Goshen Choirs
Handbook 2016-2017
Goshen Local Schools
Chamber Choir
Women’s Choir
GMS 7th and 8th Grade Choir
A Cappella Choir
Show Choir
Jennifer Hansford, Director
Dear Choir Students and Parents,
Welcome to another exciting year in the Goshen Choir Program. I am thrilled that you have decided to participate in this vibrant and growing vocal music program. My name is Jennifer Hansford and I will do my best to help each and every singer reach their goals as musicians and young adults. In this handbook you will find important information for our successful year together. Please read through it carefully. Students can bring questions to class and parents, please contact me (information below) with any questions or concerns you may have. Please return the signed form by Friday, August 26th. This is our students’ first assignment and grade in choir.
The difference between a good choir and a great choir lies in the commitment and engagement of its members. As with many things, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. Choir is fun, but it is hard work too. It is not a blow-off class, and we all hold each other to high expectations.
Parents, your support and assistance are welcomed and encouraged! Many of the things we do are not possible without the help of our great parent community! Join us for a Booster meeting, or share your own special talent with us. Indicate ways you would like to contribute on the student information form and I will be in touch!
Singers! Here we go again! Every year is a unique and memorable experience. Decide now what YOUR contribution to this group will be, what part will you play? Let’s work together to move forward in being the best we can be. Whatever you decide, we are in it TOGETHER!
One Choir, One Voice!
Mrs. Hansford
722-2227 ext. 2099
2016-2017 Goshen Choir Calendar
**Please mark these dates on your family calendar. Performances are the ‘final project’ in choir class and are required as part of each student’s grade.**
Fall Concert October 20, 20167pm GHS Auditeria
Holiday Concert December 15, 20167pm GHS Auditeria
Spring ConcertApril 13, 20177pm GHS Auditeria
GraduationMay 26, 20177pm Tri-County Assembly
***Chamber/A Cappella Choirs only***
Vocal Music Course Descriptions and Extra-Curricular Opportunities
Chamber Choir is an advanced, auditioned ensemble of mixed voices. Singers will learn and perform a wide range of musical selections at challenging levels of difficulty. This is a course for a grade and one Fine Arts credit towards graduation requirements. Chamber Choir performs in the school and community and is a year-long class.
Women’s Choir is open to any young woman at Goshen High School who desires to sing music composed specifically for the female voice. Singers in this group will work hard to improve individual skills and build a supportive environment for young women. . This is a course for a grade and one Fine Arts credit towards graduation requirements. Women’s Choir performs in the school and community and is a year-long class.
GMS Choir is open to any 7th- 8th grader wishing to improve their singing or just try it out! This is essentially a beginning choir working on good healthy singing habits, performance etiquette and musical skills. . This is a course for a grade. GMS Choir performs with the high school choirs in the school and community. Choir is a year-long class.
Show Choir is a hard-working, auditioned ensemble of singers and dancers. Auditions will be held in late September and the group meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-5pm until the end of the year. Show Choir performs at all choir concerts and in the community. Auditions TBA
A Cappella Choir is a select group that meets during GHS Advisory/Bonus . This group performs without musical accompaniment and requires an excellent sense of pitch and independent study of music. A Cappella Choir performs at all choir concerts and in the community. A Cappella will begin meeting when Bonus period starts.
CLC – Choir Leadership Council is a service organization open to GHS students who wish to work on behalf of the Goshen Choir Program. Meetings are held once or twice a month on Tuesday afternoons. Anyone involved in the choir is welcome to join this hardworking, dedicated group.
Goals of the Goshen Choir Program
- Students will work to improve their singing skills through daily practice, effort and participation.
- Students will improve their musicianship including music theory, sight-singing and rhythm work.
- Students will perform in school and the community, representing our school and music program with dignity and professionalism.
- Students will work to develop cooperative and interpersonal skills that allow our singing groups to function at the highest level.
- Students will practice and improve social and cooperative skills.
- Students will set personal and group goals, work at achieving them and reflect on their progress.
- Students will practice and model appropriate audience behavior.
- Students will be in control of themselves at all times, including their bodies, language and interactions with other students and the teacher.
- Students will be prepared each day with the appropriate supplies and attitude to do their best work.
- Students will participate in all class activities to the best of their abilities.
Each choral ensemble will determine ground rules and consequences for their group. Rules will be determined by each student’s hopes and expectations for choir this year and may include social, academic, physical and musical guidelines for conduct.
In the event that a student makes choices that are inappropriate or cause disruption to the group’s progress, consequences may be applied to help guide that individual back to productive involvement in the choir. Depending on the situation, consequences may include:
- Time away from the group to regain control
- Point deduction
- Reflection/goal realignment
- Parent phone call
- Logical consequence
- Behavior plan
- Written assignment
- Assigned make up time
- Office referral
- Loss of privilege
- Removal from performing group
***For severe or repetitious infractions – Office Referral.
Class Procedures
- Be on time: Be in the room before the bell rings. Get your folder and be in your assigned position quickly and efficiently for attendance. Do not wait to be called to start rehearsal.
- Be in your assigned seat: Positions in choir are determined by several factors, including voice part, musicianship/experience, voice qualities and height. Being in the wrong seat is inappropriate in a choir that is working to be the best they can be.
- Be ready: Bring only your materials for choir and if you wish, a bottle of water to the rehearsal area. Leave personal belongings on the counters around the edge of the room.
- Be involved in warm ups: Participate in physical and vocal warm ups to the best of your ability every day. Speak to the Director before rehearsal begins if you have a special circumstance (illness, injury, etc) that prevents you from full participation.
- Be engaged: Use every minute of our time together in a productive manner. We have a busy and demanding schedule this year. Time spent socializing during rehearsal detracts from our progress as a group and as individuals. There will be times when the Director is working with small groups (partwork) and you will need to make an appropriate choice, such as:
- “shadow” your part (sing lightly, practice)
- Memorize your words
- Practice rhythm patterns and/or sightsinging
- Meet with your section leader
- Study your cheat sheets or do theory work
- Choose and work on a solo piece, small ensemble piece
- Be prepared: Each day you will need:
- Two pocket folder
- 2 sharpened or mechanical pencils with lead
- Your agenda
- GMS ONLY: composition notebook
Assessment and Grading
Choir is a participation- and performance-based class. Students will earn a grade in choir based on the following:
- Daily Participation50% of grade
- 5 points per rehearsal
- Weekly assessment – Director
- Quarterly assessment – Student Reflection
- Listening/Theory/Rhythm Work25% of grade
- Performances/Concerts25% of grade
- Attendance
- Punctuality
- Required Dress
- Best Effort
- Duties (may include set up, bake sale donation, clean up crew, stage crew, etc)
Tardiness: Students are expected to be on time to class each day, gather materials and be ready to begin rehearsal in an efficient manner. Students arriving after the bell without a pass will have one point deducted from that day’s points. Chronic tardiness will result in applied consequences as appropriate.
Point deductions may be applied in the following situations:
- GUM in rehearsal
- Missing music/materials/pencil
- Disrupting rehearsal
- Non-participation
- Disrespectful or poor attitude
***We all have those ‘tough’ or ‘sick’ days. Be responsible and communicate with the Director before rehearsal begins if you have a situation that prevents you from doing your best work in choir.
Grading Scale: The Goshen Local School District grading scale applies to all choir classes. Check your agenda.
Concert Policy and Dress Requirements
Choir is a performance-based class. Concerts take the place of quizzes, tests, and projects. Attendance at our major concert events is mandatory for all choir members. Additional performances may be scheduled in the community and attendance is highly encouraged.
Absence from Concert:
- Absence will be excused only if in agreement with the District absence policy. Student with an excused absence will have the opportunity to make up the points by completing an assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Director for details and due date of the assignment.
- Unexcused absences will not be made up. The strength and success of a choir relies solely on the presence of its members.
Dress Requirements
Concerts are an opportunity to showcase the talents of Goshen’s students. It is expected that each choir member will make every effort to meet the following guidelines. Students should take care to be neatly groomed and in clothes appropriate for representing Goshen Schools. All outfits should conform to the school’s dress code.
Chamber Choir and Show Choir have new uniforms. All students are expected to abide by check out and check in procedures, and treat their uniforms carefully so they will last many years.
Concert Dress (Women’s, A Cappella, GMS)
- White collared shirt with sleeves, no markings.
- Black dress pants (gentlemen)
- Black dress pants or skirt of school appropriate length (ladies)
- Black dress shoes (no athletic shoes, flip flops, extremely high heels)
- Black socks/tights/pantyhose
**Please contact the Director in the event of a financial issue preventing a student from acquiring required dress items. Many can be borrowed, made or purchased at a discounted price.
Choir Leadership Council
Singers: Are you looking for a way to contribute more to our choir program? You are invited and encouraged to join this highly motivated team that works in support of the choirs. We meet Tuesdays once or twice a month in the GHS Band Room to plan events for choir, such as the Homecoming Parade, concert decorations, fundraisers and social events. This is not an exclusive group and any member of any choir is welcome to join. Officers will be elected at the second meeting.
CLC 1st Meeting of the 2016-2017School Year: Tuesday September 6th 3-4pm
Tour Day/Competition/Special Events
Each year in choir is a unique and different experience. Please be aware that you are expected to maintain good academic and behavioral standing in all classes in order to participate in special activities with the choir. Excellent behavior and high levels of respect between members of our group ensures a positive experience for singers, improved musical development and support and recognition from our community.
What is GREAT participation in Choir???
- Doing your best...
- Being on time...
- Being prepared...
- Being friendly and supportive...
- Challenging yourself...
- Being proud of what we do...
- Staying focused and engaged...
- Taking appropriate risks...
- Having fun...
Please fill out the last page of this handbook (both sides!) and return by Friday August 26th for 10 points!
**Return signed by Friday August 26th for 10 points***
We have read and understand the 2016-2017 Goshen Choir Handbook and understand the obligations, responsibilities and privileges of membership in the Goshen Choir Program.
Student Signature______
Parent Signature______
Student Name______Grade______
Student Tshirt size ______
Student Response:
Extracurricular Activities/Sports you plan to participate in this year:
List two goals you would like to achieve this year (can be music related or other) ______
Parent Response:
Parent/Guardian Name______
Home Phone______Cell Phone______
Home email______
How will you support your music student? (Check all that apply)
___Attend Music Booster Meetings
___Help with supervision during concerts
___Help with coordinating uniforms/robes and concert needs
___Assist with field trips/outings for the choir
___Provide publicity for the Goshen Choirs: articles, photos, etc
___Coordinate fundraisers
___Share a special talent with us! ______
Thanks for your support and let’s have a great year!!