Of a meeting of the
Good Practice Activity Group
On Wednesday 12th December, 2012 at 2 pm in WMB/SR10 Whitla Medical Building
Dr Marie Migaud
Ms Rachel Bennett
Dr Susan Fetherston
Dr Irina Tikhonova
Dr Sreekanth Pentlavalli
Ms Fiona Hughes
Dr Maurice Hall
Dr Lezley-Anne Hanna
Ms Lana Zugic
Dr Deirdre Gilpin
In attendance
Mrs Jean Young
Dr Heather Anderson
Dr Jonathon Coulter
Professor Tracy Robson
Ms Johanne Barry
Dr Nicola Goodfellow
Dr Maurice Hall
Dr Louise Carson
Dr Migaud opened the meeting and thanked the group members for attending. She explained that she had received information from Mr Sean McGuickin detailing the process for the upcoming SWAN awards. It is intended to improve the application for November 2013. This information will be emailed to the Group.
Discussion followed on the following points from the Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 10th October, 2012.
- It was confirmed by Dr Migaud that there will be continued monitoring of data by gender of Undergraduate, Post-Graduate, Academic Staff and Research levels.
- Dr Migaud reported on the Leavers Data that has been compiled from information given by Academic Staff and circulated to Group Members.
The Leavers Data (PDRA’s) showed a female:male ratio of 23:20.
8 out of 43 PDRA’s leaving went on to take up Academic Posts of which the gender balance was 50:50. 62.5% took up employment within Queen’s University.
The data showed that a high level of PDRA’s stayed in Northern Ireland.
21% went to posts in Industry.
12% went to Community Pharmacy
20% unknown – no information currently available
- Discussion followed on providing options for Post docs and PhDs to obtain information about future career development. Dr Fetherston, Dr Goodfellow and Dr Pentlavalli will meet in the New Year to formulate questions for a survey to go out to PDRAs.
- Discussion on points raised by the Teaching Fellows at the previous meeting. It was reported to the Group that as a result of the points brought forward the Teaching Fellows have met with the Head of School. and that this will continue on a regular basis. The Teaching Fellows will also meet with Professor David Jones on a regular basis.
- Dr Pentlavalli and Dr Fetherston reported that they had contacted Post Docs to gauge the support for a Post Doc Forum. 31 people were contacted and 18 responded, of which 95% felt that a form would be useful. Dr Fetherston said that they had been in touch with CCRCB who have a Post Doc forum in place.
- There was discussion on developing a Seminar Programme for high profile researchers to come to the School and give talks.
- Dr Migaud felt that the Post Doc forum could invite staff from within QUB including newly appointed staff and also visiting External Examiners to give Career Development Talks. These talks could be co-ordinated with the PhD cohort.
Action: Dr Fetherston, Dr Pentlavalli and Dr Goodfellow to arrange a meeting with HOS and School Manager in this regard.
- Lana Zugic reported that she had emailed PhD students to gauge support for a PhD Society and had received no response back.
- Discussion followed on training needs for PhD’s and career development. Rachel Bennett reported that courses run by CCRCB are very popular and that Margaret-Rose Mervyn will be contacted for further information on courses in CCRCB. Dr Migaud suggested that the Group contact the EU Research Officer for Queen’s for information.
- Discussion on forming a PhD Society and the School Postgrad SSCC.
Action: Jean Young will check with Lee-Anne Howell and email Lana Zugic and Rachel Bennett regarding possible date for the next Postgrad SSCC Meeting.
Action: Rachel Bennett will look into sending out a questionnaire to PhD’s regarding a PhD Society.
- Teaching Fellows reported that they will meet with Professor David Jones and the Head of School on a regular basis. They will meet as a group between these meetings.
- The possibility of providing Welcome Packs to new members of Staff was discussed.
Action: Dr Goodfellow, Dr Fetherston and Dr Pentlavalli will raise the possibility of providing Welcome Packs with the School Manager
- Discussion on providing guidelines to PDRA’s about the level of output expected by the School.
Action: Dr Migaud, Professor Robson and Professor Hughes will meet to discuss this
- Discussion on Assessment of Research Talks. Using a template from Oxford it was reported that the Host will provide feedback to the Speaker.
Dates of next meetings (all held at 2 pm)
Wednesday 13th February 2012 in N09
Wednesday 10th April 2012 in N09
Wednesday 12th June 2012 in N09
Wednesday 7th August 2012 in N09