Ministry of Human Resource Development
(Department of School Education & Literacy)
Government of India
B-15, Sector-62,Noida,UTTAR PRADESH - 201 309
NO.F.2-182/11-NVS (SA) May 19 , 2014
The Deputy Commissioner,
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti,
All Regional Offices
Subject: Master on Duty (MOD) System in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas
Sir / Madam,
As you are aware, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas are fully residential educational institutions where all the students and staff members have to stay in the Vidyalaya campus. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas have been envisaged as model pace-setting institutions which aim at holistic development of children. Quality of academics is only a bench mark of excellence as perceived in JNVs which aim at developing competency amongst students in scholastic and non-scholastic areas for effective personality development of each child. It is relevant to mention that Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas being residential institutions, we are fully responsible for safety and security of the children and to provide them homely atmosphere to support their physical, psychological and emotional needs. Thus, it is important to keep students meaningfully engaged in various productive and creative activities after the classroom teaching learning process to develop their skills and abilities under proper supervision. For this purpose various systems have been put in place including House System and Master on Duty which are implemented in all residential systems.
Under Master of Duty System one teacher in the Vidyalaya is assigned the duty on rotation basis to supervise as to whether all the activities of the Vidyalaya are being conducted in the manner in which they have been designed. He/she is required to monitor various activities of the Vidyalaya during that day and submit a report to the Principal. Thus under the system he is required to observe, inter alia,
v Whether the breakfast / lunch / dinner started on time and the food provided in the mess was of proper quality and as per the daily menu;
v Whether any students who have reported sick, are given medical attention and prescribed diet, if any;
v Whether concerned House Masters/Mistresses have taken regular attendance;
v Whether there is any disturbance in the Vidyalaya and specific reasons there for;
v Whether all other activities of the school like Morning PT, Evening Games, Remedial Studies and Supervised Studies etc. are conducted on time and whether all the students and staff responsible for carrying out these activities, participated in these activities or not.
v At the end of the day the Master on Duty has to submit a report of his/her observations to the Principal. Cases, if any, of any untoward incident /missing child / sickness / indiscipline of students, poor quality of food in the mess etc. are to be immediately brought to the notice of Principal for taking remedial action.
Detailed duties and responsibilities of Master on Duty along with suggested format for reporting was circulated vide Samiti’s letter No.2-182/11-NVS (SA) dated 11th July 2011. The duties related to MOD are a part of safety measures adopted by the Samiti to avoid any untoward incident in the Vidyalaya. It has, however, come to notice that in some of the JNVs deviations are being made from the prescribed instructions and the system is not being followed in the manner in which it is envisaged leading to reluctance amongst some staff members for accepting these duties. This matter was recently discussed in the meeting of Deputy Commissioners’ of Samiti held in NVS (Hqrs.) when it was unanimously agreed that it is an important system which involves participative role for teachers to extend administrative support to the Vidyalaya administration in monitoring various activities of the Vidyalaya on regular basis. This system is an accepted and integral part of residential school system and needs to be strengthened.
To remove any doubts, it is clarified that Master on Duty is not required to take any attendance. He/she has only to ensure that the concerned teachers actually take attendance at relevant times in a day and then collect the details from them. The designated teachers/staff will perform their respective duties during the morning PT, breakfast, lunch & dinner, remedial teaching and supervised study. MOD will only monitor the areas as specified in the duty master’s report and supervise whether the assigned staff is available to begin and conduct the activities timely and properly in the manner they have been designed for and report to the Principal. MOD is not required to carry out duties specifically assigned to other functionaries in the Vidyalaya and need not be present throughout the activity period. MOD is also not required to check the supplies for various stores received in the Vidyalaya or to countersign the bills as MOD, except in cases where he is required to perform this duty as a part of other duties assigned to him. The specific duties assigned to various functionaries will have to be performed by them only.
With a view to clarify the role of MOD as explained above, the format of MOD Report has been reviewed and a copy of the revised format is enclosed. This should be brought to the notice of all Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas and henceforth, MOD report should be prepared and submitted in the revised format only.
The Principal of the Vidyalaya has to ensure that proper roster for MOD is prepared and effectively implemented. In case any teacher on contract is assigned this duty, he/she must be properly briefed and oriented. Advance alternate arrangements should be made by the Principal in case any teacher who is assigned MOD duty is on leave/other duties on that day. MOD report must be filled up carefully and Principals must ensure appropriate action on the observations made in the MOD Report. It is also suggested that roster for MOD duty may be prepared in such a manner that if possible, MOD teacher does not have any remedial / supervised duties on that particular day.
These guidelines may be duly conveyed to Principals of all Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas with directions to ensure proper compliance and a copy of the same should be put on the notice board of the Vidyalaya. This may also be discussed during the ensuing Principals’ Conferences so that this system is implemented in all Vidyalayas in its true spirit and with full cooperation of all.
Yours faithfully,
[M.S. Khanna]
Encl: As above Joint Commissioner [Pers.]
Copy to : Principals, all Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas Director, all Navodaya Leadership Institutes Deputy Commissioner (Acad), NVS Headquarters PS to Commissioner, NVS
It is requested that Duties and Responsibilities of MOD may be brought to the notice of all teachers in the Navodaya Vidyalayas and all JNVs may be directed to use the revised formats for reporting for uniformity in all JNVs.
1. The Master on Duty will submit the report to the Principal in the prescribed format before Morning Assembly on the next day.
2. He / She (MOD) will start with arouser and end duties with light off at night.
3. He / She will supervise the arrangements at the time morning assembly & all Vidyalaya functions.
4. He / She will ensure that all students behave properly during school functions.
5. He / She will supervise all the meals & refreshments.
6. He / She will supervise all roll calls. If any student is missing, will immediately report to the concerned house master & Principal.
7. He / She will be present on the ground during morning PT & Evening Games.
8. He / She will enquire about sick students from the staff nurse of the Vidyalaya.
9. He / She will verify attendance of the students during afternoon remedial & evening supervised classes.
10. He / She will ensure punctuality of all school activities.
11. He / She will report any damage to the school property to Principal, if noticed on the day of duty.
12. He / She will report about indiscipline or serious incidents to the Principal, if any, noticed on the day of duty.
13. He / She will ensure that drinking water arrangements in the academic block & hostels are available.
14. He / She will make suggestions in all school activities based upon his / her observations.
15. He / She will be easily available all the time & should not leave the campus without permission.
1. Any untoward incident or any other matter requiring immediate attention of the Principal should be brought to his notice without any delay.
2. If duty officer is not able to perform duties on the prescribed day, he/she will inform the Principal well in time.
3. MOD will receive the attendance details from the respective in-charges and report to Principal.
(To be filled by MOD himself/herself & handed over to Principal before Morning Assembly on next day)
Name of the MOD______; Designation. ______
[A] (i) Morning P.T. Started at ______AM
(ii) Teachers Present on ground were
1…………………….……; 2………….……………;
3………………………….; 4………………………;
[B] (i) Morning Assembly started at ______AM. House on Duty………………………………
(ii) Names of teacher not present
1…………………….……; 2………….……………;
3………………………….; 4………………………;
(iii) The attendance & other details in “Consolidate Class Attendance Register” were
verified & Signed:- Yes / No
[C] (i) Break fast started at ____AM.
(ii) Items served as per menu for the day Yes/No
(iii) Name of Students (With their House) who were present in the Vidyalaya but did not
take breakfast
1…………………….……; 2………….……………;
3………………………….; 4………………………;
(iv) Name of the teachers present on duty
1…………………….……; 2………….……………;
3………………………….; 4………………………;
[D] (i) Lunch started at ____P.M..
(ii) Item served as per menu for the day Yes/No
(iii) Name of the teachers present on duty
1…………………….……; 2………….……………;
3………………………….; 4………………………;
(iv) Name of the students who were present in the Vidyalaya but did not take lunch
1………………….………...; 2…………………………3………………………….….;
4………….….………….…..; 5………………………..; 6…………………………….
[E] Remedial / Supervised Classes (Afternoon)
(i) Remedial / Supervised classes were conducted in Academic Block from____ PM to ___PM
(ii) The attendance of students was recorded in concerned register which was verified by me. Yes / No
(iii) Name of the teachers present on duty
1…………………….……; 2………….……………;
3………………………….; 4………………………;
[F] Evening Games & Sports started at ______PM.
(i) Teachers playing with students were :
1…………………….……; 2………….……………;
3………………………….; 4………………………;
(ii) Total______students were present on the ground. Games was over by ______PM.
(G) (i) Distribution on of snacks was made at _____PM under the guidance of
Mr. / Ms 1.______; 2.______& every student received the snacks.
(ii) The attendance of students was recorded in concerned register which was verified by me. Yes / No
[H] Evening Supervised Classes (After Games)
(i) Supervised Classes were conducted from ______PM to ____PM at ______(Place)
(ii) The Teachers present on duty
1…………………….……; 2………….……………;
3………………………….; 4………………………;
(iii) The Attendance of students was recorded in concerned register which was verified by me. Yes / No.
[I] Dinner started at _____PM.
(i) Items served as per menu for the day Yes/No
(ii) Teachers present on duty
1…………………….……; 2………….……………;
3………………………….; 4………………………;
(iii) Name of the students who were present in the Vidyalaya but did not take dinner
1…………………….……; 2………….……………;
3………………………….; 4………………………;
(J) Attendance during various activities
Activity / Strength / Present / Leave / Sick / On duty / NR / Absent / TotalMorning PT
Morning Assembly
Remedial/ supervised study (afternoon)
Evening games
Evening supervised study (After games)
Note: - OD: On duty; NR: Not Reported in the school after leave/ vacation.
[ K ] House Masters to submit the Night Roll Call details to MOD
Jr. / Sr. / Jr. / Sr. / Jr. / Sr. / Jr. / Sr. / A / B / A / B
On duty
NOTE: Details of absentees should be intimated to Principal/ Vice-Principal immediately
(L) Details of Sick students (List is to be handed over by staff nurse and HM to MOD)
a. Details of students referred to hospital for medical treatment.
Sl. No. / Name of sick student / Class / House / Nature of illness / Signature of staff nurse / Signature of HMb. Details of students who were permitted by the staff nurse to take rest in MI room/ Dormitory.
Sl. No. / Name of sick student / Class / House / Nature of illness / Signature of staff nurse / Signature of HM(M) Any celebration / Special event of the day ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(N) Safety concerns noticed, if any,
(O) Any untoward incident/Important observations brought to the notice of Principal
( Sign. of MOD)
Action initiated by Principal on MOD report:-
Sign. of Principal
1. Any untoward incident or any other matter requiring immediate attention of the Principal should be brought to his notice without any delay.
2. If this report is not received by Principal before Morning Assembly, he should immediately call the MOD
3. Attendance taken during different activities/timings by the concerned teacher in-charge is to be submitted to MOD.