June 28, 2011



June 28, 2011

Present: Representatives Richard Murphy, Betty Anne Schwerd, Donald Lindberg

Absent: Representative Kathleen Clark


Mr. Brian Pokorny stated that additional staff would not be necessary for countywide scanning if the department’s other projects are completed first. He stated the top priority is to replace the AS400 computer applications with other programs. IBM support will no longer be available after April 2012. Annual support maintenance is currently $3,000 which will be a savings to the County once support is no longer available. Mr. Pokorny stated that only once in 16 years was the AS400 not operational.

Mr. Pokorny stated the 911 Addressing Database should be off the AS400 by the end of August 2011. Representative Lindberg stated this is the most critical program to convert. Representative Murphy requested that Mr. Pokorny notify the committee if the August 2011 deadline will not be met.

Mr. Pokorny stated a conversion date is not yet set for Snow and Ice chargebacks to Towns.

The Food Stamp letters to potential recipients being generated on the AS400 for the Department of Social Services also need to be transferred.

Brian stated he would like to reproduce on software that will continue the ease of use. Brian stated his biggest hurdle in converting the AS400 is finding Microsoft programmers since there is only one person in-house now.


Commissioner Boyd distributed a list detailing the department’s savings suggestion program, titled FISH, Fresh Ideas Start Here. She reviewed previous years’ ideas that have been suggested and implemented. Ms. Boyd also presented three ideas for consideration.

1)  Change evaluation policy for permanent employees to be evaluated every 2 years versus the current annual evaluation.

With Committee support, Representative Murphy will submit information to the full Board of Representatives.

2)  Change filling of vacancies policy so that if a new hire leaves within a month of hire date the department will not be required to seek approvals to fill again.

With Committee support, Representative Murphy will submit information to the full Board of Representatives.

3)  Two person household health insurance rates.

Representative Lindberg stated that all claims would still need to be paid, however less premium dollars would be collected. Representative Murphy will meet with Dan Crowell, Treasurer, to review analysis.

Representative Murphy stated he will take a look at whether a similar program to the Department of Social Services’ FISH program would be beneficial countywide. Representative Murphy also asked Ms. Boyd what services could be provided by non-county agencies. Commissioner Boyd will research.


Representative Murphy stated the building would be ideal as an historical site for museum use. He has made a follow up call to the Village of Cooperstown to see if there is any interest in the Old Jail building. Representative Murphy spoke with Jeff Katz and is waiting for a response.

The Committee reviewed the need to move the remaining items stored in the Old Jail and find available office space for the departments currently using the building. Representative Schwerd noted the building is not secure which raises a security issue.

The Committee agreed that until some interest is shown in the building the records will remain in storage there. If any interest is shown then it will be determined if records any records should be scanned. Brian Pokorny stated it is the individual department’s responsibility to shred, scan, or move their stored records. Building Services will be consulted before any records are moved. The Committee also decided that Representative Murphy would have Doug Czerkies, Dir. of Building Services, find square footage for office space. All agreed that the District Attorney’s office should be moved to the main County Office Building.


Home Rule request to leave MOSA Resolution is being sent to Governor Cuomo asking for approval signature.

Representative Lindberg stated that recyclables should continue to be separated and not single streamed. The separation of the recyclables will give Otsego County more options for disposal.


Representative Murphy stated that the Town of Oneonta is interested in exploring health insurance coverage through a countywide plan. Representative Schwerd stated this might not be a cost effective program for Otsego County to put into practice.

Code Enforcement: Representative Murphy questioned that if Otsego County’s Code Enforcement office was disbanded, would Towns be mandated to enforce. Representative Lindberg responded Yes, and stated some Towns have expressed interest in taking over their enforcement. Representative Schwerd stated Assessments are covered by Home Rule.


Representative Schwerd inquired if the Tax System in the Treasurer’s office is fully functional. Brian Pokorny responded that it is not fully functioning. He stated the Treasurer’s office is running the program parallel to their current system but it is not matching. Mr. Pokorny requested that the Committee contact Dan Crowell, Treasurer, with any other questions since he is managing the project and working with the vendor.

The Committee inquired why an outside shredder company is used instead of the County’s on-site shredder. Joyce Boyd responded that the company removes the large amount of shredded paper and meets the requirements of crosscut versus strip cut and use of two people.

Representative Lindberg recommended a memo be sent to department heads before this year’s budget process begins requesting they provide the Committee with suggestions on where savings can be made. Representative Murphy will contact Board members to determine what savings programs are realistic.

Representative Murphy stated he has received back 4 out of 8 road patrol surveys that he sent to other County Sheriff’s departments. He will contact the departments of the 4 he has not yet received.

The Committee discussed the Veteran’s Agency. Representative Schwerd is contacting other counties as to what functions they provide to veterans and if a full time position is devoted to the department. Representative Murphy suggested the vehicle issue be discussed with Tex Seamon, who is retiring. The current van is unreliable. If a veteran’s van is necessary Representative Lindberg suggested the possibility of having it overseen by the Department of Social Services.

The Committee discussed travel and meal expense and agreed that there needs to be written policy on meal expense limits.

Representative Schwerd stated there should be an Otsego County letterhead template produced and made available to all departments.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 9:15 a.m. in the 2nd floor conference room.