“Your Greatest Promotion Ever” Master Worksheet and Checklist to Guarantee Your Success

1.  When are you going to have your Promo Day Event (Ideally 6 weeks in the future)?______

2.  What time is your Event going to occur?

a.  Start: ______

b.  End: ______

c.  Number of 30 minute treatment slots per PT: ______

d.  Block your schedule(s) off so no other appointments are scheduled during this time. You and your staff are now committed to filling these spots with 30 minute Free screenings.

3.  What Physical Therapists do you have available on that day?


4.  Multiply the number of PTs by the number of 30 minute treatment slots you have available. (For example, we had 5 PTs and blocked off 5 hours for our Event. So each PT had 10 slots…5 hours x 2 slots per hour = 10 slots per PT. Multiply this by 5. 10 x 5 = 50. So we had 50 Total Slots on our Promo Day Event.)

How many slots do you have? ______

5.  Why are you celebrating? (For ideas, we have used National PT Month, the birth of a child on our staff, a new PT joining our team, our 10 Year…or 3 Year Anniversary of being in business…other Practice Owners have used a new location or a new certification or their 10,000th patient. ***As a tip, you don’t need to celebrate on the exact date…we celebrated National PT Month on November 4th. You just need a reason to celebrate).______

6.  Do you have your past patient mailing list together? If not, do that now…or delegate it.

7.  Do you have your present and past patient email list ready? If not, do that now…or delegate it.

8.  Do you have a working camera to record and post short videos to YouTube or Facebook? (Smartphones, iphones, Androids, all work great…does not have to be expensive or fancy).

9.  What Bonus item can you give away to your early responders…those past patients who call in first? (We give away personally signed copies of my book on LBP…other owners have done T-shirts, mugs, exercise equipment, ie, bands, etc.) ______

10.  I’m supplying you with a Copyright-Free copy of the Report we gave away on Arthritis. Modify as you see fit.

11.  Using your answers on this sheet, fill in Template #1 for both Mail and Email. (It’s a bit like Mad Libs…remember that?!)

12.  Grab “Your Greatest Promotion Ever” Calendar…and work backwards to fill in the dates.

13.  Post the calendar where all of your staff will see it daily. You are all on the same team working towards filling your schedules and having Your Most Successful Event Ever.

14.  Review the tips included with the calendar…and schedule your staff meeting now.

15.  Fill in Template #2 for both Mail and Email 2 days before they are ready to go out. (They’re updates…so you’ll want updated information).

16.  Mail and Email #1 and #2 per Your Event Calendar.

17.  5 Days before the event record an impromptu update per the script. This should not be overly professional…think personal. (I use a web cam to do these…or smart phone…just switched from the Galaxy to iPhone…super user friendly for this).

18.  2 Days before the event record again.

a.  If you are booked, a BIG Congratulations!!! Well done. Use the “We’re booked” script.

b.  If you have slots remaining, use this last video to fill them. Use the “Slots Remaining Update #2”

That’s it!

Seems fairly straight forward…and it is.

Welcome to the concept of “Direct Response Marketing”. Think of it as the Marketing version of Evidence-Based Practice.

Here’s the kicker…if you have a less-than-stellar response…well, you may have some work to do to warm up your list. (And I’ve helped other Owners work through everything from buying bad practices, to bad PTs who alienated or stole patients to…you name it. It can be repaired…)

If you have an amazing response…congratulations. Again well done. You’ve provided a high quality of care. Your patients love you…AND they want more of you.

Pretty cool.

Let me know how you do with Your Event…send me an email at

To Your Private Practice Success,
