WOCC Access/Results Prayer Ministry
Minutes - Saturday, December 1, 2007
Meeting opened up with prayer by Sister Patricia Moore at approximately 9:10 am.
We are looking for results. It’s wonderful and important that we be in God’s presence, but when we come before him, we want answers – we want results. Yes, we come into his presence just for the fellowship with him. But we don’t want to mix the two. We don’t want to just pray – praying just be praying. We want to pray for results.
We need a soaking prayer sometimes – just come into the presence of the Lord, lay before him, and just soak. When you do this, you come out like someone who has been in a perfume factory. You have his characteristics, his flavor, and his presence on you.
Often when we’re in prayer, we can’t say anything. We have to just let his thoughts run through our minds. There is a certain period of time that God requires of us. It may be 15 minutes; it may be all day. There is a certain “knowing” when it’s no longer an exercise of the mind – but a condition of the spirit.
Sometimes the Lord doesn’t want us to have any intellectual answers – just be in his presence. The solution to a problem first comes to the spirit (you’ve got mail) – then to your mind – then to your body. We certainly don’t want to diminish the wonderful presence of the Lord, but we don’t want that to spill over into the part that receives answers. We’re supposed to get results! Our words should change the atmosphere.
If you’re going to pray, you’re going to have homework. Because we have an enemy, we can’t pray like Alice in Wonderland. We have to fight, but the scripture calls it “the good fight,” because we win. If you don’t have a testimony, you need to get back in the fight and go another round until you win. Our destiny and design is to never lose! We are not supposed to have one defeat. If you’ve been defeated, get back up on your feet because you have not been eliminated.
Most people don’t want to work with us when it comes to prayer – they just want us to talk to the Lord for them. Faith begins where the will of God is known. You can’t have faith to be healed if you don’t know about healing or his will for healing. People just want the pain to stop, but we need to pray the Word. We pray not just because we want it, but also because God wants it. He says that in his Word. We need to pray what God wants so that we are returning his words back to him. His words will not return back to him empty.
Joshua 1:8 – “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” (KJV)
Meditate! Do you have a time in the day when you meditate? When you meditate, you are taking the time to conceive the image and letting something be conceived on the inside first. And this conception will take time. There is a certain part of the Word that is the smell (like food), which makes us feel good. But there is another part of the Word, which are the nutrients. The Word needs to be illuminated on the inside us first so we can get the full picture. A lot of people know scripture, but they haven’t changed because the Word is not illuminated. It has to not just in our heads, but in our hearts. This is the sequence of all things.
Meditation will begin to give us a certain revelation. We read the scripture and then the Lord uses our experience to make it real – make it come alive to us. This is what makes the Word ours. You know when your praying is kind of empty. Meditation is the key to success. When we observe to do all that which is written, we will make our way prosperous and have good success. There is a fight, but it is a good fight.
The Bible tells us to meditate on the Word day and night. If we do it in the night, there should be no nightmares. Sometimes we need to clamp down on the Word of God and just receive it – like a baby clamps down on the breast.
Action Item: Pastor Gee asked us to take a scripture and meditate on it day and night this week.
Mother Mae shared with the group that she had an operation last Friday to repair a defected defibrillator. While she was in a twilight sleep, she was singing a song. She told us that to let us know that the Spirit of God comes up when it’s needed. The meditation makes the Word go down deep and it just comes up when it’s needed. When she came out of it – the doctor asked her to sing the song, but she wasn’t even sure if she knew what she had been singing.
We get to a point sometimes that nothing seems real – like it’s not there. But deep down inside is that Word – that just comes up and out because we have meditated on it. When we are meditating on the Word – we should say it, memorize it, and let it soak in. Sometimes God gives us stuff during the meditation. We have an advantage, and we will have to teach others.
Pastor Gee then reviewed some of the action items met from the previous meeting including:
- The Prayer Ministry officially being renamed to Access/Results Prayer Ministry
- Sister Nora Thornton volunteering to record for people of their prayer requests/answers if they prefer not to do it themselves
- Sister Monica High volunteering to be responsible for distributing the email prayer requests
- Sisters Lakeisha Blake, Paula Simon, Patricia Moore, and Mother Vivian Geter volunteering to be responsible for Prayer Tips in the Bulletin
- Sisters Patricia Moore and Lakeisha Blake also volunteering to help Pastor Gee with his book. Evangelist Murphy will set up a meeting after the holidays for the group to meet with Pastor Gee to begin work on this.
Action Item: (Reminder) Please let Evangelist Murphy know if you are involved in other ministries in the church. She will develop a list for the group.
Before we closed, we had a special prayer for Jevonte (sp?) Henry, Mother Henry’s stepson, who has been missing for three months.
For our next meeting on Dec. 15th, we will fellowship at the Golden Corral on Roxboro Rd. at 9:30 am.
Closing prayer by Sister Patricia Moore at approximately 10:00 am.
Recorded by Evangelist Beverly Murphy