Majors, Secondaries, and Concentrations
Dr. Brad Bennight
Office: 2002, Office hours by appointment
GOALS: It is expected that, during the course of study, every effort will be applied to understanding the nature of the harpsichord, how it functions mechanically to produce sound, and the technical aspects of how to play the instrument. Additionally, a broader understanding of the context of the music (its forms, styles, ornaments, etc.) and the composers should be gained. Improvement in technical ability and musicianship should be evident through the semester.
ATTENDANCE: Students should plan to be at every lesson. If you must miss, please give as much advanced notice as possible. Up to three (3) EXCUSED absences per semester are allowed. Additional absences, even if excused, may result in the final grade being dropped by one letter. Only one (1) UNEXCUSED absence per semester will be allowed. Additional absences will result in the lowering of the final grade. Lessons will be made up for EXCUSED absences only.
KEYS: Each student is required to have a key to the harpsichord rooms. Sharing is not permitted. Students will be asked to show their key by the third week of classes.
PRACTICE:Students are required to practice their harpsichord repertoire on the harpsichord, not on the piano. Sign-up sheets will be placed on the Harpsichord room doors (Rms. 235, 236) every Monday morning. Majors and Concentrations may have as many hours as they want within reason, Secondaries may have up to three hours per week. If by Wednesday Noon there are available times, Secondaries may have additional practice time.
CARE OF THE INSTRUMENTS: UNT is fortunate to have a large collection of very fine harpsichords, some of them world class. In this regard, no other school in the country is so privileged. Please treat the instruments with care and respect, i.e…no drinks or food near the instruments; DO NOT, under any circumstances, set anything on a harpsichord lid; report any broken strings, quills, etc., using the instrument repair forms on the door.
STUDIO CLASS: There will be a standing Harpsichord Studio meeting Tuesdays 3-4p in the Organ Recital Hall, for the purpose of performing for one another and offering friendly and constructive critiques for your peers. Attendance is required (you must contact Dr. Bennight if you are unable to attend). Majors should be willing to play a majority of the time, Secondaries and Concentrations are expected to play at least twice during the semester.
GRADING and JURIES:Harpsichord Juries will be held every semester during Jury Week. Final grades are determined by two factors: 1.) Technical and musical progress throughout the semester and participation in Studio Class – 50%; 2.) Performance in the jury – 50%.
Brad Bennight