Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Llangunnor Community Council held in

‘Yr Aelwyd’, Tregynnwr at 6.30p.m. on Thursday 16th March 2017.


PRESENT: Cllrs L. Whatley (Chair), P. Totterdale, S. Thomas, Elwyn Williams, R. Griffiths, A. West, A. Trowbridge-Mathews, Dafydd Williams, G. Lloyd, M. Wilkins, A Mackintosh.

APOLOGIES: Cllrs. D. Watson, G. Bevan.

1.  In the absence of Cllr Watson the chair was taken by Cllr Whatley.

2.  Declaration of Interest – Cllr Dafydd Williams in respect of email from DPP.

3.  Chair’s Announcements – The St David’s Parade had to be cancelled due to the weather but he had attended the Dewi Sant Celebration held the following Saturday in Guildhall Square. Good to see a large crowd had gathered to hear the choirs and the speeches. He also noted the number of daffodils in the verges around Llangunnor and at the entrance to the park and this is the perfect opportunity for Councillors to identify any further areas for planting in future.


It was moved by Cllr Totterdale and seconded by Cllr. Griffiths (minute 0317 – 4) and RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the minutes of the monthly Council meeting and Planning Sub-Committee held on 16th February 2017

5.  Matters raised / resolved outside meetings.

·  Commercial Waste footpath to Carmarthen Bridge – cleared.

·  Road leading to railway station – repair works now complete.

·  Condition of road leading into Nantycaws Tip – awaiting response from CCC

6.  The Park / Environment Sub-Committee – no meeting had taken place.

7.  Web Sub-Committee Update – no meeting had taken place, clerk will arrange meeting after AGM.

8.  To receive a report from the Finance Sub Committee – see asset transfer.

9.  Asset Transfer.

The clerk had produced a report (appendix 1) on the consequences of the Council ‘taking over’ the Park’, he informed the meeting that the Finance Sub-Committee had discussed the financial issues and were recommending that the Council sign the asset transfer contract. Following a discussion it was highlighted that the Council had to take responsibility for the Park as it was one of the most important assets in the Community.


It was agreed that the clerk ask CCC to carry out work as previously agreed viz. a) provide adequate guardrails to the ‘hard standing’ at the top of the park, b) remove the post and wires (used to hold lights) along the path leading up to ‘hard standing; it was then proposed by Cllr Elwyn Williams and seconded by Cllr Totterdale(minute 0317-9) and unanimously agreed that the Council sign the asset transfer contract and the clerk to return to the solicitors.

The clerk reported that he had met with the Ground Maintenance Manager and that he would arrange for a) the equipment to be cleaned b) that a seat be provided in Pensarn adjacent to bus stop.

10.  To consider the presentation of Community Awards.

Following a discussion the following names were put forward for Community Awards a) Arwel Fowler and Roy Green (Neighbourhood Watch), b) Rob Tylan (bus driver for his service to his passengers particularly the elderly) (Cllr Totterdale declared an interest as he was related to Mr Tylan and took no part in the discussion), c) Huw Stevens (MacDonalds – for his welcoming demeanor and for going the ‘extra mile’) d) Cllr Lee Whatley – declined to accept award e) Ex Councillor Selwyn Thomas.

11.  To receive reports from Members representing Council on other Bodies.

(i)  No reports

12.  To approve the schedule of accounts – it was Resolved (minute 0317 - 11) proposed Cllr Totterdale and seconded Cllr. Elwyn Williams (unanimous).


A)  Council is requested to consider and approve the following items of expenditure:


1. E Williams Playing Field (28/02/17) 75.00.

2. C.J. Thomas Salary – Mar 2017 552.12

Office Allowance – Mar 2017 100.00

IT Allowance – Mar 2017 40.00

Travelling ( Nov – March) 118.35 Extra Meetings (See below) 360.00

Stamps 7.87

3. CCC Lighting Maintenance 4,072.61 Energy 1,595.09

4. CCC Provision of 2 grit bins & salt 592.91

5. CCC Design of new layout football pitch 120.28

6. HMRC 4th Quarter Payment 564.31



Extra Meetings held November 1st 2016 – March 31st 2017

Finance Sub-Committee - 9th January, 16th March

Park’s Sub-Committee - 14th November, 19th December,

Web and Social Media Committee - 17th January,

Independent Renumeration Panel Meeting (Lampeter) – 2nd February

Webinar: Financial Management - 27th February

Carmarthen Town Regeneration Forum / Physical & Transport Sub Group – 1st March

Carmarthen Town Regeneration Forum – 8th March

(Extra meetings – @ £50/meeting - salary only includes 11 meetings + AGM, all others treated as extra meetings, meetings over 4 hours will be paid at £100 (Minute 0716-7).

9 x £50 - £450 this equates to after tax £360.

13. To receive Correspondence and agree responses – (Minute 0117 - 13).

No / Nature of Correspondence / Agreed Action
1. / Consultation on changing the name of the National Assembly - Circulated / NOTED
2. / IRP Annual Report 2017 - Circulated / NOTED
3. / One Voice Wales February 2017 Bulletin - circulated / DISCUSSED PREVIOUSLY
5. / Consultation on draft circular for the planning of gypsy, traveller and showpeople sites – Circulated. / NOTED
6. / Email from Yr Aelwyd Tenants Association – see below
7. / Invite request to Compassionate Communities Carmarthenshire – Circulated. / NOTED
8. / Dementia: One Simple Thing - Circulated / NOTED
10. / Training of Playground Safety Inspectors. / NOTED
11. / Traffic Orders – copies circulated. / NOTED

14.  Yr Aelwyd – consider a request for support for the 40th anniversary celebrations of Yr Aelwyd, following a discussion it was unanimously agreed that a contribution of £200 be made towards the celebration (minute 0317-14).

15.  Consider email received from Dyfed Powys Police.

a)  In accordance with SO 64 it was considered that this item should be treated as confidential and it was unanimously agreed (minute 0317 – 15a) that the press and public be excluded (“That in view of the [special] [confidential] nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw”)

b)  The email from DPP was withdrawn from correspondence.


c)  Members were concerned that this was not the first time that letters had been received but not read out, and it was resolved (minute 0317 – 15c) that unless there were clear legal reasons all letters would be presented and read under correspondence

16.  The clerk reported that at a meeting of the Carmarthen Town Regeneration Forum “it was confirmed that an initial visual site assessment had taken place and assuming the co-operation of Matalan, Dunelm (both of which were positive from initial discussions) and Network Rail, it could be feasible to deliver a pedestrian linkage scheme to connect the two retail parks. The first step in the process would be to commission an initial design feasibility, to have initial discussions with various statutory bodies and stakeholders and then produce concept designs - as a crude estimate I believe this will cost up to £5k”. Following a discussion it was agreed that "we don't want to spend £5K for the scheme to then have it sit on some shelf somewhere", the clerk to check with CCC. However the Council agreed that this had been on the agenda for some time and unanimously agreed, that once the clerk gets assurances in respect of the work being done, (minute 0317-16) that the Council provide the £5000 needed for the initial design feasibility.

17.  The press / public were allowed back into the meeting.

18.  Any other business.

a)  The clerk check with Trunk Road Agency to see how safety review of A48 from Cross Hands to Carmarthen was coming on, and remind them of the issues in respect of lighting at Nantycaws turn off and traffic entering / exiting the Tip.

b)  Clerk to check with CCC when the lights on Towy Bridge would be repaired.

19.  Next meeting to be held on Thursday 19th April 2017 at 6.30p.m. at Yr Aelwyd.

Signed as a true record – Chair Cllr David Watson.

Thursday 19th April 2017