Government Syllabus
Mr. Kysiak - Room 305
Contact: or 940-497-4031
Conference/Tutorial/Detention Times
The best way to contact me in order to discuss any matter relating to the student and this course is through email. If you desire a face-to-face meeting Wednesday and Friday mornings are the times, however if given plenty of notice I can be available most any time if not required to attend a duty or meeting. My conference is available as well during 2nd period on A-Days (9:30-10:45). Detentions or tutorials will be held at teacher’s discretion in the mornings between 7:30– 8:15am.
Objective(underlined terms will be on quiz)
This course is required by the State of Texas and designed to complement the Economic course in order to graduate, but more importantly this course is designed topreparethe student for being a knowledgeable and active participant ofour federalrepublic. Furthermore, the student will explore and experience themes such as political socialization (ideology), voting behaviors and election processes, federalism, civil rights verses civil liberties, sovereignty verses authority, etc. because these ideals are vital if a pluralist societyis to be truly governedlegitimately. Finally, my hope is that with this working understanding andappreciation ofour political system the student level and/or appreciation of civic dutywill reach the level required make democracy function effectively.
Standard skills such as reading, vocabulary, organization, and writing will be stressed, along with activities such as class discussion, maps, quizzes, projects, interactive games, group work, and research. The student will also learn the skills necessary to become successful beyond the high school by being required to take class-notes. Class notes will be a part of the student’s grade in this class because it’s an important aspect of becoming successful in education, and it increases classroom success enormously by organizing the thoughts of each student and becomes a resource in preparing for exams or assignments.
My sincerest hope is this class will give the students a sense of ownership in our political system. I wish to make the learning experience more enjoyable to the extent that each student will feel that his/her continued learning and educationshould always continue well beyond high school. History has proven over and over that the most enlightened (educated/knowledgeable) societies are also your most successful ones over the long term. Finally, having said this it will be imperative that all studentsadults citizens in this classroom treat each other, and their ideals, with respect. Disrespect of ideals WILL NOT be tolerated and will abide by the judicial precedentour 1st Amendment provides to every citizen of the United States.
Textbook: EVERY student should have a copy (electronic versions available) at their disposal. There will a classroom set for in class use only. Please see the principle if you need a textbook. The textbook serves as a resource that extends beyond the classroom, and WILL be the primary resource if a student needs to make-up work from any extended absences.
Supplemental Resources: We will use a large variety of resources such as; UpFront Magazine (NY Times Publication) for student designed articles on relevant events, online resources for ongoing issue in our political system, and other relevant materials other than the textbook.
Major Grade: consist of grades the teacher deems as a MAJOR assignment (i.e. test and/or special assignments), and in accordance to school policy there will be at least 3 major grades per six weeks.
Minor Grade: consist of all other activities such as;note-taking, vocab/notes, quizzes, daily assignments, etc., also in accordance with school policy there will be at least 8 minor assignments.
Make-up and Late Work
EXCUSED absence you will have the total number of days missed to complete the work (full credit).
UNEXCUSED absences, district policy states that each teacher has the option of not accepting late work missed due to an absence. Below is Mr. Kysiak’s make-up work policy.
- Unexcused absence occurs the day work is assigned and/or completed then NO CREDIT will be given until the absence is REPORTEDto the attendance office (contact teacher for explanation). Once excused absence is reported then student can receive ½ credit for assignment.
- If unexcused absence occurs on the due date of an assignment a 30% deduction will be assessed and be deemed a late grade.
Late Work
- 10% deduction for one day late, meaning turned in the NEXT calendar day NOT next class meeting.
- 30% deductionafter one day pass due date and up until assignment has been graded and returned back to the class (i.e. prevents copying previously graded assignments).
- After assignments have been recordedstudents may turn in the assignment or an alternative assignment at a 50% deduction.
- Any work not completed before end of 6-wks is recorded as a permanent zero.
NO Extra-credit Work Policy
As young adults you are expected to complete the work assigned and be held responsible for that task. The effort you put forth will result in your final grade, which without any extra credit is a very accurate indicator of how you may perform at a higher level of education or in the everyday work force. Therefore, I have designed this course specifically to prepare the student for just this sort of expectation. Allowing extra-credit will puts more work on the teacher because you didnot do your job. The average citizen in this society would agree that this is not fair under ourpolitical culture of justice and fairness, and it is my desire to treat each student as much like an adult as possible.
Retest Policy
- Only ONE exam per six weeks may be re-taken. Retest format will be teacher discretion.
- The highest grade on any retest is 70. If student makes lower grade on retest then higher grade will apply.
- Retest privilege may be revoked if one of the following occurs.
1. Cheating on the original.
2. Habitually failing to complete daily assignments and/or class-notes designed to prepare for the exam.
Code of Conduct/Classroom Expectations
1. Students will treat everyone in the classroom with respect that includes but is not limited to demeaning attitude towards others, sleeping, and disrespectful language.
2. Always follow directions and bring appropriate materials to class everyday (notes, assignments, etc.).
3. CELL phones need to be put in OFF/SILENT mode although we will use as a resource on occasion.
4. Finally, be honest and exhibit a high level of character.
Classroom Discipline Procedures
- I will always give a warning or two when I deem the behavior to be disruptive or inappropriate.
- Secondly, I will attempt to isolate the individual to reduce the problem, either seated in the rear or put outside temporarily. This allows the class to loose minimal instruction time.
- If problems are persistent or need immediate attention then parent notification and detention will be warranted. Parent notification also applies should student academic performance suffer severely.
- Finally, if the student continues to be disruptive then counselor and/or principal referral will be used.
LDHS Tardy Policy
- Students are allowed 2 tardies per six-weeks.
- On the third tardy a detention will be served with the teacher from 7:30am – 8:30am on a prescribed day, normally a Friday.
- On the fourth tardy or failure to attend detention parent contact and/or principle referral will take place.
- Beyond the fourth tardy punishment from high school administration will take place.
Communication with PARENTS!!!
- In compliance with school policy parents will be notified should grades drop below 70.
- Behavior such as; tardiness, excessive absences, inappropriate cell phone or electronic device usage, and DRESS CODE!!