"Good" morning, all --Given the forecast for the next couple of days, we're just wondering what other libraries do, storm-closing-wise. Is it tied to your local school or town office closing? Left to your own judgment?Or what? Thanks for advising, Christie/Lindalee Tuftonboro Free Library

Goffstown Public Library Policy for Emergency Closings: In order to provide the best service, libraries are open for scheduled service whenever possible. The Library is, however, concerned about the safety of its employees and patrons. During extreme weather situations or community emergencies, the Director or Assistant Director may close the Goffstown Public Library at their discretion. If such an event occurs, the Director or Assistant Director will inform the Library Board of Trustees of the decision. The Director or Assistant Director will also inform local radio and television stations of the closing. (Approved by the Library Board of TrusteesNovember 16, 2005)

Lane Memorial LibraryEmergency Closures Policy
When snow storms, mechanical failures within the building, or any other emergencies occur, the Director, in conjunction with the Trustees, has the responsibility for deciding whether or not to close the library. If the Director is not present or available by phone, the supervisor on duty will contact the trustees and make the decision.

In the event of inclement weather, the need to close will be based on advice from local emergency officials and the weather forecast. The decision will be made by the Director in consultation with the Trustees.If a town parking ban is in effect, it may be prudent to close so that the Public Works Department can clear the roads. There will be a phone tree for staff and a message will be placed on the answering machine at the library and on the local television station.

Mechanical problems causing a lack of bathrooms will necessitate a closure during hours when the Town Offices are closed, since there will be no bathrooms available for public or staff. If the library heating or cooling systems fail, causing the temperatures in the library to go below 55 or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, for an extended length of time, the library may opt to close.

All employees scheduled to work during hours when the library closes unexpectedly shall receive their normal day's pay. Staff who elect to stay home due to the weather when the library has remained open must either use leave time or forego pay.

See the library's Emergency Manual for specific procedures to follow in the event of an emergency closure. Approved January 2007; Revised January 17, 2008

Effingham ties its closing to the school- no school, and the library closes. The major reason for this is that I have a 35-minute commute, and the weather is often very different between home and work, making it difficult to make those judgment calls. Of course, my own judgment does also factor in- if it’s not safe to leave home, I don’t. Hope this helps!
Marilyn O’Kelly, Director, Effingham Public Library

The decision is made by the Trustees, wholly independent of town offices or schools. Gorham Public Library

This has been a really tough year! We've been closed more this winter season than I can ever remember. Basically we make our own decision based on the forecast and what seems to be happening with the roads. . Our town office almost never closes and they're bummed that we make our own call. We don't have storytimes if school is cancelled even if we are open. It's sometimes a tough call but our staff and patron safety is most important. One day when we were closed I came down here to do some work and there wasn't any plowed parking or shoveled sidewalk so inviting patrons out into that would have been a bad call I think. I know some libraries around us almost never close, Sarah/New Boston

At Rochester PL during the regular working hours 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. we have to wait until the City decides to close their town offices before we can close the library, except at or after 5 p.m. then the Director & Trustees make the closure decision. Which means we never close during the day but are more free to make that decision after 5 p.m.

In Conway since we are to some extent considered a town department if the town office is open the library is open. We have used our own judgment and closed early for bad weather.

The trustees wanted to tie it in with school closings, but I prefer totry to keep the library open, so most mornings, no matter what theweather, I am here from 8 until 12. The volunteers that keep it openin the afternoon and evening usually make it in unless the weather isreally bad. Of course, trying to keep it open is made easier by the

fact that I am the only employee and we're a small town so most folkslive near by. Steve, libbie cass, springfield

Ours is tied to whether or not Town offices close.We still have to come in, then close, and if we close nobody gets paid. Needless to say, we don't close any more.Kathy ChisholmTuttle LibraryAntrim

I make a decision one way or the other one hour before opening time. In other words, we are prepared to work unless conditions warrant closing and I make that decision. Our hours are so screwy Idon't make a decision based on whether schools are closed. If we are open and an employee does not come in they do not get paid. I also use that opportunity to get our name out by calling in cancellations to area radio/tv stations! Berrie Donovan, Gafney Library, Sanbornville

Gordon-Nash/New Hampton leaves the decision of closing up to those who are on duty that day. It is all about safety and staff driving home etc. Of course they do inform the director if they decide to close!

Here in Jackson, we pretty much use our own judgment. Yesterday for example school was canceled and normally we'd open at 11, but we delayed the opening until 1. Today I canceled our 10am story time, but am here for our regular hours 11-2. Hope this helps.

Our trustees let us make the decision and we call them to let them know. Sometimes we close because our parking lot/sidewalk have not been plowed/shoveled even when the roads are okay. Good luck!Donna, Northwood, Chesley ML

We generally close when school is closed all day. When school has a delayed opening, we keep our normal 10 AM opening. But when it snows and school is on vacation, I have to decide, and it's tough. Several factors in the decision are: the probability that the storm will last through a substantial part of our open hours, how safe and accessible our parking lot and walks will be if the storm is ongoing, and how safely the staff may get home at the close of their shift. We have an exceptionally good highway crew, so driving is possible at all times during a storm, but safe driving is another matter. When we have stayed open during a storm, we have had relatively few patrons come in, and IMHO they could have used the bookdrop. Most folks stay off the road when told to do so on the news broadcasts. Chris, Weare

We use our own judgment but do check to see if the schools are closing or closed before determining what to do. If the schools close then so do we.Staff always tries to touch base with the Chair person of the Board before closing. Hope this helps! This winter has been the worst I’ve experienced in nine years for library closings due to ice and snow accumulation!FrankieKnibb WalpoleTown Library

At Wilmot Library I generally follow the school's policy. But if a volunteer wants to come in and keep the library open, then we are great with that. At the same time I make sure the volunteers know that even if schools are open and they feel uncomfortable driving in weather, then to call me and I will either come in and cover if I'm not already here or we can shut it down. For morning story hour, we cancel anytime there is a school closing or delay.

Our policywas tied until last year to the schools closing and now is tied to the town office. The reasoning is that Boscawen is part of Merrimack Valley District and their consideration of multiple towns did not serve us as well.The times we're open that they're not is left to our discretion. Eileen Gilbert Boscawen Public Library

I’ve struggled with this. The schools often close when I feel the library doesn’t need to – and Town Hall never closes. The trustees have given me the authority to decide, but I often feel I can’t win. Sometimes we’re busiest when the weather is bad! Sandra Licks Library Director Tracy Memorial Library

A lot depends on who is authorized to make the call. When I worked for a mid-sized library in a city, we couldn’t close until the town somebody or other made the decision and told us to close. Here in North Hampton we (the co-directors) make the decision based on safety issues dealing with the roads and also the parking lot. If we don’t get plowed out right away we’d at least have to delay opening. That is assuming some of us can get to the library if the roads aren’t too dangerous. Most of us live in town or close by. The trustees told us to err on the side of caution basically.Susan GrantCo-Director, North Hampton Public Library

In Kensington we are closed when the schools are closed.

Usually it's left up to me whether to close; i.e., if I can get off my hill and to the library to open! I try my best, but when the schools have delayed openings, ourroads aren'tplowed or sanded until right before the buses come--even later if the schools are closed. Nance Masterson Webster Memorial Library WENTWORTH

Ours is left to our judgment. 2 of the three librarians live within walking distance and can get to the library on short notice. I will say we have a fair number of locals show for books and movies on stormy nights. Betsy, Milton Free Public

It's up to me (the director) and/or the trustees.Catherine Callegari Gay-Kimball Library, Troy

Since our hours differ greatly from Town Hall and the schools ( we are open until 8PM tonight while they get to go home at 3-4PM)...it isat my discretion whether we will close early. My theory is that if road conditions are going to be dangerous for staff and patrons...we will close early. Use your best judgment for the safety of all involved.I post closing on a local radio station and I have a Constant Contact newsletter list that I can send out "emergency closing" e-mails to people who have signed up. (About 250 people ) Amy Inglis, Barrington Public Library, Director

Ours used to be tied to the school closings, but often the streets were clean by 10:00,11:00 or so and our normal hours were until 5:00 or 7:00. Several patrons complained about us being closed. So now it is at our trustees discretion. They sometimes allow us to close early if it's bad. Good luck! Cindy, Gilman Lib/Alton

Left to our own judgment. As we are open ODD hours that might not be the same as the Town at all....we have to do it that way. Also....we are the LAST to be plowed and that sometimes comes into play. It is NOT a call I like to take the responsibility for, but I do. (I post it on WMUR.com as soon as I know what we're going to do!) I also have the added pressure of the fact that our employees are all part-time and paid by the hour, so if we close...they don't get paid. Sue Conrad/Barnstead

I guess you could categorize Dunbarton's closing policy as "or what?". We take into consideration whether the local school is closed, but also use our own judgment and consult with the Trustees and others. My husband is on the local volunteer fire/rescue dept., so if his scanner is running constant calls for vehicles off the road that's a good indicator that we should close. There have also been a few storms that intensified after we opened. In those cases, we kept an eye on the weather and usage. We stayed open if it appeared that the driving conditions would be better later or if people kept coming in. Of course, if we lose power during a snow storm, we're out of here! Nancy, Dunbarton Public

Closing is left to the discretion of the staff on duty based on their own comfort level for driving to/from work. If done at work, we just put a sign up. Our hours are different from the town govt and we are in a separate building. GLynis Miner, DirectorSamuel H. Wentworth library, Sandwich.
My trustee board leaves it up to me (the director) to decide when to close. The town offices very, very rarely close and the school seems todo just the opposite. So we try to go in the middle and close only when the roads get really bad. This winter has been especially hardto figure out. Hope this helps.Good luck! Nancy McCue Moultonborough Public Library

Ours is tied in to the public schools. When they close, we close. Saturday closings are done in conjunction with the person opening the library on that day. Nancy, Madbury Library
Here in New Ipswich (the school closing capitol of NH) the library follows the school schedule. That is to say, if school is closed the library “can be” closed. The Judgment is mine and I hardly ever close. Haven’t yet this year. Anne
Starting this year, we’ve tied our decision to the school’s decision. We figure, they have the best weather and road info and are already considering all the factors. It’s a relief to have the decision made for us… Saves a lot of time and aggravation. Additionally, we’ve closed early if the town hall sends people home early. So far, so good!D. Scott Campbell Director, Langdon Public LibraryNewington, NH

It's really left to our discretion. Since I live only a mile from the library I often stay open when I really should close! Amy/Hancock Town Library

I decide if the library should be closed. Most of our employees are hourly so if I think the weather is sufficiently bad to make it less than worthwhile to keep the library open (because why spend taxpayer money when the library will basically be empty, I always use the “thrifty” angle when explaining why we were closed, and no one ever complains!) then I closed the library. We warn people to call ahead if they’re not sure if we’ll be open; plus I list our closure with WMUR (channel 9) Leslie Vogt, Josiah Carpenter Library, Pittsfield, NH

We don't close for storms. I live within walking distance so I guess you could say we leave it to our judgement. I do allow staff to go home if the roads start getting bad. Julie, Colebrook

It is left to our own judgment although as much as possible I try to run it by my Board Chair. We do take into account whether other Town offices are closed due to weather. This affects only day closings, as the Town offices are not open in the evening. For early closings we try to stay open until 5, due to the number of kids that come here to wait for rides. Sandy Perron, Silsby Charlestown
We rarely close because of weather....are more likely to close early. But the decision is left at the director's discretion here, and I prefer being open if possible. We get a lot done on slow snow days. Mary Ahlgren, Hall Memorial Library, Northfield / Tilton, NH

We're tied to City Hall, which means we never, never close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One time City Hall closed at 4PM; I was out behind the library at 5:30 shovelling my car out when the City Manager came by and asked why I had stayed?!? Believe me it wasn't dedication; no one had called us to let us know about the closing. I keep a blanket and pillow in my trunk so I can stay overnight rather than go home if the roads are atrocious - haven't done it yet, but I'm sure there will come a day. I let my distant employees leave early if it looks rough out. So there's my rant for the day! Not sure it's much help. And we're more tied into municipal government than you are, so you might not want to include this response in your presentation to the Trustees about a policy for closing.Good luck,Debora, Somersworth PL

Since we open much later than the school and the conditions are often different by then, we do not use the school as a guideline. The Town Offices almost never close for snow, both becauseSeabrook ison the coast and often gets rain, but also because almost everyone who worksat Town Halllives right in town. Almost no one who works at the library lives in town and several of us have at least a half-hour drive. SO if the roads are treacherous about an hour before we are due to open, we close or open with a skeleton crew. Ann Robinson, Director, Seabrook Library

HI there. We close when the schools close. Weekends are a judgment call. Jon Kinnaman, NicholsMemorialLibrary

We don't tie ourselves to the school because we don't open until 10AM well after the decision that is made for the school buses. Roads are usually clear by 10. Folks who live nearby like to come to the library on snowdays! I have closed early and once not opened at 10AM, , just using my judgment. Betsy Eaton, COnverse Free Library, Lyme