AUGUST 3, 2009

7:00 PM

Mayor, Arletta Parton called to order the regular meeting of the Goldendale City Council at 7:03:49 PM

The “Pledge of Allegiance” was recited.7:04:12 PM


7:04:32 PM

Mayor: Mayor Arletta Parton

Council Members present:

Council Member Joe Abbott

Council Member Mable Eaton

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Mike Montanye

Council Member Clint Baze

Staff Present:

City Administrator Larry Bellamy

Public Works Director Keith Grundei

Public Safety Director Rick Johnson

Administrative Assistant Cora Heid


Council Member Tom Cuff

Council Member Gary Hoctor

A motion by Council Member Mike Montanye, seconded by Council Member Steve Johnston, to excuse Council Member Gary Hoctor and Council Member Tom Cuff.

7:05:01 PM


Council Member Joe Abbott

Council Member Mable Eaton

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Mike Montanye

Council Member Clint Baze



MOTION Carried Unanimously 5-0

Public Hearing



A motion by Council Member Mike Montanye, seconded by Council Member Joe Abbott, to approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda with changes as noted*. The consent agenda includes the following; minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on July 20, 2009, and claims warrants #27672 and #30142 - #30177 in the amount of $102,259.62.

*Amend July 20, 2009 minutes page 8 regarding Mike Phillip dog issue; by removing last sentence of paragraph. So done.

7:05:11 PM


Council Member Joe Abbott

Council Member Mable Eaton

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Mike Montanye

Council Member Clint Baze



MOTION Carried Unanimously 5-0


Jeff Erland, 502 E. Main; Jeff presented a proposal to council to save the trees located in the Academy Street right-of-way between the roadway and the sidewalk, adjacent to his property. The trees were slated to be removed when new sidewalks and curbs are constructed next year. Mr. Erland proposes that the sidewalk be designed to go above the roots, which would significantly reduce the potential for the roots to cause upheaval if the sidewalk were placed flat in that area. He plans to construct the proposed sidewalk and maintain in perpetuity. Mr. Erland explained that he has 25 years of experience in the field of concrete work, and is willing and able to do the work himself at his own expense. He would additionally be willing to sign a waiver to protect the City, and at his own expense and any current or future owners repair the sidewalk as the need arises.

Consensus of the council is to accept Jeff’s proposal through a legal document, that would be brought back to council to review and motion to accept.

PUD Annual Update – PUD Commissioner, Dan Gunkel, introduced Winston Low, General Manager, and Jim Smith, Manager of Engineering. Winston Low reported regarding the PUD landfill expansion, with a June 2010 completion date. At this time it looks like a $55 million utility project. The State of Washington does PUD audits, but are fairly far behind, therefore, PUD have gone out, with the State’s approval, and hired Moss, Adams for auditing. Moss, Adams are in the process of auditing 2007 books now and will begin 2008 after that. After those audits we will go out on the bond market to secure funding. Another project is the study of the pump storage unit, for wind generated electricity. The project is in preliminary steps to see if it is feasible for Klickitat County.

Jim Smith presented information related to projects that impact the local community. The most recent occurrence that just happened was an underground cable failure across the road from Pioneer Surveying. Because of that outage the PUD did an infrared study of underground cables for heat impact on underground cables. The study found three more cables that needed to be replaced and were replaced. The Wind turbine projects did replace cables that are connected to Goldendale, at no cost to rate payers. Jim reported on Ponderosa Park just finishing up a local utility district. Ron Ihrig from the PUD may be asking for a fire hydrant at the entrance of Ponderosa Park. PUD just accepted a transmission line and sub-station for Windy Point. PUD will be operating & maintaining that line. PUD does look for ways for others outside the county to pay for projects that affect the local rate payers. Last December there was a refund from Bonneville Power, that was voted by the county commissioners to be passed on as a 67% credit of everyone’s bill last December. 7:33:57 PM

Klickitat County Young Leaders Association – Jacob Anderson gave a power point presentation to introduce KCYLA and explain the goals of the non-profit group. The group is trying to get young individuals more active through committees, councils, community groups, and boards. Involvement is performed through volunteering through committees. KCYLA is non-partisan and not affiliated with any religious organizations. KCYLA is 100% volunteer organization. This mentor program is to help teach work ethic and be able to use volunteer hours for scholarship opportunities. Volunteers will be tracked to show their progress. Each business will be asked for $2 per hour of volunteer work. KCYLA has additional liability insurance for volunteer work, so that organizations would not be responsible for volunteer liability. On September 26, 2009 there will be a concert at Maryhill Ampatheater, staffed by volunteers. Tickets are $20 per person and 15 and under are free. KCYLA handed out scholarships in 2009 to two girls from White Salmon, one from Glenwood and one Goldendale scholarship. KCYLA partners with several groups including; various local clubs, cities, counties, and community organizations. KCLYA has 72 members since April 2009 and will have a membership drive booth at the county fair and other events.

Jacob requested a motion to have the city of Goldendale be a partner with KCLYA. At no cost. It would involve a written agreement to be signed between the two partners.

A motion by Council Member Steve Johnston, seconded by Council Member Joe Abbott, to approve the Mayor to write a letter seeking partnership with KCYLA.

Mailing: KCYLA, PO Box 1573, White Salmon, WA or deliver to Barb Cosner.

7:55:47 PM


Council Member Joe Abbott

Council Member Mable Eaton

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Mike Montanye

Council Member Clint Baze



MOTION Carried Unanimously 5-0


Police Department, Police Chief, Rick Johnson, reported tomorrow night is National Night Out down at the swimming pool at 6:30 p.m. Several organizational booths will be set-up.

Over the last month our UCR (Uniform Crime Reporting ) shows the highest theft rate that we’ve ever shown, mainly due to vehicle prowls. We are increasing some patrols to try and take care of this. We are encouraging people to report crimes. We are not sure if it is a reporting increase or actual crime.

It was brought up in a previous meeting regarding police department vehicle policy and with that Rick Johnson distributed the current PAV (Personally Assigned Vehicle) Policy and Taxable Fringe Benefit Guide for the council’s information.

Fire Department, Safety Director, Rick Johnson, reported that Leandra Kessler is in the process of conducting a full physical inventory of all fire department assets. We are finding some older items that will require upgrading. This should give us a true accounting of inventory for the Fire Department.

Public Works, Director, Keith Grundei, reported that the water line project is still going well. All the sidewalks have been poured accept for the ones that will be replaced with the East Central Neighborhood Project next year and two other places. 8:03:03 PM

Keith met last week with Andy Cervantes, Regional Representative from the State Department of Health. About six months ago I received a letter from the Department of Health requesting water system plan needs to be completed by 2010, please call to schedule meeting. I called, the lady acted baffled and said don’t worry about it. While meeting with Andy he began asking about the City’s Water System Plan due 2010. What happened is there was an Amendment to the City’s Water System Plan in 2004 and for some reason that got entered in to the state’s computer and was showing we didn’t need a new plan until 2014. The City is required to have the new updated Water System Plan by 2010 and Cervantes has given the City a grace period to complete. Keith reported that there will be an ad in this week’s Goldendale Sentinel to hire a Qualified Engineering firm to assist in updating the City’s Water System Plan for 2010.

This morning the City Reservoir had an alert at 7 a.m. that showed that the reservoir had dropped below 7 feet. It has a depth of 11 feet. We set the alarm at 7 feet. The alert called Rogena at 7 a.m., typically it drops slowly so she went in at 8 a.m. and it had dropped to 4 feet and was still falling. People went both directions looking for leaks and checking pumps and we switched over to the bigger system. What happened was at Ekone Park a 6” irrigation line cap blew off at the end of line. As soon as they capped that off things were maintained.


Extension of Janitorial Contract

Larry presented a request to continue janitorial services with Mountaindale Maintenance.

A motion by Council Member Joe Abbott, seconded by Council Member Steve Johnston, to authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Mountaindale Maintenance for janitorial services from August 1, 2009 and terminate July 31, 2010.

8:10:46 PM


Council Member Joe Abbott

Council Member Mable Eaton

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Mike Montanye

Council Member Clint Baze



MOTION Carried Unanimously 5-0

Discussion regarding water rate restructuring ordinance

Public Works Director, Keith Grundei presented along with an extensive packet of information, which is included in council packets, his proposal for restructuring the City’s water rate ordinance. The following spread sheets were explained and discussed in detail:

-  Flow of Funds – Existing Rates

o  Work sheet detailing Projected Years 2009-2015 detailing net operating revenues less debt service and other obligations which equaled estimated projected cumulative revenue deficiency.

o  Water Sales Revenue spreadsheet details current 7/2007 – 6/2008 water revenues and Revenue Requirements for Large Projects.

o  Pictures showing the current condition of City Reservoir.

o  Water rate assessment for proposed water rate re-structure:

§  Reasons for Rate Restructure

§  Distributing costs to customer classes

o  Recommendation for a “Basic Meter Charge” shown on spreadsheet called Meter Rates - Existing and Proposed rates - Monthly “Base Meter Charge” per size of meter.

o  Existing and Proposed Monthly water/service rate proposed changes.

o  Projected Change In Revenue – Using July 2008 thru June 2009 data

o  Flow of Funds using proposed rate changes

o  O & M Expenses for historical years and projected years

o  Water Rate Comparision

§  Using old rates versus proposed rates for Residential

§  Using old rates versus proposed rates for Multi-family duplex properties

§  Using old rates versus proposed rates for Multi-family fourplex properties

§  Using old rates versus proposed rates for Mult-family apartment properties

§  Using old rates versus poposed rates for Commercial properties

Chapter 13.04 Water Supply System redlined edit version was submitted for council’s review, comments and discussion. The next step would be to have the ordinance committee meet, then have public hearing, or have public hearing and then fine tune in an ordinance committee. The council felt to do the public hearing first. Keith suggested ¼ page water restructuring ads in the newspaper. Then Keith would present to public just as he did to city council.

Council Member, Clint Baze did ask about RV park rate increase. Keith explained they only pay for RVs that are parked. RV parks are required to report how many units monthly. Clint thought RVs were low users. Keith said that at Cottonridge half the units are permanent units. Clint suggested if it was possible to designate RV rates and permanent or temporary unit rates?

Consensus of the council was to have public hearing first. Advertise in the Goldendale Sentinel on 8/27 and 9/3 and have actual hearing at next council meeting September 8, 2009.




I1. Parking Ordinance

Gary Hoctor had some suggested changes for angle parking. Maybe the ordinance committee would like to look at this prior to 2nd reading. Consensus of the council is to go straight to the ordinance committee and bring back to council for a decision.

A motion by Council Member Joe Abbott, seconded by Council Member Clint Baze, to table for the ordinance committee discuss and bring back to city council. 9:04:13 PM


Council Member Joe Abbott

Council Member Mable Eaton

Council Member Steve Johnston

Council Member Mike Montanye

Council Member Clint Baze



MOTION Carried Unanimously 5-0


Larry presented a handout for the state audit exit conference information for 2006-2007. Full audit results are available through the city’s administrative office. The second part is the entrance exam for 2008. The state auditor was here last week and has completed 2008 exam. 8:16:21 PM

No council comments 9:04:40 PM

A motion by Council Member Steve Johnston, seconded by Council Member Mike Montanye, to extend council meeting to 9:30.

Larry continued with 6 month financial statement and summary through a memorandum and highlighted revenues and expenditures throughout financial statement report. Overall all looks normal.

The next Economic Development meeting is August 11, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. in council chambers.

August 5, 2009 there will be a city wide staff meeting at 3:00 p.m.


Ken McKune, 519 E. Broadway – Asked about the crime spree and a curfew. Are they breaking into type theft? Police Chief, Rick Johnson, reported mostly breaking into vehicles. We do have a curfew with no enforcement, because of a supreme court ruling. Ken felt the best way to arm the people is with information. Ken suggested a police blotter log in the Goldendale Sentinel.