Mr. Lovein

714-986-7540 X13217

Psychology Course Outline

Welcome to Psychology!

Course Description

This Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice.

The purpose of this course in psychology is to introduce students to core concepts and content areas in the field. The course introduces students to the methods of inquiry and evaluation used by psychologists. The content of the course provides students with information about issues that all individuals encounter not only concerning themselves but in their relationships with friends, family, and acquaintances. Studying psychology should lead students to an appreciation of and tolerance for individual differences. Students should acquire insight into the complex determinants underlying individual and group behavior. Finally students should be prepared to be intelligent consumers of psychological services. This course conforms to the American Psychological Association's recommended guidelines for a high school psychology course.

UNITS / Rathus’s chapters
1) / What is Psychology / 1
2) / Biology & Psychology / 2
3) / Learning / 5
4) / Memory / 6
5) / Methods of Therapy / 16
6) / Cognition of Language / 7
7) / Motivation & Emotion / 9
8) / Personality / 12
9) / Child Development / 10
10) / Adolescent & Adult Development / 11

Teacher Expectations

Attendance is mandatory; it is unrealistic to think you will pass the class with a consistent pattern of absences. Class discussions and lectures are instrumental in helping students learn the material. Also, psychology by its nature covers controversial topics and it is expected that these topics to be covered in a mature and intelligent manner. Students are encouraged to discuss and debate topics in an adult like fashion.

Students and parents should be aware that Psychology is a fast paced class. We will be covering approximately one chapter per week. Furthermore, the final exam is a comprehensive exam, which includes information covered throughout the semester.


Students can expect at least one to three hours a week of homework. Homework includes written assignments, reading, and studying for examinations and quizzes.

Term Papers and Projects – Excused absence or not, they are due on the assigned due date unless other arrangements have been made. Due dates are considered deadlines.

Be prepared and ready to participate every day. You will receive a participation grade at the completion of each unit. It is your responsibility to raise your hand and get involved in class lectures and discussions.


The cumulative points that a student earns for the entire semester will determine his/her grade. There will be approximately six major exams, and one cumulative final exam. In addition, participation points are a major factor in one’s grade and students are expected to participate in classroom discussion and activities. Excessive tardies and other classroom disruptions can impact one’s participation grade.

Grading Scale (percentages)





(F) 59 and below

Cheating– Cheating is not reserved solely to testing. Homework is considered an individual assignment unless otherwise specifically stated. Copying homework from another student of group effort homework will be considered cheating. It will also be considered cheating if you copy answers directly from the book (plagiarism).

Overall, I have high expectations of you and I expect you to work hard and to do your very best.

I have read and discussed the following guidelines.

Parents/Guardians, please sign below after you have reviewed the above guidelines.


Mr. Lovein

(714) 986-7540 ext. 13217


Parent/Guardian (Print) Student (Print)


Parent/Guardian (Signature) Student (Signature)