Minutes of WRSSC Executive meeting
December 6, 2010
Present – Malcolm, Cynthia, Barry, Terice, Phil, Agnes, Pauline, Susanne, Laini, Mark Ritchie
- Minutes of November meeting – Motion to accept minutes from the November 1, 2010 meeting as tabled. (Laini/Susanne). Carried.
- Treasurer’s report – Pauline tabled the monthly report (attached). She will be submitting receipts for SSC marketing and festivals grants this week.
- January Camp – The possibility of holding a potluck supper was discussed, possibly at Mt Sima. Laini will set this up. Races for ½ day are a possibility. Phil will check with Peter as to how many skaters may be coming from Alaska.
- Christmas Party – Taggart-Cox kids will be asked to entertain. Tuesday Dec. 28 with supper at 5:45-7:45, family skate 7:15-8:45. Agnes will organize the supper, Terice will book the room.
- Marketing Proposal – It was agreed that it may not be worth the money to persue all elements of the proposal. A better idea is to promote through the media event like January camp when Troy and Maggie Qi come. Mark is willing to work in this area. The proposal can be broken up into parts so we could get the logo developed alone. Pauline mentioned the SSC sponsored workshops as something that may be valuable. Laini will look at a hoodie design. Motion – that we ask for a logo only from the marketing proposal. (Terice/Laini). Carried. Malcolm will get back to the marketing person (Mira) to develop a logo for us.
- Bulletin board –Barry will ask Ken to look after this. Also, Malcolm volunteered to build an extra box for stage that will go on top of the existing storage locker.
- Ice cancellations – some ice will be cancelled over Christmas and CWG week. Phil will update the ice times on calendars to be posted.
- CS4L workshop – scheduled for Ottawa in January. Could this possibly be delivered on-line?
- CWG fees - $350 for athletes, $200 for coaches, mission staff. YASSA will cover coaches, mission staff. Athletes will pay club who will issue one cheque to Sport Yukon.
- Safety – An email circulated by Cynthia outlined some bad accidents that have happened in short track recently. This reminds us of the necessity that coaches should have current first aid training. Laini will forward his info to David and Stacey and inquire as to their status.
- Sponsorship – Malcolm is going to approach a possible sponsor. He was wondering how having city grants apply to a certain event would affect the naming of a sponsor for the same event.. September camp might be a good event to seek sponsorship to avoid any possible conflicts.
- Next meeting –date not set