansen, Shannon Heim, Bernadine Joselyn, Steve Lewsader, Don Niles, Jody Reisch, Dan Richter, Andy Schriner, Dick Sjoberg

Task Force Members participating by telephone: Maureen Ideker, Neela Mollgaard

Task Force Members absent: Paul Weirtz

Others in attendance: Bill Blackwell, Valerie Bruggeman, Joel Carlson, Tim Fenske, Tim Johnson, Jane Leonard, Danna MacKenzie, Bree Maki, Emily Pugh, David Thao, Ann Treacy, Diane Wells, Curtis Zaun, Laura Ziegler

I.  Welcome

Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Chair, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. Task Force members and others in attendance introduced themselves. The minutes of the June 15, 2016 meeting were approved.

II.  Update from the Office of Broadband Development (OBD)

Danna MacKenzie, Executive Director of the OBD, provided an update on the work of the office and introduced David Thao who is new to the OBD team. Jane Leonard covered the status of the grant projects in process and that the 2016 grant application period was opening the next day.

III.  Protocol for Working Together

With the Task Force beginning the process of developing and making recommendations for the 2016 report, there was discussion of how to work together and how to balance differences of opinion between the positions an individual or their organization may take and the positions taken by the Task Force.

IV.  Data Breaches and Cybersecurity

Melissa Krasnow from Dorsey presented information on data breaches and cybersecurity from a legal perspective. Her presentation can be found at Minnesota Government Entity and Contractor Data Security and Breach Notification Presentation. Ms. Krasnow distributed two handouts to the Task Force, Cyber Security Handout and FCC: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. She also responded to questions from the Task Force.

V.  Cybersecurity from a State Legislator’s Perspective

Over lunch, State Representative Pat Garofalo, who chairs the House Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance committee and serves on the National Council of State Legislatures Executive Committee Task Force on Cybersecurity, provided his perspective on cybersecurity. Rep. Garofalo responded to questions from Task Force members.

VI.  The Cyber Threat Landscape

Michael Krause, Supervisory Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, provided an overview of cyber threats and how they are handled in Minnesota. His presentation is available at Cyber Threat Landscape Presentation. Agent Krause also responded to questions from the Task Force.

VII.  Task Force Discussion of Cybersecurity

The Task Force discussed the information presented on cybersecurity at today’s meeting.

VIII.  Subcommittee Update

Subcommittee chairs gave a brief update on what their groups are working on.

IX.  Plans for Upcoming Meetings

Plans for the August meeting were discussed. The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.