1 / A Harmony of the Four Gospels
2 / New Testament Survey
Matthew through Jude

It is possible that some of these lessons may take more than just one class period to complete. When you are teaching these lessons be sure and flow with the speed of the class. Some classes will need extra time for questions and answers, others may fully understand and you can progress rapidly. Don't worry about having to complete any lesson in just one sitting if extra, relevant, discussions arise.

Remember...your only purpose in teaching the Word of God to others is to help them to become strong disciples of Jesus Christ and to share His Spirit and Truth with others.

Introduction to the Gospels

What Are the Gospels About?

  1. Show God in the flesh—physical and tangible
  1. Confirm the (New) Covenant—Daniel 9:25-27

NT confirmation in Rom. 15:8; Gal. 3:15-17: love of God, forgiveness of sins, healing, etc.

  1. Dies on the cross—removes sins

Comes out of the grave—born again/regenerated

Ascends to heaven—Holy Spirit comes

  1. Christ fulfills all the prophets have spoken of him (Luke 24:44)—over 300 prophesies. Examples:

Matthew 3:15—to fulfill all righteousness

Matthew 5:17—to fulfill the law

Matthew 8:17—took infirmities/bare sickness

  1. See the covenant pass from the Jews to the Gentiles
  1. Show us the change from natural kingdom/covenant to spiritual
  1. We shall do greater works (John 14:12):

a. sin removed from the conscience

b. born again

c. baptism of Holy Spirit

Studying the Gospels

  1. Get all accounts before pronouncing judgment on a story or doctrine
  1. “The Harmony of the Gospels” are listed here in chronological order for convenience
  1. Luke has more details but is grouped by subject, not written chronologically. Matthew and Mark used as a chronological guide.



suggested readings are highlighted / Matt. / Mark / Luke / John
1. God The Word / - / - / - / 1:1-14
2. Preface to Luke's Gospel (Introduction) / - / - / 1:1-4 / -
3. Angel appears to Zacharias (About the birth of John) / - / - / 1:5-25 / -
4. Angel appears to Mary(About the birth of Jesus) / - / - / 1:26-38 / -
5. Mary visits Elizabeth for 3 months / - / - / 1:39-56 / -
6. Birth of John the Baptist / - / - / 1:57-80 / -
7. Genealogies of the line of Jesus from David / 1:1-17 (Joseph) / - / 3:23-38 (Mary) / -
8. The birth of Jesus / 1:18-25 / - / 2:1-7 / -
9. Angel appears to the shepherds / - / - / 2:8-20 / -
10. Jesus' circumcision & temple presentation / - / - / 2:21-38 / -
11. Wise men from the East / 2:1-12 / - / - / -
12. Flight to Egypt. Herod's cruelty. The return. / 2:13-23 / - / - / -
13. Jesus in the temple with the doctors / - / - / 2:39-52 / -


14. Ministry of John the Baptist / 3:1-12 / 1:1-8 / 3:1-18 / 1:15-31
15. The Baptism (water & Spirit) of Jesus / 3:13-17 / 1:9-11 / 3:21-22 / 1:32-34
16. The Temptation of Jesus in the wilderness / 4:1-11 / 1:12-13 / 4:1-13 / -
17. John's witness of Jesus Christ / - / - / - / 1:35-36
18. Andrew, Peter & a disciple find Jesus / - / - / - / 1:37-42
19. Philip & Nathanael find Jesus / - / - / - / 1:43-51
20. Jesus & Disciples at Cana Marriage / - / - / - / 2:1-12


21. First Passover, First cleansing of the temple / - / - / - / 2:13-25
22. Jesus' talk with Nicodemus / - / - / - / 3:1-21
23. Water Baptisms by the disciples and John / - / - / - / 3:22-36
24. John in prison. Jesus departs from Judea / 4:12 / 1:14 / 3:19-20 / 4:1-3


25. Jesus with Woman at the well / - / - / - / 4:4-42


26. Jesus returns to Galilee and teaches publicly / 4:12-14 / 1:14-15 / 4:14-15 / 4:43-45
27. Healing of nobleman's son at Capernaum / - / - / - / 4:46-54
28. Jesus rejected at Nazareth / - / - / 4:16-30 / -
29. Jesus leaves Nazareth for Capernaum / 4:13-17 / - / 4:31 / -
30. Calling of disciples. Nets full of fish. / 4:18-22 / 1:16-20 / 5:1-11 / -
31. Demon delivered in the Synagogue. / - / 1:21-28 / 4:31-37 / -
32. Peter's Mother-in-law & others healed. / 8:14-17 / 1:29-34 / 4:38-41 / -
33. Jesus & disciples preach in Galilee / 4:23-25 / 1:35-39 / 4:42-44 / -
34. Leper Healed. / 8:2-4 / 1:40-45 / 5:12-16 / -
35. Healing of Palsy. / 9:2-8 / 2:1-12 / 5:17-26 / -
36. Matthew called. / 9:9 / 2:13-14 / 5:27-29 / -
37. Second Passover. Impotent man healed. / - / - / - / 5:1-16
38. Jesus gives Glory to his Father (Makes reference to Father 118 times in John) / - / - / - / 5:17-47
39. Jesus defends plucking of corn on Sabbath. / 12:1-8 / 2:23-28 / 6:1-5 / -
40. Withered hand healed on Sabbath. / 12:9-14 / 3:1-6 / 6:6-11 / -
41. Jesus withdraws to the sea, multitudes follow. / 12:15-21 / 3:7-12 / - / -
42. Jesus calls the twelve disciples. / - / 3:13-19 / 6:12-19 / (See John 17:6)
43. The Sermon on the Mountain. / 5:1-8:1 / - / 6:20-49 / -
44. Roman Centurion's servant healed. / 8:5-13 / - / 7:1-10 / -
45. Widow's son raised from the dead. / - / - / 7:11-17 / -
46. John the Baptist's disciples question Christ. / 11:2-19 / - / 7:18-35 / -
47. Jesus upbraids cities for not repenting. / 11:20-24 / - / - / -
48. Christ's prayer & plea for all to come to Him. / 11:25-30 / - / - / -
49. Sinner woman anoints Jesus. / - / - / 7:36-50 / -
50. Women minister to Jesus of their substance. / - / - / 8:1-3 / -
51. Demon delivered, religious leaders reproved. / 12:22-37 / 3:20-30 / 11:14-15,
17-23 / -
52. Rebukes sign seeker: Sign of Jonah. / 12:38-42 / - / 11:16, 29-32 / -
53. Unclean spirits return; who is blessed? / 12:43-45 / - / 11:24-28 / -
54. The Light, man's saved heart-spirit. / - / - / 11:33-36 / -
55. Christ's relatives? All who follow Him. / 12:46-50 / 3:31-35 / 8:19-21 / -
56. Six Woes to Scribes, Pharisees & Lawyers / - / - / 11:37-54 / -
57. Jesus preaches to multitudes & disciples / - / - / 12:1-59 / -
58. Except you repent you also shall perish. / - / - / 13:1-5 / -
59. Israel, the fig tree, given one more year. / - / - / 13:6-9 / -
60. Parable of the Sower. / 13:1-23 / 4:1-20 / 8:4-15 / -
61. Parable of the Candle under the bushel. / - / 4:21-25 / 8:16-18 / -
62. Parable of the Wheat and Tares. / 13:24-30 / - / - / -
63. Parable of the growth of a seed. / - / 4:26-29 / - / -
64. Parable of the Mustard seed. / 13:31-32 / 4:30-32 / - / -
65. Parable of the leaven hid in the meal. / 13:33 / - / - / -
66. The reason for Jesus speaking in parables. / 13:34-35 / 4:33-34 / - / -
67. Parable of the Wheat & Tares explained. / 13:36-43 / - / - / -
68. Parables of the treasure, pearl and fish net. / 13:44-53 / - / - / -
69. Would-be disciples. / 8:18-22 / 4:35-36 / 9:57-62, 8:22 / -
70. Jesus calms the stormy sea. / 8:23-27 / 4:37-41 / 8:23-25 / -
71. Two demon possessed at Gadara. / 8:28-9:1 / 5:1-21 / 8:26-40 / -
72. Eating and drinking at Matthew's home. / 9:10-13 / 2:15-17 / 5:29-32 / -
73. Your disciples fast not; garments & bottles. / 9:14-17 / 2:18-22 / 5:33-39 / -
74. Dead daughter raised; issue of blood healed. / 9:18-26 / 5:22-43 / 8:41-56 / -
75. Two blindmen healed; Demon cast out. / 9:27-34 / - / - / -
76. Jesus rejected again at Nazareth. / 13:54-58 / 6:1-6 / - / -
77. Jesus' third trip throughout Galilee / 9:35-38 / 6:6 / - / -
78. Jesus instructs the 12 and sends them out / 10:1-11:1 / 6:7-13 / 9:1-6 / -
79. Herod's mistaken idea of Jesus / 14:1-2 / 6:14-16 / 9:7-9 / -
80. The end of John the Baptist / 14:6-12 / 6:17-29 / - / -
81. The 12 disciples return, 5,000 fed / 14:13-21 / 6:30-44 / 9:10-17 / 6:1-14
82. Jesus walks on water / 14:22-33 / 6:45-52 / - / 6:15-21
83. Healings in Gennesaret / 14:34-36 / 6:53-56 / - / -
84. Teaching on the Bread of Life / - / - / - / 6:22-65
85. Many disciples leave Jesus / - / - / - / 6:66-7:1
86. The Third Passover. Unwashed hands. / 15:1-20 / 7:1-23 / - / -
87. Demon delivered from Gentile daughter / 15:21-28 / 7:24-30 / - / -
88. Deaf and dumb man and others healed / 15:29-31 / 7:31-37 / - / -
89. Feeding of the 4,000 / 15:32-39 / 8:1-10 / - / -
90. Pharisees and Sadducees ask for a sign / 16:1-4 / 8:11-13 / - / -
91. Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees / 16:5-12 / 8:14-21 / - / -
92. Blind man healed / - / 8:22-26 / - / -
93. Peter and disciples profess their faith / 16:13-20 / 8:27-30 / 9:18-21 / -
94. Jesus prophesies death & resurrection, #1 / 16:21-28 / 8:31-9:1 / 9:22-27 / -
95.The transfiguration of Jesus / 17:1-9 / 9:2-10 / 9:28-36 / -
96. John the Baptist was Elijah that was to come / 17:10-13 / 9:11-13 / (Mal. 3:1) / -
97. Jesus casts out Demon where disciples failed / 17:14-21 / 9:14-29 / 9:37-42 / -
98. Jesus tells of death & resurrection, #2 / 17:22-23 / 9:30-32 / 9:43-45 / -
99. Peter catches fish to pay tribute money / 17:24-27 / - / - / -
100. Except you become as a little child / 18:1-5 / 9:33-37 / 9:46-48 / -
101. One not with us casting out demons / - / 9:38-41 / 9:49-50 / -
102. Woe to him that brings offenses. / 18:6-10 / 9:42-50 / - / -
103. Parable of the lost sheep / 18:11-14 / - / - / -
104. God's way of handling sin against you / 18:15-20 / - / - / -
105. Parable of the unmerciful servant / 18:21-35 / - / - / -
106. Jesus sends out the seventy / - / - / 10:1-16 / -
107. Jesus secretly attends a feast / - / - / - / 7:2-10
108. You know not what spirit you are of / - / - / 9:51-56 / -
109. Jesus heals ten lepers / - / - / 17:11-19 / -
110. Jesus teaches at the feast of tabernacles / - / - / - / 7:11-53
111. A woman caught in adultery / - / - / - / 8:1-11
112. Jesus teaches, disputes Pharisees / - / - / - / 8:12-59
113. Jesus teaches the Good Samaritian story / - / - / 10:25-37 / -
114. Jesus with Mary and Martha / - / - / 10:38-42 / -
115. Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray / - / - / 11:1-4 / -
116. Effective prayer / - / - / 11:5-13 / -
117. The 70 disciples return to Jesus / - / - / 10:17-24 / -
118. Blind man healed on the Sabbath / - / - / - / 9:1-41
119. The Good Shepherd / - / - / - / 10:1-21
120. Jesus at the feast of Dedication / - / - / - / 10:22-39
121. Jesus withdraws beyond the Jordan / - / - / - / 10:40-42
122. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead / - / - / - / 11:1-44
123. The counsel of Caiaphas against Jesus, He leaves / - / - / - / 11:45-54


124. Jesus beyond Jordan. Woman healed. / 19:1-2 / 10:1 / 13:10-17 / -
125. Parable of the Mustard Seed repeated / - / - / 13:18-19 / -
126. Parable of the leaven in the meal repeated / - / - / 13:20-21 / -

THE PEREAN MINISTRY A.D. 29-30 A.D. 3 1/2 Months

127. Journey towards Jerusalem & teaching on the way / - / - / 13:22-30 / -
128. Jesus is warned against Herod / - / - / 13:31-33 / -
129. Jesus prophesies against Jerusalem / - / - / 13:34-35 / -
130. Jesus, eating with a Pharisee, heals a man / - / - / 14:1-6 / -
131. Teaching on the choice of the high or low room / - / - / 14:7-14 / -
132. Parable of the Great Supper / - / - / 14:15-24 / -
133. Requirements of true disciples / - / - / 14:25-35 / -
134. Parable of the Lost Sheep repeated / - / - / 15:1-7 / -
135. Parable of the Lost Coin / - / - / 15:8-10 / -
136. Parable of the Prodigal Son / - / - / 15:11-32 / -
137. Parable of the Unjust Steward / - / - / 16:1-13 / -
138. Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus / - / - / 16:14 -31 / -
139. Teaching on offending, faithfulness & forgiveness / - / - / 17:1-10 / -
140. Teaching on 70 A.D. destruction & 2nd coming / - / - / 17:20-37 / -
141. Parable of the Widow & the Unjust Judge / - / - / 18:1-8 / -
142. Parable of the Pharisee & the Publican / - / - / 18:9-14 / -
143. Jesus teaches on Divorce / 19:3-12 / 10:2-12 / - / -
144. Jesus blesses the Little Children / 19:13-15 / 10:13-16 / 18:15-17 / -
145. Jesus deals with the Rich Young Man / 19:16-26 / 10:17-27 / 18:18-27 / -
146. Jesus promises they will be taken care of / 19:27-30 / 10:28-31 / 18:28-30 / -
147. Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard / 20:1-16 / - / - / -
148. Jesus tells of death & resurrection. #3 / 20:17-19 / 10:32-34 / 18:31-34 / -
149. James & John seek Throne positions / 20:20-28 / 10:35-45 / - / -
150. Jesus heals two Blind Men / 20:29-34 / 10:46-52 / 18:35-19:1 / -
151. Jesus visits Zaccheus / - / - / 19:2-10 / -
152. Parable of the Ten Pounds / - / - / 19:11-27 / -
153. Jesus arrives at Bethany 6 days before Passover / - / - / - / 11:55-12:1
154. Jesus at Supper, Mary anoints Jesus / 26:6-13 / 14:3-9 / - / 12:2-11


SATURDAY - WEEKLY SABBATH (6:00PM Friday to 6:00PM Saturday)

SUNDAY (6:00PM Saturday to 6:00PM Sunday)

155. Jesus' public entry into Jerusalem / 21:1-11, 17 / 11:1-11,14-17 / 19:28-44 / 12:12-19

MONDAY (6:00PM Sunday to 6:00PM Monday)

156. Jesus curses barren fig tree (Israel) / 21:18-19 / 11:12-14 / - / -
157. Jesus cleanses temple second time / 21:12-16 / 11:15-19 / 19:45-48 / -
158. Certain Greeks desire to see Jesus / - / - / - / 12:23,27,

TUESDAY (6:00PM Monday to 6:00PM Tuesday)

159. The barren Fig tree withers / 21:20-22 / 11:20-24 / - / -
160. Pray & Forgive / - / 11:25-26 / - / -
161. Christ's authority questioned / 21:23-27 / 11:27-33 / 20:1-8 / -
162. Parable of the Two Sons / 21:28-32 / - / - / -
163. Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen / 21:33-46 / 12:1-12 / 20-1-19 / -
164. Parable of the Wedding Garment / 22:1-14 / - / - / -
165. The Tribute Money / 22:15-22 / 12:13-17 / 20:20-26 / -
166. The Sadducees and the Resurrection / 22:23-33 / 12:18-27 / 20:27-40 / -
167. The Two Great Commandments / 22:34-40 / 12:28-34 / - / -
168. David's Son & David's Lord / 22:41-46 / 12:35-37 / 20:41-44 / -
169. Jesus warns religious sects, 8 woes / 23:1-36 / 12:38-40 / 20:45-47 / -
170. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem / 23:37-39 / - / - / -
171. The Poor Widow’s two mites / - / 12:41-44 / 21:1-4 / -
172. Belief and Unbelief / - / - / - / 12:42-43
173. Jesus foretells 70 A.D.Temple Destruction / 24:1-2 / 13:1-2 / 21:5-6 / -
174. Disciples ask Jesus three questions / 24:3 / 13:3 / 21:7 / -
175. Jesus & question #1, 70 A.D Destruction / 24:4-26, 28 / 13:4-23 / 17:31-33, 37
19:43-44 21:8-24 / -
176. Jesus & question #2, His Second Coming / 24:27, 29-51 / 13:24-37 / 17:22-30,
34-36 / -
177. Jesus & question #3, End of the World / 25:1-46 / - / - / -

WEDNESDAY (6:00 PM Tuesday to 6:00PM Wednesday)

178. The Rulers plot against Jesus / 26:1-5 / 14:1-2 / 22:1-2 / -
179. Jesus symbolically anointed for burial / 26:6-14 / 14:3-9 / - / 12:2-8
180. Judas agrees to betray Jesus / 26:14-16 / 14:10-11 / 22:3-6 / -

THURSDAY (6:00PM Wednesday to 6:00PM Thursday)

181. Preparation for the Passover / 26:17-19 / 14:12-16 / 22:7-13 / -
182. The Passover Meal / 26:20 / 14:17 / 22:14-18,
24-30 / -
183. Jesus washes the disciples feet / - / - / - / 13:1-20
184. Jesus makes known one has betrayed Him / 26:21-25 / 14:18-21 / 22:21-23 / 13:21-35
185. The Lord's Supper / 26:26-30 / 14:22-25 / 22:19-20 / (I Cor.11:23-31)
186. Peter's denial foretold / 26:31-35 / 14:26-31 / 22-:31-38 / 13:36-38
187. Jesus comforts His disciples / - / - / - / 14:1-31
188. The Vine and the Branches / - / - / - / 15:1-11
189. Mutual Love. The disciples to be hated / - / - / - / 15:12-27
190. Persecution foretold. Promise of the Holy Spirit / - / - / - / 16:1-16
191. Prayer in the name of Jesus Christ / - / - / - / 16:17-33
192. Christ’s last prayer with his disciples / - / - / - / 17:1-26
193. Jesus’ agony in the garden of Gethsemane / 26:29-30,
36-46 / 14:32-42 / 22:39-46 / 18:1-2

FRIDAY (6:00PM Thursday to 6:00PM Friday)

194. Jesus betrayed and taken Prisoner / 26:47-56 / 14:43-52 / 22:47-53 / 18:3-12
195. Jesus before Annas & Caiaphas / 26:57-68 / 14:53-65 / 22:54-71 / 18:13-24
196. Peter's denial / 26:69-75 / 14:66-72 / 22:56-62 / 18:25-27
197. Sanhedrin lead Jesus away to Pilate / 27:1-2,11-14 / 15:1-5 / 23:1-5 / 18:28-38
198. Jesus Before Herod / - / - / 23:6-12 / -
199. Pilate seeks to release Jesus / 27:15-25 / 15:6-14 / 23:13-23 / 18:39-40
200. Barabbas released. Jesus delivered for death / 27:26-30 / 15:15-19 / 23:24-25 / 19:1-3
201. Pilate again seeks release of Jesus / - / - / - / 19:4-16
202. Judas repents and hangs himself / 27:3-10 / - / - / -
203. The road to Golgotha / 27:31-34 / 15:20-23 / 23:26-32 / 19:17
204. The Crucifixion / 27:35-38 / 15:24-28 / 23:33-34, 38 / 19:18-24
205. Jesus mocked on the Cross / 27:39-44 / 15:29-32 / 23:35-37, 39 / -
206. The repentant thief / - / - / 23:39-43 / -
207. The Mother of Jesus at the Cross / - / - / - / 19:25-27
208. Darkness at noon, Jesus dies. / 27:45-50 / 15:33-37 / 23:45-49 / 19:28-30
209. Earthquake #1,Veil of Temple torn in two / 27:51-54 / 15:38-41 / 23:45-49 / -
210. No bones broken in the body of Jesus / - / - / - / 19:31-33
211. A soldier pierced the side of Jesus / - / - / - / 19:34
212. Jesus off cross, put in tomb before 6PM / 27:57-61 / 15:42-47 / 23:50-56 / 19:38-42
213. Secure the Sepulchre / 27.62-66 / - / - / -

SATURDAY (6:00PM Friday to 6:00PM Saturday - Sabbath)

SUNDAY (6:00PM Saturday to 6:00PM Sunday)

214. Earthquake #2, resurrection of Jesus / 28:1-4 / 16:1-4 / 24:1-3 / 20:1-2
215. Vision of Angels in the tomb / 28:5-7 / 16:5-7 / 24:4-8 / -
216. The Women return to the city, Meet Jesus / 28:8-10 / 16:8 / 24:9-11 / -
217. Peter and John run to the tomb / - / - / 24:12 / 20:3-10
218. Mary Magdalene sees Jesus at the tomb / - / 16:9-11 / - / 20:11-18
219. Report of the Guard at the tomb / 28:11-15 / - / - / -
220. Jesus appears to 2 disciples on Emmaus Road / - / 16:12-13 / 24:13-35 / -
221. Jesus appears to disciples. Thomas absent / - / 16:14-18 / 24:36-49 / 20:19-23
222. Jesus appears again. Thomas present / - / - / - / 20:24-29
223. Jesus appears to 7 disciples at sea of Tiberias / - / - / - / 21:1-24
224. Jesus appears to over 500 in Galilee / 28:16-20 / - / - / -
225. Jesus appears to James, then to all
(mentioned in Acts 1:1-4 & 1 Cor. 15:3-8) / - / - / - / -
226. Jesus returns to Heaven in a cloud / - / 16:19-20 / 24:50-53 / -
227. Conclusion of John’s Gospel / - / - / - / 20:30-31, 21:25



Jesus is Jehovah King of the Jews and Saviour of the world.


This Gospel does not name its author. However, from Early Church Fathers, beginning with Papias, a pupil of John, onward, it has been accepted as the work of Matthew.


Tradition says he wrote his Gospel originally in Hebrew, and some years later, probably about A.D. 60, issued a more complete edition in Greek.

Chap. 1:1-17 / Generations from Abraham to Jesus
(Joseph's line, Mary's in Luke)
Chap. 1:18-25 / Prophecy of the Birth of Jesus Christ.
Chap. 2:1-11 / The Birth of Jesus
Chap. 2:12-15 / Flight to Egypt
Chap. 2:16-18 / King Herod's Plot
Chap. 2:19-23 / Return to Nazareth
Chap. 3:1-12 / John the Baptist
Chap. 3:13-17 / John Baptizes Jesus
Chap. 4:1-11 / Temptation of Jesus
Chap. 4:12-17 / Jesus begins Ministry
Chap. 4:18-22 / Jesus calls 4 Disciples
Chap. 4:23-25 / Jesus Preaches, Teaches, Heals and Delivers
Chap. 5:1-7:29 / The Sermon on the Mount
Chap. 5:1-12 / The 9 Blessed Statements
Chap. 5:13 / Salt
Chap. 5:14-16 / Light
Chap. 5:17-20 / Law
Chap. 5:21-26 / Anger
Chap. 5:27-28 / Adultery
Chap. 5:29-30 / Sin
Chap. 5:31-32 / Divorce (Matt.19:3; 1 Cor. 7:12-15)
Chap. 5:33-37 / Swear Not (Don't make Oaths)
Chap. 5:38-42 / Give
Chap. 5:43-48 / Love
Chap. 6:1-4 / Alms Giving
Chap. 6:5-13 / Prayer
Chap. 6:14-15 / Forgiveness
Chap. 6:16-18 / Fastings
Chap. 6:19-21 / Treasure (Where yours is, there will be your heart also)
Chap. 6:22-23 / Eye (The will of man)
Chap. 6:24 / Double mindedness
Chap. 6:25-34 / Don't Worry
Chap. 7:1-5 / Don't Judge A Person's Heart
Chap. 7:6 / Don't cast your pearls before swine
Chap. 7:7-12 / Prayer
Chap. 7:13-14 / Eternal Choice
Chap. 7:15-23 / False Prophets (Antichrists)
Chap. 7:24-29 / God's House of Faith
Chap. 8:1-17 / Four Divine Healings in a Row
Chap. 8:1-4 / #1 Leper
Chap. 8:5-13 / #2 Centurion's Servant
Chap. 8:14-15 / #3 Peter's Mother-In-Law
Chap. 8:16-17 / #4 Healing and Deliverance
Chap. 8:18-22 / Would-be Disciples
Chap. 8:23-27 / Little Faith
Chap. 8:28-34 / Gadarene Deliverance
Chap. 9:1-8 / Healing of the Palsy
Chap. 9:9 / Matthew's Call
Chap. 9:10-13 / Jesus Eats With Sinners
Chap. 9:14-17 / Garments and Bottles
Chap. 9:18-19,23-26 / Ruler's Daughter Raised from the Dead(Story interrupted 20-22)
Chap. 9:20-22 / Woman healed from issue of blood
Chap. 9:27-31 / Two Blind Men Healed
Chap. 9:32-34 / Dumb Man Delivered
Chap. 9:35-38 / Jesus Teaching, Preaching and Healing
Chap. 10:1-42 / Jesus Empowers and Commissions His 12 Disciples
Chap. 11:1-6 / John Questions Jesus
Chap. 11:7-15 / Jesus Defends John
Chap. 11:16-19 / Jesus Mocks the Jews
Chap. 11:2024 / Jesus Rebukes the Cities
Chap. 11:2530 / Jesus on Relationships
Chap. 12:19 / Lord of the Sabbath
Chap. 12:1013 / Withered Hand Healed
Chap. 12:1421 / Plot to Kill Jesus
Chap. 12:2223 / Deliverance & Healing to a Blind & Dumb Man
Chap. 12:2437 / Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
Chap. 12:3845 / An Evil Generation Seeks Signs
Chap. 12:4650 / Mother & Brothers
Chap. 13:152 / Parables
Chap. 13:39,1823 / Parable of the Sower
Chap. 13:1017 / Why Parables?
Chap. 13:2430,3643 / Parable of the Field
Chap. 13:3132 / Parable of the Mustard Seed
Chap. 13:3335 / Parable of the Leaven
Chap. 13:44 / Parable of the Treasure
Chap. 13:4546 / Parable of the Pearls
Chap. 13:4752 / Parable of the Net
Chap. 13:5358 / People offended in Jesus
Chap. 14:112 / John the Baptist's Death,
Chap. 14:1314 / Jesus Heals Multitudes
Chap. 14:1521 / Jesus Feeds 5,000
Chap. 14:2233 / Jesus & Peter walk on Water
Chap. 14:3436 / Hem of the garment healings
Chap. 15:19 / Jesus Rebukes Tradition
Chap. 15:1020 / Defilement
Chap.15:2128 / Jesus Delivers Daughter
Chap. 15:2931 / Jesus heals on the Mountain
Chap. 15:3239 / Jesus feeds the 4,000
Chap. 16:14 / Jesus rebukes sign request
Chap. 16:512 / Beware of Doctrine
Chap. 16:1320 / Who Am I?
Chap. 16:2123 / Jesus rebukes Peter
Chap. 16:2428 / Take up your Cross
Chap. 17:19 / Transfiguration
Chap. 17:1013 / Elijah Has Come
Chap. 17:1421 / Lunatic Son Delivered
Chap. 17:2223 / Jesus reveals betrayal
Chap. 17:2427 / Tribute Money (at Capernaum)
Chap. 18:16 / Who is the Greatest.
Chap. 18:714 / No one should perish
Chap. 18:1522 / Handling Problems
Chap. 18:2335 / Forgive Others
Chap. 19:12 / Healing & Deliverance
Chap. 19:312 / Divorce
Chap. 19:1315 / Children not born in sin
Chap. 19:1622 / Cost of Discipleship
Chap. 19:2326 / Riches
Chap. 19:2730 / Personal Rewards
Chap. 20:116 / Parable of the Laborers
Chap. 20:1719 / Jesus foretells Death
Chap. 20:2024 / My Two Sons
Chap. 20:2528 / Kingdom Rule
Chap. 20:2934 / Two Blind Men Healed (Not the same as in Matt. 9:27)
Chap. 21:111 / Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Chap. 21:1213 / Jesus Cleans Temple
Chap. 21:1416 / Blind & Lame Healed
Chap. 21:1722 / Fig Tree Cursed
Chap. 21:2332 / By What Authority?
Chap. 21:3346 / Parable of the Vineyard
Chap. 22:114 / Parable of the Marriage Feast
Chap. 22:1522 / Tribute Money (at Bethany)
Chap. 22:2333 / Whose Wife in the Resurrection?
Chap. 22:3440 / Greatest Commandment?
Chap. 22:4146 / David's Son
Chap. 23:112 / Moses’ Seat
Chap. 23:1333 / Jesus Curses Jerusalem's Religion
Chap. 23:3439 / Jesus Curses Jerusalem
Chap. 24:12 / Temple Destruction Prophesied
Chap. 24:3 / Disciples ask 3 questions
Chap. 24:426 / Physical Signs of Temple Destruction
Chap. 24:2751 / Spiritual Signs of His Second Coming
Chap. 25:146 / Three examples of the End of the World
Chap. 25:113 / Parable of the 10 Virgins
Chap. 25:1430 / Parable of the Talents
Chap. 25:3146 / Final Judgment
Chap. 26:15 / Another Plot to Kill
Chap. 26:613 / Alabaster Box
Chap. 26:1416 / 30 Pieces of Silver
Chap. 26:1719 / Passover Preparation
Chap. 26:2025 / Last Supper
Chap. 26:2635 / Communion
Chap. 26:3646 / Gethsemane
Chap. 26:4756 / Betrayal Kiss
Chap. 26:5768 / Jesus Before High Priest
Chap. 26:69-75 / Peter's Denials
Chap. 27:1-2,11-18 / Jesus Before Pilate
Chap. 27:3-10 / Judas' Death
Chap. 27:19-25 / Pilate's Choice
Chap. 27:26-38 / Crucifixion
Chap. 27:39-44 / Come Down from the Cross
Chap. 27:45-53 / Jesus' Death
Chap. 27:54-56 / Crucifixion Witnesses
Chap. 27:57-61 / Jesus' Burial
Chap. 27:62-66 / Grave Watch
Chap. 28:1-8 / He Is Risen!
Chap. 28:9-10 / Appears to two Marys
Chap. 28:11-15 / The Bribe
Chap. 28:16-20 / Great Commission



Jesus is Jehovah's Servant


The gospel writer is probably John Mark. Mark became an important assistant for both Paul and Peter, preaching the good news to Gentiles and preserving the gospel message for later Christians.


Mark’s gospel is thought to have been written and published in Rome between A.D. 60 and 70.

Chap. 1:1-8 / John the Baptist (Matt.3:1-12)
Chap. 1:9-11 / John Baptizes Jesus (Matt. 3:13-17)
Chap. 1:12-13 / Temptation of Jesus (Matt. 4:1-11)
Chap. 1:14-15 / Kingdom at Hand
Chap. 1:16-20 / Jesus Calls 4 Disciples (Matt. 4:18-22)
Chap. 1:21-22 / Teaching Authority
Chap. 1:23-28 / Deliverance
Chap. 1:29-31 / Heals Peter's Mother-In-Law
Chap. 1:32-34 /

Heals & Delivers

Chap. 1:35-37 / All Men Seek Thee
Chap. 1:38 / Confirms Covenant (See Dan. 9:27)
Chap. 1:39 / Preached & Delivered
Chap. 1:40-45 / Healed Leper
Chap. 2:1-12 / Forgives Sin & Heals
Chap. 2:13-14 / Levi Called
Chap. 2:15-17 / Eats with Publicans & Sinners
Chap. 2:18-20 / Disciples Fast Not
Chap. 2:21-22 / Garments & Bottles
Chap. 2:23-28 / Lord of the Sabbath (Matt. 12:1-9)
Chap. 3:1-5 / Heals Withered Hand (Matt. 12:10-13)
Chap. 3:6 / Destroy Him
Chap. 3:7-12 / Great Multitudes Healed & Delivered
Chap. 3:13-20 / Jesus Ordains 12
Chap. 3:21 / He is Mad
Chap. 3:22-26 / Kingdom Divided
Chap. 3:27 / Strong Man Bound
Chap. 3:28-30 / Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
Chap. 3:31-35 / Jesus' Mother & Brothers
Chap. 4:1-20 / Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13:3-9 & 18-23)
Chap. 4:21-23 / Parable of the Candle (Matt. 5:14-16)
Chap. 4:24-25 / Hearing & Giving
Chap. 4:26-29 / Parable of the Harvest
Chap. 4:30-34 / Parable of the Mustard Seed (Matt. 13:31-32)
Chap. 4:35-41 / Peace Be Still
Chap. 5:1-20 / Gadarene Deliverance
Chap. 5:21-24, & 35-43 / Jairus’ Daughter Resurrected
Chap. 5:25-34 / Woman Healed from Issue of Blood
Chap. 6:1-6 / No Honor
Chap. 6:7-11 / Jesus Empowers and Commissions His Disciples
Chap. 6:12-13 / Disciples Preach, Deliver & Heal
Chap. 6:14-29 / John the Baptist's Death (Matt. 14:1-12)
Chap. 6:30-32 / Rest a While
Chap. 6:33-34 / People Followed
Chap. 6:35-44 / 5,000 Fed (Matt 14:15-21)
Chap. 6:45-46 / Jesus Prays in Mountain
Chap. 6:47-52 / Walks on Water
Chap. 6:53-56 / Hem of His Garment Healings (Matt. 14:34-36)
Chap. 7:1-13 / Jesus Rebukes Tradition (Matt. 15:1-9)
Chap. 7:14-23 / Heart Defilement (Matt. 15:10-20)
Chap. 7:24-30 / Greek's Daughter Delivered
Chap. 7:31-37 / Deaf & Dumb Healed
Chap. 8:1-9 / 4,000 Fed (Matt. 15:32-39)
Chap. 8:10-13 / Sign Seekers
Chap. 8:14-21 / Beware of Doctrine (Matt. 16:5-12)
Chap. 8:22-26 / Blind Man Healed
Chap. 8:27-30 / Who Am I? (Matt. 16:13-20)
Chap. 8:31 / Jesus foretells Death (Matt. 16:21 & 17:22)
Chap. 8:32-33 / Peter Rebuked
Chap. 8:34-38 / Deny Self
Chap. 9:1-10 / Transfiguration
Chap. 9:11-13 / Elijah Has Come
Chap. 9:14-29 / Lunatic Son Delivered
Chap. 9:30-32 / Jesus Foretells Death (Matt. 16:21 & 17:22 & Mark 8:31)
Chap. 9:33-37 / Who Is the Greatest?
Chap. 9:38-41 / Not Following Us
Chap. 9:42-50 / Offenses
Chap. 10:1-12 / Divorce
Chap. 10:13-16 / Suffer the Little Children
Chap. 10:17-22 / Great Possessions
Chap. 10:23-27 / Eye of the Needle
Chap. 10:28-31 / We Have Left All
Chap. 10:32-34 / Jesus Foretells Death (Mark 8:31; 9:30)
Chap. 10:35-45 / Sit on Right & Left Hand
Chap. 10:46-52 / Blind Bartimaeus Healed
Chap. 11:1-11 / Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Chap. 11:12-14 / Fig Tree Cursed
Chap. 11:15-19 / Jesus Cleans Temple
Chap. 11:20-24 / Mountain Moving Faith
Chap. 11:25-26 / Pray & Forgive
Chap. 11:27-33 / By What Authority?
Chap. 12:1-12 / Parable of the Vineyard
Chap. 12:13-17 / Render unto Caesar
Chap. 12:18-27 / Resurrection Wife
Chap. 12:28-34 / Greatest Commandment
Chap. 12:35-37 / David's Son
Chap. 12:38-40 / Beware of Scribes
Chap. 12:41-44 / Widow’s Mites
Chap. 13:1-2 / Temple Destruction Prophesied
Chap. 13:3-4 / Disciples ask questions (Matt. 24:3)
Chap. 13:5-23 / Physical Signs of Temple Destruction
Chap. 13:24-37 / Spiritual Signs of Second Coming
Chap. 14:1-2 / Plot to Kill
Chap. 14:3-9 / Alabaster Box
Chap. 14:10-11 / Judas Deals Betrayal
Chap. 14:12-16 / Passover Preparation
Chap. 14:17-21 / Last Supper
Chap. 14:22-25 / Communion
Chap. 14:26-31 / Peter's Denial Prophesied
Chap. 14:32-42 / Gethsemane
Chap. 14:43-45 / Betrayal Kiss
Chap. 14:46-52 / Taken Captive
Chap. 14:53-65 / Jesus Before High Priest
Chap. 14:66-72 / Peter's Denial
Chap. 15:1-14 / Jesus Before Pilate
Chap. 15:15-41 / Crucifixion
Chap. 15:42-47 / Joseph Claims Body
Chap. 16:1-8 / He Is Risen!
Chap. 16:9-11 / Appears to Mary
Chap. 16:12-13 / Appears to Two
Chap. 16:14 / Appears to the Eleven
Chap. 16:15-18 / Great Commission