Lesson 1Volume 34

July 1, 2018

God Loves Triumph’s Chautauqua


Devotional Reading: Romans 10:1-15

The most important thing to remember is that God has blessed us with the Chautauqua of Triumph Church for the spiritual, material, and economic enrichment of all departments. Mainly the Youth, Music, E. D. Smith School of Prophets, Advanced School of Wisdom, and the Evangelistic departments. This is not just a semi-annual event for taking vacations, having parties, and neglecting the serious work that brightens our future. It is a powerful opportunity to gather ourselves together and create systems of great spiritual, universal, and political advancement for African Americans and whosoever will come to this fountain to be blessed.

We come and reason together in the Chautauqua because God gave us the responsibility of filling a multitude of people up with the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, power, and influence that will save and change lives. Violence, homelessness, racism, unemployment, and crime seem to increase like never before. That simply means we have a greater work to do on a higher level of truth and reality than practice rituals and traditions that keep people going in circles.

How can we leave the Chautauqua with greater plans, strategies, and anointing to impact the communities that surround our local bands? God has given us the ark of safety known as Triumph the Church to build great spirit filled organizations to benefit and rescue people who are being destroyed because of ignorance and dehumanization. God will continue to give us a greater knowledge to solve social problems and save the lost when we seriously see why God calls us to Chautauqua.


Lesson Scripture:Joel 2:16-25; 2 Peter 1:2-11

Lesson Outline:

  1. Gather Yourselves Together In Chautauqua. Joel 2:16-25


Bringing the people together to enhance the strength of our spirit-filled organization is a major priority. Many times people see problems or dilemmas and they say, "It's not the church, it's the organization." God has a solution to every problem and answers to all of the dilemmas that concern the church and organization. The most important thing for us to do is sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders (leadership) gather the natural and spiritual children, and let the Spirit of the resurrected Christ come in and saturate the whole conference with unlimited divine power.

There is a very large amount of work that we all must do together to expand beyond mediocre church walls into greater kingdom territories. Training future leaders, turning congregations into overcoming bodies, and recruiting more candidates for the new world spiritual order of the Triumphant church must not be neglected. Creative financing systems must be considered at all times to cover all expenses that add success to every ministry and every assignment of the church. Fellowship, nurturing, praise and worship should eliminate segregation, division, and indifference while increasing edification and unity in the Spirit at the same time.

This is our opportunity to assemble from all around the country and function with one accord. Seminars, workshops, classes, services, music, presentations, banquets, and many enjoyable activities are being prepared for all of Triumph Church's members. Glorifying God is the greatest experience in the Chautauqua when the anointing fills the audience with unspeakable joy and praise floods the building.


  1. Enter the Everlasting Kingdom at Chautauqua. 2 Peter 1:2-11


We have a responsibility that demands diligence when we come to the Chautauqua. Persistence, determination, and unceasing application of divine principles will always produce a successful Chautauqua where all natural, spiritual, material, and economic needs will be met.

Virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, hospitality, kindness, and love will always keep us from being unfruitful and unproductive in the work that God has given us.

This great conference embraces the relevance of life and godliness. It confirms all the promises, principles, and divine power that God has given us for a triumphant life in Christ. Since God rewards those who diligently seek Him, we should let the Chautauqua be an opportunity for all leaders, departments, auxiliaries, and members to seek God, His Kingdom, and His righteousness together.

During the moments of high praise and worship in the Chautauqua, the anointing of God's everlasting kingdom descends from above and fills the services and programs with the resurrecting power of Christ. The Spirit of the law of life comes in and disintegrates the law of sin and death. We stand fast in the liberty where Christ has made us free as the anointing destroys all yokes of bondage and places us in a new heaven and a new Earth known as Chautauqua.


To Think About

In a Peanuts cartoon, Lucy demanded that Linus change TV channels, threatening him with her fist if he didn't. "What makes you think you can walk right in here and take over?" asks Linus."These five fingers," says Lucy. "Individually they're nothing but when I curl them together like this into a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold.""Which channel do you want?" asks Linus. Turning away, he looks at his fingers and says, "Why can't you guys get organized like that?" When we bring all of our departments together in the Chautauqua, we form a weapon that knocks the devil out.

Revealed Verse: Come to the feast of the Lord in Chautauqua, the table is spread for you.

Daily Bible Reading

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
2:16-25 / Heb.
12:18-24 / Eph.
4:1-12 / Heb.
10:22-25 / Rom.
10:1-15 / 2 Peter
1:2-11 / Ps.

Lesson 2Volume 34

July 8, 2018

Triumph Is Here For A Reason


Devotional Reading: Isaiah 1:21-31

We have been taught by Apostle E. D. Smith that two types of churches exist in this present world; one was the Militant Church, and the other was the Triumphant Church. The Militant government and the Militant Church fell from being a faithful city and became full of confusion and carnality. By compromising with Satan, the Militant Church became hungry and greedy for fame, fortune, honor, self-centered government and religious systems.

Compromise in the church world causes a weakness that gives up on the principles and moral standards of true holiness. When a faithful city becomes a harlot, God's instructions and commandments are rejected. Then the works of the flesh, seducing spirits, and the doctrines of devils cause apostasy.

Character deterioration and human ego inflation always cause the militant church to become carnal and lose all intention to hold on to integrity, trust, respect, and agape love. The lower moral standards and higher intensities of human desire lead those who claim to be Christians into participating with the wicked things of the world. The paganism and heathenism of the Roman Empire and the Babylonian Empire cause the mystery of iniquity to abound in the church world and love waxes cold.

Titles and entitlement become more important than service and salvation in the Militant Church world. Sound doctrine becomes too strict and churches become playgrounds for Satan instead of headquarters and battlegrounds for Christ. When witchcraft, manipulation, and money become more powerful than truth, unity righteousness, and serving God, systems of leadership can become programs of spiritual murder in any organization.

The Militant Church was once a church of real spiritual warfare. It became a church of physical military war that loved world wars in the name of religion. The Penitent Church was a church that was stuck in repentance, justification, sanctification and seeking the Holy Ghost. It became an expectant church that focused on dying and going to heaven.

The Triumphant Church is a glorified church that has a more advanced destiny than Militant and Penitent churches because she is the Mother of the Holy City that seeks to carry all Holy Ghost filled people beyond the cross. She goes beyond the Gospel of the Kingdom, into the Everlasting Gospel where body redemption, perfection, immortality, and incorruption are possible on earth. It is the church that Jesus ascended into after His resurrection and it is here to bring the resurrected life of Christ into our bodies for the purpose of everlasting living.


Lesson Scripture: Hebrews 13:9-14; Revelation 21:1-7

Lesson Outline:

I. The Faithful City Has Expired. Hebrews 13:9-14


When the faithful city became a harlot, the church lost its influence and followers of Christ lost their interest. The loss of vision caused people to perish and a falling away from God's church into man's church. The Militant Church fell away from the faith and committed to spirits and doctrines of pagan, heathen, and human religions. Church Militant became a glorious church externally by material appearance, fame, fortune, and phony outside shows.

When the emotional zeal of the people becomes more important than the spiritual knowledge of God, the city is gradually eaten up and will not continue. When churches are perfect in a form of godliness but lack the real power of God their hopes are not built upon the eternal principles and immutable laws of God. Therefore, they turn to temporary resources that promote popularity, merchandise, and business instead of the spiritual resources that expand Christ's everlasting kingdom.

Therefore, The Triumphant Church was confirmed by another angel having the Everlasting Gospel. That gospel can only be preached in a continuing city of God. The Triumphant Church is more than a single denomination coming from one organization. It is a continuing city prepared for every nation, kindred, tongue, and people that dwell on the earth.


II. The Holy City Has Arrived. Revelation 21:1-7


God is too wise to leave us in a faithful city that has no continuation. Therefore, He prepared us a Holy City that has no end. The time has come for a New Jerusalem full of new creatures in Christ who are anointed to build a new Heaven and a new Earth here and now. The church that has the Spirit of Triumph does not need to practice the rites, ceremonies, customs, rituals, and systems of the faithful city because they have passed away with the dispensation of Church Militant. The sea (emotional zeal and spirit of segregation) that made the faithful city so great has been exhausted and God has given a holy city with an unlimited anointing to us.

The holy city is the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ that we know as Triumph. It is the church of the First Born full of divine power and angelical privileges that work supernatural miracles. Although we know Triumph to be the holy city, it does not stop other churches that we do not know from being a Triumphant Church that God established. The Militant church (faithful city) is a church of political entitlement, The Triumphant Church (holy city) is a church of universal inheritance.



To Think About:

Our great work is to build the city of God upon the Earth, and this can be done only through the organized life of the world. We must not be content to go one way and to allow what we call secular institutions to go another way. We are the salt of the earth. We, through the Spirit of God, are the makers of the new city, and God has given us the old city as the material out of which we are to make the new. It is ours to transform the earthly city so that it shall be glorified into the heavenly.

Revealed Verse:Share Triumph with someone you love and inherit phenomenal blessings.

Daily Bible Reading

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
41:1-11 / Heb.
13:9-14 / 2 Cor.
2:14-17 / Ps.
92:1-10 / Is.
1:21-31 / Rev.
21:1-7 / Ps.