JULY 8, 2004
The meeting was held in the BuckLakeElementary Schoolcafeteria at 6:30 p.m.
A Quorum of appointed board members was not present to conduct an official board meeting. Members present were Donna Nichols and Walter Culley. Donna was appointed as President at the transitionalmeeting and chaired the meeting and discussed the items on the agenda and reminded the homeowners that no voting would take place and it would not be considered an official meeting of the board.
Donna reported that board members Jonathan Burns and Tammy Wentworth were not available to attend due to work schedules and Von Knight resigned from the board. The remaining board members will need to appoint a replacement for Von’s position.
The minutes of the April 22, 2004 Annual Meeting were distributed and are subject to board approval at the next meeting.
Donna stated the importance of establishing the ACC (Architectural Control Committee) for reviewing and approving all exterior improvements. Previously the Buck Lake Alliance had control and authority over this committee. Walter Culley will chair the ACC and the board will appoint the committee members. Homeowners were encouraged to sign up for a committee if they had not done so at the annual meeting. The board will appoint one point person to organize and plan meetings for each committee.
Association Bylaws Draft: Table until next meeting
JasonTrailPark Update: Donna reported that a proposed plan for the park development will be available at the next meeting and options will be presented. The Federal Guidelines concerning fall zones and equipment requirements will be followed for the community park. Pepper Ghazvini has promised to donate funds for the association and both developers are receptive to donations for the community. The City has a Grant Program which includes matching funds that the board will apply for.
Letter to Developer: The board will draft a letter to the developer outlining the pending maintenance issues in Goose Creek requesting written response under a specific time frame for completion.
Community Website: John Ross was appointed as Website Committee Chair and will submit a proposal to the board for setting up a website, obtaining a domain name and the options available for a community site.
Survey Results: Donna reported that we received 59 survey responses (out of 179 properties). The vote was as follows: 33 voted No, 25 voted YES and 1 voted undecided. The board will not pursue the vote to separate the neighborhood but property owners can always pursue it on their own.
Financial Report: $22,827.04 cash in bank as of July 7, 2004
Delinquent Dues: $1,622.62
Schedule Quarterly Board Meetings: Donna reported that the board would hold quarterly meetings. The third quarter meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 14th and the Election Meeting will be held in January.
Other issues discussed included:
Additional maintenance of common areas and CountyPark easements.
Donna will contact City Code Enforcement about maintenance of the vacant lots and emptying the construction dumpsters.
City Commissioners and other officials representing the district will be invited to attend the next meeting to answer homeowners concerns.
Meeting adjourned.