welcome to



free church

God calls us to delight in Christ and to share His Hope.


Sunday – 29th May 2011

“I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me— the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.” Acts 20:24

Led by God, we join together in joyful and reverent worship, seeking unity and maturity in Christ, preparing every believer to share and show God’s Hope as revealed in His Word.

Welcome! We meet for worship today in Dingwall Free Church at 11.00 am and at 6:00 pm. Tea and coffee is served after morning service. The morning service is be conducted by Dr Jason Maston, who will preach on the Ascension of Christ (looking at Acts 2.33-36 and Romans 8.34). The evening service will be conducted by Rev John de la Haye (looking at God's plan for our lives as shown in John 21). The minister is away today taking services at Kirkcaldy Free Church Communion.

Sunday School and crèche are available today. Children leave for their groups after the second singing.

Planning Meeting: We thank all who joined in the very helpful planning meeting last Sunday. A dinner and ceilidh is planned for Friday 17th June, when we will have a chance to bid farwell to Montserrat and welcome our student family on placement. Sina, Joan, Wendy and Lynn are coordinating the catering. A Mini Marvels Fun day is planned for Saturday 2nd July (see below for details). A church lunch will be held on Sunday 10th July, with a BBQ on Friday 12th August. An evening at Lochluichart is on the cards, as is a Men’s Breakfast, an ‘international’ dinner and a possible weekend away for the congregation being planned by Finlay, Anna, DJ, Anne Craig and Murdo Mackay. George and Jonathan are also organising a couple of walks for us. We encourage each home group to plan their own social and outreach events over the summer and autumn months.

General Assembly: Thank you for praying for the Assemblies. The Free Church Assembly was very encouraging and this year many enjoyed watching the debates online. The Moderator gave an excellent address setting a tone for the week focusing on the glory of Christ. The Assembly appointed our elder Angus Mackay to the Board of Trustees and has appointed our minister to a Board offering Advice to Pastors and their families facing perplexing problems. Please give your prayer support for these new responsibilities. After careful consideration the Assembly declined to reopen the debate on the use of hymns and instrumental music as permitted by the Plenary Assembly last year. A new measure was passed which is intended to help relieve the conscience of any office-bearer unhappy over recent changes in worship practice. We hope this action will be unifying and will serve to draw a line under our prolonged discussion of worship. The Church of Scotland Assembly decided last Monday to take several steps towards accepting homosexual practice in the ministry despite such practice being contrary to the clear teaching of God’s word. This is deeply saddening and divisive. The Fellowship of Confessing Evangelicals states: “the decision of the General Assembly this year has set a clear trajectory that leads away from the Christian Scriptures, the Christian gospel, and the love of Christ himself, for Jesus himself said ‘whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me’ (John 14:21). In so doing, our denomination positions itself outwith the fellowship of orthodox, creedal Christianity worldwide and has thus forced a grievous crisis of communion. We must obey God rather than men.” Continue to pray for the thousands of people in the national Church who are distressed and uncertain about how to proceed. God will bless in answer to prayer.


Mark your calendar for this Friday, 3rd June, in the Strathpeffer Pavilion at 7pm. The ticket price of £10 includes tea/coffee/bakes and all who attend receive a 25% discount voucher to spend on clothing and accessories in any Blythswood Care shop. (For a booking of 10 or more there is a 20% discount for entry.) Under 12’s go free. All the clothing featured on the night are donated, including designer brands such as Hugo Boss, CK, Vera Mont, River Island, Zara, Wallis, etc. There are Men, Women and children modelling so there is something for everyone. Categories are, Casual, Workwear, Evening and Wedding – all the clothing modelled on the night will be for sale in the interval and after the fashion show. The 25% discount voucher is a great opportunity for someone to go and use it in our designer boutique in Forres! You can get tickets from MaryAnne MacLeod (home, 862994; work, 830777) or the Strathpeffer Pavilion website.


Mini Marvels is having a Family Fun Day on Saturday, 2nd July from 10 am - 12 noon. This is an opportunity for interaction between church members and the families that attend Mini Marvels. It is also a fundraiser. Activities will include Face Painting, Bouncy Castle, Cafe, and a sale of second hand children's items. Donations of children's books, games, puzzles, DVDs and toys are greatly appreciated. Helpers are needed for home baking, setting up, serving tea, coffee, and cakes, and clean up. Please speak to Anna Stirling or Erin Maston if you are able to help.


Christian Witness to Israel: All are welcome to hear the CWI team speak about their work among Jewish people - either at Greyfriars Free Church on Tuesday (7.30 pm) or at Urray Free Church, Muir of Ord, on Wednesday (7.30 pm).

Joint Prayer: The next joint prayer meeting is on Thursday 2nd June at Castle Street. This replaces our usual Wednesday meeting. Please support this meeting to cry out to God for the nation and show solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Kirk Session: The session will meet after the joint prayer-meeting on Thursday.

Schools: The minister will take an assembly at Strathpeffer on Wednesday morning.

Male Voice Choir Fesival: Please support the choir, and our own Hamish, John, George, Fred, and Patrick. The Festival is at the East Church, Inverness, on Saturday 4th June at 7.15 pm (community singing from 7 pm), and Sunday 5th June at 8 pm.

Placement: Dan and Penny Paterson, and their son Fox, will be arriving later this week to commence a six-week placement. They will be staying at the vacant Maryburgh manse. We thank all who helped clean and equip the house.

Mini Marvels toddler group meets on Fridays from 10.00 to 11.30 am. As the group is getting very busy with new folks arriving some more help serving the snack and teas would be appreciated. Talk to Erin Maston or Anna Stirling if you can be involved even once a month.

Ferintosh Burn: Chris Smart will preach in the open air in the natural amphitheatre at ‘the Burn’ of Ferintosh on Sunday 5th June at 4 pm. All are very welcome.

Presbytery will meet on Monday 6th June at 7 pm in Greyfriars Free Church.

Christianity Explored: There will be one more ‘final session’ of the course, on Tuesday 7th June at 7.15 pm, as a power-cut curtailed our last ‘final session!’

Monthly Home Groups: Next on Wednesday 8th June at various locations.

Alive Festival is a week of Christian events in venues across Inverness, 9th - 18th June, with Stuart Townend, John Hardwick, Adrian Plass, Saltmine Theatre Company, and worship with the Steels LZ7, Superhero and Phatfish. Contact: 01463 248280 or visit www.alivefestival.co.uk.

Praise Group: The next practice is at the Lees’ home, Almondbank, 31 Woodlands Road (01349 864297), on Tuesday 14th June from 7 to 8 pm. Come along if you enjoy singing and would like to help develop our congregational praise. We encourage all our precentors to try to get to at least one practice each month. New folks are always most welcome.

Ceilidh: An informal social evening for the congregation with food and music will be held in Strathpeffer Community Centre on Friday 17th June. This will give us a chance to say farewell to Montserrat who will be moving to England in a few weeks time as her employment here is coming to an end.

Communion: We will celebrate communion on Sunday 19th June. Rev Jonathan Hodgins, Caroline and the family from Abergavenny will join us for the communion weekend. Jon will preach on the Saturday at 7.30 pm and on the Sunday.

John Blanchard will speak at a special event at Dingwall Free Church on Monday 20th June at 7.30 pm. Please invite your friends to come and hear this gospel talk.

Concert: Amy Roberts (Northern Ireland), Johnnie Bremner and Christine Kennedy will present an evening of gospel music at Dingwall Free Church on Saturday 25th June. Tickets are available from the tea bar (Adults £8; children £2).

Bus Drivers: If you are aged 21 to 70 and are interested in joining our mini-bus driving rota, please speak to Fred Lees (864297).


Welcome Team: James MacAskill, Ron MacMaster, Hamish and Cora MacKenzie.

Crèche: 29th – M. MacKenzie & R. Skinner. 5th Christine MacAskill & Joan Tripp.

Minibus: 29th – TBA. 5th – M MacArthur (861250); 12th – J MacAskill (863410).

To Contact the Minister – Rev Angus MacRae: Free Church Manse, Firth View, Dingwall. ' 01349 862183. (Email: ).

Website: Sermons and news are at www.deep-river.co.uk - or find us on Facebook.

Foodbank: Donations for the Highland Foodbank can be left in the church porch.

Morning Praise Evening Praise

Psalm 24 (Chris Idle) ¯ 146:1-6* (p. 191)

85:8-13* (p. 113) Paraphrase 63 (Behold the amazing gift)

110:1-4* (p. 149) 138:3,6-8* (p. 179)

Before the throne of God above ¯ What a friend we have in Jesus ¯

* = Sing Psalms version. ¯ = with piano accompaniment.

Morning Songs:

Psalm 24 – The Ascended Christ in Glory. ‘Trumpet Voluntary’ version by Chris Idle

The congregation will be divided into two sections for the chorus

A = Park Street Side - B = Station Road Side

This earth belongs to God,

the world, its wealth, and all its people;

he formed the waters wide

and fashioned every sea and shore.

A Who may go up the hill of the Lord

and stand in the place of holiness?

B Only the one whose heart is pure,

whose hands and lips are clean.

Lift high your heads, you gates,

rise up, you everlasting doors,

as here, now, the King of glory

enters into full command.

A Who is the King, this King of glory?

Where is the throne he comes to claim?

B Christ is the King, the Lord of glory,

fresh from his victory.

Lift high your heads, you gates,

and fling wide open the ancient doors, for

here comes the King of glory

taking universal power.

A Who is the King, this King of glory?

What is the power by which he reigns?

B Christ is the King, his cross his glory,

and by love he rules.

All glory be to God

the Father, Son and Holy Spirit;

from ages past it was,

is now, and evermore shall be.

© Christopher Idle / Jubilate Hymns

CCL Licence No. 1203197

Before the throne of God above

Before the throne of God above

I have a strong, a perfect plea,

a great high priest, whose name is love,

who ever lives and pleads for me.

My name is written on his hands,

my name is hidden in his heart;

I know that while in heaven he stands

no power can force me to depart,

no power can force me to depart.

When Satan tempts me to despair,

and tells me of the guilt within,

I look to heaven, and see him there

who made an end of all my sin.

Because the sinless Saviour died

my sinful soul is counted free;

for God, the just, is satisfied

to look on him and pardon me,

to look on him and pardon me.

Behold him there! The risen Lamb,

my perfect, spotless righteousness,

the great unchangeable I AM,

the King of glory and of grace!

One with himself, I cannot die,

my soul is purchased by his blood;

my life is safe with Christ on high,

with Christ, my Saviour and my God,

with Christ, my Saviour and my God.


CCL Licence No. 1203197

Tune: Before the Throne (extended) DLM

Dingwall & Strathpeffer Free Church is a Designated Scottish Charity: SC011143


Paraphrase 63

Behold th’amazing gift of love

the Father has bestowed

On us, in calling us his own,

the children of our God!

Concealed as yet this honour lies,

by this dark world unknown,

A world that knew not when he came

e’en God’s eternal Son.

High is the rank we now possess,

but higher we shall rise;

Though what we shall hereafter be

is hid from mortal eyes.

Our souls, we know, when he appears

shall bear his image bright;

For all his glory, full of grace,

shall open to our sight.

A hope so great and so divine

may trials well endure,

And purify the heart from sin

as Christ himself is pure.

Scottish Paraphrases, 1781(adapted). Tune: Newington C.M.