Consumer & Homemaking SYLLABUS

Instructor: Mrs. Yonai—Palmetto High School (rm. 312/313) Date: 8/25/2014

Course Description: This course is designed to provide students with the core knowledge and skills needed to manage their lives. Project based instruction provides students with opportunities to utilize higher order thinking, communication, and leadership skills impacting families and communities. Concepts incorporate personal development, healthy lifestyles, child development, family life, and consumer awareness into a rigorous and relevant curriculum.

Course Sequence:

Semester 1

Week 1 / Reaching Your Potential
Week 2 / Reaching Your Potential
Week 3 / Changes and Building Character
Week 4 / Changes and Building Character
Week 5 / Responsibility and Decision Making
Week 6 / Responsibility and Decision Making
Week 7 / Respecting Others
Week 8 / Communication/Conflict Resolution
Week 9 / Communication/Conflict Resolution
Week 10 / Making Healthy Food Choices
Week 11 / Making Healthy Food Choices
Week 12 / Safety & Sanitation
Week 13 / Safety & Sanitation
Week 14 / Measurement/Time-work plans/ Reading Recipes
Week 15 / Fruits/Vegetables
Week 16 / Eggs/Dairy
Week 17 / Cookies/Cakes/Baking
Week 18 / Review/Exam

Semester 2

Week 19 / Housing Needs
Week 20 / Housing Needs
Week 21 / Interior Design
Week 22 / Interior Design
Week 23 / Room Design Project
Week 24 / Room Design Project
Week 25 / Money Management
Week 26 / Money Management
Week 27 / Banking and Savings
Week 28 / Checkbook Project
Week 29 / Checkbook Project
Week 30 / Sewing Machine Parts and Use
Week 31 / Work on Sewing Projects
Week 32 / Work on Sewing Projects
Week 33 / Work on Sewing Projects
Week 34 / Work on Sewing Projects
Week 35 / Work on Sewing Projects
Week 36 / Review/Exam

Special Activities in this class:

1)  Room Design Project-

Students will prepare a portfolio with a scale drawing of a room of their choice, arrange “cut-to-scale” furniture drawings in the room, and make a folder with color, pictures of furnishings, and accessories.

2)  Cooking Labs- Students will participate in 4 cooking labs and prepare these foods: Monkey Bread, fruits & veg. dishes, protein/pasta/dairy dishes, cookies.

3) Sewing Project- Students will make a drawstring bag.


This year as we transition to iPads much of the work that we do will be digital and not require paper and writing utensils, however, students should still plan to have these as this is a transition and we will still be using them some. Any papers for this class should be kept in the student’s notebook. Notebooks should be kept in your assigned bin in the classroom.

Grading Scale: Grade Calculation:

A=93-100 1. Daily work, Homework, Quizzes, Small projects= 35% of Grade

B=85-92 2. Tests, Large Projects, Cooking Labs= 65% of Grade

C=77-84 3. Exam = 20 % of Final Grade



Discipline Plan:


1) Be Polite

-respect others comments, opinions, & ideas

-listen & stay seated when someone is


-respect the property of others

-do not lay your head down or sleep

2) Be Prepared

-be on time

-have all required materials

-have finished all assignments & homework

All late work will have a 10-point deduction per day.

3) Participate

-pay attention & take notes

-do your part of group work

-listen & contribute to discussions

-use your time wisely

-follow teacher directions

4) Be Proud

-Do your best!

-care about your work

-be responsible for your trash and take care

of our room and supplies

-be responsible for your own actions

REWARDS for positive behavior:

-Positive Classroom Environment

-Individual Praise

-Surprises (food, special activities, etc)

-Extra Credit


1) Warning

2) 15 minute detention

3) 30 minute detention

4) Referral

Severe disruption will result in an immediate referral.

Detentions should be served within 1 week and must be served before or after school. Failure to serve a detention will result in a referral.


When to see me-

End of class, after school or during my planning periods (1/2A and 3/4B). If you cannot meet me then, just see me and we will work out a time.

Restroom- We will be using the Sabre Pass app on the iPads to manage passes. You will receive 4 restroom passes for each nine weeks. Please do not ask to use these during instructional time unless it is an emergency. If you do not use them during the nine weeks, they may be turned in for extra credit.

Materials- You will need to come to class with your iPad (make sure that it is charged!), notebook, paper, and writing utensils. You may also (but are not required to) bring in your own fabric for your sewing project.

Make Up Work Policy- If you are absent, check the make up clip-board (or web page) to see what you missed and get any papers that you need out of the make up bin. You are responsible for getting the work you missed and turning it in on time. You have the number of days that you were absent plus one to make up all missed work. *Please write ABSENT on top of all papers you are turning in late because of your absence. If you have questions see me before or after class.

Missing a Cooking Lab-

If you are absent on a lab day, I will not count a grade for you for that lab. If you miss more than one lab day, then the lab must be made at home and a lab make-up form must be filled out. You will also be required to submit a picture of your finished product as proof that you actually made the recipe.

Power of I - If you fail a major test, you must retest until you pass with a 70 or higher. Retests should be taken as soon as possible. See me to schedule a time to retest. Power of I assignments must be made up each quarter or they will revert back to the grade that you previously earned.

Substitute Teachers- When you are with a substitute teacher, ALL CLASS RULES STILL APPLY. I always ask subs to leave me detailed notes and will respond with rewards or consequences as necessary.

Working in groups- In this class you will frequently work in groups. Some of the groups I will establish and some you will. Whenever you are working in groups, remember that everyone has a job and no one is to leave the work to someone else. Your grade is based on your individual work and the entire group’s work.

Extra Credit

You may earn up to 30 points each 9 weeks.

Each activity below counts 10 points.


*Make a poster related to class

*Make a Bulletin Board for the class

*Prepare dinner for your family and bring in

a parent note with a signature

*Bring in 3 articles (or send me the links)

related to class topics

*Other ideas? Just Ask!