Monday 27th February 2017
GOLF TOURNAMENT (Sponsored by Seed Co) AND PRE-CONGRESS TOURS (at a fee)
14:30 – 18:00MEETING OF NATIONAL SEED ASSOCIATIONS (by invitation only – Room: BC12)
Chairperson: Justin Rakotoarisaona, Secretary General of AFSTA
15:00 – 18:00 Registration and information desk open
Tuesday 28thFebruary 2017
08:00 – 17:30Registration and information desk open
08:00 – 17:30Trading rooms (Room: B01 and C01) & Exhibition booths open
8:30 – 12:30 – SEED TREATMENT WORKSHOP (Room: BC12)
Session 1:Root Health Forum – the importance of root development
Time: 08:30 – 10:30
Topic:Worldwide, research increasingly points to Root Health as the key for future crop
productivity improvements. Because they are out of sight, roots are often out of mind.
It has been estimated that 80% of all plant problems start with soil/root problems.
Increased use of agronomic practices such as no-till and irrigation can increase the occurrence of soil-borne diseases, which compromise Root Health.
It is important to have a thorough understanding of how soil-borne pathogens do their damage in order to devise good control strategies.
Session 2: Sustainable Agriculture, how to grow more food using fewer resources
Time: 10:30 – 11:30
Topic:Every day, our planet wakes with more than 200,000 additional mouths to feed and more farmland lost to erosion. Many people who produce the world‘s food are living in poverty, while biodiversity is disappearing fast. Our industry must support the sustainability of agriculture and look for measurable solutions. Sustainable agriculture needs to become a win-win situation for both industry and planet.
(Presentation followed by panel discussion)
Session 3:Innovation in Seed Treatment – future trends and technologies
Time: 11:30 – 12h30
Topic: Seed treatment is the most efficient way to protect the seed during the critical early stage, from planting through the first month. It enables growers to reach full yield potential for their crops.
We must understand the requirements and future trends in the seed treatment industry to be able to sustainably deliver innovative solutions that are optimized to work with the specific needs of the customer.
19:00Reception Cocktail (Sponsored by Syngenta Seed Care)
Wednesday 1st March 2017
08:00 – 17:30Registration and information desk open
08:00 – 17:30Trading rooms (Room: B01 and C01) & Exhibition booths open
09:00 – 11:00OPENING CEREMONY (Room: BC12)
- Welcome Speech and Overview of the seed sector of Senegal by the Chairman of the Seed Trade Association of Senegal (UNIS);
- Presentation of the activities of AFSTA for 2016 by Mr. Justin J. Rakotoarisaona, Secretary General of AFSTA;
- Speech by Mr. Denias Zaranyika, President of AFSTA
- Keynote address by Mr. Jean Christophe Gouache, President of the International Seed Federation (ISF) ;
- Opening speech of the Guest of honor from the government of Senegal;
- Invitation to the host for the AFSTA congress 2018, Dr. Abdrabou Ismail, Chairman of the Egyptian Seed Industry Association (ESIA), Egypt;
- Projection of promotional video on the AFSTA congress 2018
11:00 – 12:00 Booth viewing and coffee/teabreak
12:00 – 17:30PLENARY SESSIONS (Room: BC12)
Session 1:
- Time: 12:00 – 13:00
- Topic: Seed market in Africa: challenges and prospects
- Speaker:Jean Philippe Lodugnon Harding, Enabling Business in Africa (EBA) World Bank
- Moderator:Mr. Modou Thiam, AFSTA Board member from Senegal
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
Session 2:
- Time: 14:00 – 16:00
- Topic:OECD and ISTA challenges in Africa
- Speakers: OECD, ISTA, Senegal and Tunisia
- Moderator:Mr. Charles Miller, AFSTA Board member from USA
16:00-16:30 Coffee/Tea Break
Session 3:
- Time: 16:30 – 18:30
- Topic: Achievements of the harmonized seed regulations at the Regional Community level.
- Speakers: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), East African Community (EAC), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) – 15 min presentation for each Regional Economic Community i.e. 60 min of presentation followed by 60 min of question and answer session with the 4 speakers as panelists
- Moderator: Mr. Mamadou Kayentao, Board member from Mali
Thursday 2nd March 2017
08:00 – 17:30 Registration and information desk open
08:00 – 17:30 Trading rooms(Room: B01 and C01) Exhibition booths open
9:00 – 15:30 PLENARY SESSIONS (Room: BC12)
Session 1:
- Time: 09:00 – 10:00
- Topic: Plant breeding innovation and its consequences in vegetables and field crops
- Speaker: Mr. Michael Keller , Secretary General of the International Seed Federation (ISF), Switzerland
- Moderator: Mr. Worede Woldemariam, Chairman of the SIG on “Field Crops” and Mr. Guy Blaise Satsa, Chairman of the SIG on “Vegetables”
Session 2:
- Time: 10:00 – 10:30
- Topic: Current status of phytosanitary regulations and cross-border seed trade in Africa
- Speaker: Mrs. Radha Ranganathan,International Seed Federation, Switzerland
- Moderators: Mr. Dr. Adel Yaseen, AFSTA Board member, Egypt
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee/Tea Break
- Time: 11:00 – 12:00
- Topic: Situation of plant breeders’ rights in Africa
- Speaker: OAPI, ARIPO and UPOV
- Moderator: Mr. François Burgaud, AFSTA Board member from France
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
Session 4:
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
- Topic: Global actions for improving access by African farmers to quality seeds: public, regulators and seed companies.
- Moderator: Mr. Azariah Soi, AFSTA Board Member from Kenya
15:00 – 15:30Coffee/Tea Break
15:30 – 17:00AFSTA GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2017 (Room: BC12)
- 15:00 – 15:30Registration to the General Assembly (AFSTA members only)
- 15:30 – 17:30AFSTA General Assembly
- Chairman: Mr. Denias Zaranyika – President of the African Seed Trade Association
17:00 – 18:30SECOND AFSTA BOARD MEETING (Room: C002)
19:30 – 23:00GALA DINNER
- Dress code: Formal or Traditional
- Seating arrangement: Free sitting
- Handover of the AFSTA flag to the host of AFSTA congress 2018