/ Kotimaiset Kasvikset ry
Laatutarha-vaatimukset / Laatutarha 2007 / 1(6)

Good Work Hygiene and Instructions in Case of Emergency

Company name:
Street address:
Postal code and office:


When is handwashing necessary?

Those employees who handle the products should always wash their hands:

  • Before the day's work begins.
  • After using the toilet.
  • After blowing or wiping one’s nose.
  • After smoking.
  • After meals.
  • After handling any waste material.
  • After routine cleaning and sanitation work.

How to wash hands properly

  1. Before washing remove your watch, rings and other ornaments.
  2. Wet hands with warm water.
  3. Rub hands vigorously with soap for 10-15 seconds.
  4. Wash all surfaces: hands, wrists, fingertips, between the fingers, and under the nails.
  5. Rinse hands with water.
  6. Dry hands carefully with a towel.

Good work hygiene

Falling ill at work

If you are suddenly fallen ill, inform your superior or employer about it without delay. Especially in the cases of diarrhoea, stomach flu and common cold you need not -and should not- continue working, because you may infect other workers and your hands can pass harmful microbes onto the products.

Monitoring the cleanness of the products

In harvesting the cleanness of the products should be monitored. This also prevents foreign objects from getting into the packaging with the gathered product.

Such products which are not peeled before eating should not be dirty, dusty or show any marks of bird droppings. Berries or fruit which are pecked by birds must not be gathered. Ask your superior or employer what to do with soiled or dirty products. Products not peeled before eating include berries and apples; cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper and different lettuces of greenhouse vegetables, and lettuce and courgette (zucchini) of outdoor vegetables.

Neither the products nor their packaging must contain foreign objects. In other words, the packaging should be clear of pebbles, bits of wood, glass etc. If you notice foreign objects in products or its packaging, put the product/products aside and inform your superior or employer about it.

Instructions in case of fire

How to act:

1. Rescue persons who are in immediate danger.

2. Dial the European emergency number 112 and alert the fire department.

The company address is:

3. Alert the owner of the company or the person in charge by dialling the following numbers:

4. Do the first-hand extinguishing if the fire area is small.

5. Retard the fire by shutting doors and windows.

6. If there are, for example, gas cylinders in the burning place, remove them from the fire area if possible.

7. When the fire department arrives:

  • Guide the rescue team to the scene.
  • Tell or point out on the map where biocides, fertilisers and possible gas cylinders are located.

How to act in case of biocide spillage

Leaks of undiluted biocide into the ground

  • Inform your superior or employer of the accident.
  • A small amount of biocide can be absorbed in sawdust, fine sand or peat.
  • If the biocide is powder-like, it can be collected by sweeping.
  • If a small amount of biocide has soaked into the earth, the contaminated soil must be immediately removed to the depth of 10 centimeters.
  • The absorbing agent (sand, peat etc.) and the soil are regarded as hazardous waste and they should be taken to a hazardous waste collection site or given to a firm collecting such waste.
  • Each biocide has its own material safety data sheet (MSDS). This document has instructions on spill or leak procedures in the event of environmental damage.

Leaks of water-diluted biocides into the ground

  • Inform your superior or employer of the accident.
  • Stop the leak and try to confine the spillage for instance by damming it and by spreading an absorption agent on the spillage area. Especially near bodies of water (lakes, rivers etc.), it is vital to keep the diluted biocide from entering surface waters.
  • Significant leaks of biocides into the ground or lake and river systems should immediately be reported to the authorities by dialling the European emergency number 112.
  • Act according to the instructions given by the authorities.
  • If the leak endangers nearby landowners or residents, they should be informed of the accident without delay.
  • The contaminated soil and the absorbing agent (sand, peat etc.) are regarded as hazardous waste and they should be taken to a hazardous waste collection site or given to a firm collecting such waste.
  • Each biocide has its own material safety data sheet (MSDS). This document has instructions on spill or leak procedures in the event of environmental damage.

How to act in case of fuel or oil spillage

Minor leaks

  • Inform your superior or employer of the accident.
  • Petrol, diesel fuel or oil which has leaked on the ground or on the floor can be absorbed using peat, saw dust or fine sand.
  • If a small quantity of fuel or oil ends on the ground, the contaminated soil should be immediately removed to the depth of 10 centimeters.
  • The absorbing agent and the contaminated soil is inflammable, and therefore smoking and use of open fire are not allowed near the leak area. The contaminated soil and the absorbing agent (sand, peat etc.) are regarded as hazardous waste and they should be taken to a hazardous waste collection site or given to a firm collecting such waste.

Major spillage

  • Inform your superior or employer of the accident.
  • Try to prevent additional leakage by turning off the fuel feeding.
  • Warn other employees of a fire hazard.
  • Significant cases of fuel and oil spillage should immediately be reported to the authorities by dialling the European emergency number 112.
  • Try to confine the spillage for instance by damming it and by spreading an absorption agent on the spillage area.
  • If the leak endangers nearby landowners or residents, they should be informed of the accident without delay.
  • Act according to the instructions given by the authorities.

Emergency call

When you have to make an emergency call in case of fire, biocide or oil accident or disaster, act as follows:

1. Use any phone to dial the European emergency number 112.

2. Tell your name.

3. Tell what has happened.

4. Tell the name of the company and the exact address and municipality, which are below.

The company address is:

5. Answer any questions.

6. Act according to the instructions given to you.

7. Do not end the call until you are told to do so.

When using a mobile phone, no area code is needed. All you have to do is dial the number 112.

Käännös: Juha Äystö