Village of South Bloomfield Council Meeting
July 6, 2015
Council members present: Matt Pettibone, Mayor, Jill Roese, and Tom Ramsay.
Excused: Debbie Jones and Doug Bourke.
Residents, Donna Schaffer, Tyann Mowery and Mr. Mowery, John Serio, Mr. and Mrs. Gwinn, Woodrow Blanton, and Stephen Nicholas, Joe Allen, Water Superintendent, Solicitor, Rob Rishel.
Meeting called to Order at 7:00 pm. by Matt Pettibone, Mayor with the Pledge to the flag.
Appointment of Two New Council Members:
Tyann Mowery as Council Member Term ending 2015
Donna Schaffer as Council Member Term ending 2017
New Council members were sworn in by the Mayor and welcomed to take seat at Council Desk.
Approval of Minutes June 23, 2015 Council Meeting: Motion was made by Tom Ramsay to suspend reading of minutes, Donna Schaffer seconded the motion. Matt called for vote: Tyann yes Jill yes the motion carried. Matt asked for any corrections or additions? Jill Roese made motion to approve June 23, 2015 minutes, and motion second by Donna Schaffer. Matt called for a vote: Tyann yes, Tom yes and motion carried.
Stephen Nicholas: He presented the council with a copy of a proposed Ordinance of considering lowering the sewer rates. Stephen read thru the ordinance and asked if there was any questions. The council decided this was well written but what was left out was all the expenditures expected to repair the plant after it was neglected for some years due to lack of funds, but they will consider this and send to ordinance committee and get back to Stephen in the next couple meetings.
Motion to send this proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance committee for review was made by Donna Shaffer and seconded by Tyann. Matt called for a vote Jill yes, Tom yes and motion passed.
2015-13 Ordinance for Payment of Funds Advanced from Water to Sewer 2011 (Second Reading)
Finance Committee makes a recommendation for Ordinance to create a payment plan for repayment of Water Advancement of Funds to cover Sewer Debt Service Payment of $175,000. Annual payments of $8,750 will be paid over next 20 years starting January 31, 2017.
Jill Roese made a motion to approve Ordinance 2015-13 for the second reading, motion second by Tom Ramsay. Matt called for vote: Tyann yes, Donna yes, and motion carried.
Ordinance 2015-16 Appropriations for Law Enforcement Trust Fund (First reading)
Tom Ramsay made a motion to approve Ordinance 2015-16 for the first reading, motion second by Jill Roese. Matt called for vote: Tyann yes, Donna yes, and motion carried.
Ordinance 2015-17 Zoning Clerk Appeal (First reading)
Tom Ramsay made a motion to approve Ordinance 2015-17 for the first reading, motion second by Tyann Mowery. Matt called for vote: Jill yes, Donna yes, and motion carried.
IT Contract Review and Approval
***Tabled to next meeting and put agenda due to not having information present.
Copy Machine Lease Review and Approval
Blue Technologies proposal for new Copy Machine with more features and color printing. They will buy out the current lease from Leaf Leasing Company for the Toshiba Copier that we purchased in August, 2013 from VanDyke Enterprises for $5,932.20 and will pay the shipping and handling costs to return the old machine.
New Copier Lease amount will be $263.53/month which includes service of all labor, toner, parts and developer. Service rates are $.0096 per sheet with black & white and $.064 per sheet with color.
Donna Schaffer made a motion to approve Blue Technologies Contract along with the folding attachment, and motion second by Tyann Mowery. Matt called for vote: Tom yes, Jill yes, and motion carried.
Matt said to let Gloria know to get started on that tomorrow.
Chief of Police Update:
· Stats - are now on the Website for viewing.
· Police Cruiser – Is now detailed and ready to be put in service.
· Radio Quote – gave copies of what needs to be repaired and safety issues involved he also gave quotes on the radios needed. Discussion on cost, budget, need and the permission to go ahead and buy.
· Safety Vests – All full time officers have their new vests.
Motion to approve lease of the radio equipment for five years made by Tom Ramsay and seconded by Jill Roese vote Tyann yes, Donna yes, and motion passed.
Tom Ramsay made motion for Executive Session and Jill Roese second the motion. Matt called for vote: Tyann yes, Donna yes and motion carried.
Tom Ramsay made, to come out of Executive Session, Tyann second motion. Matt called for vote: Donna yes, Jill yes and motion carried.
Standard Reports submitted
1. Bills need reviewed and approved
2. Appropriation Status
3. Revenue Status
4. Fund Ledger
Motion to pay bills:
Motion to pay bills by Donna Schaffer and Jill Roese second, Matt called for a vote: Tyann yes, Tom yes and motion carried.
Motion to Adjourn
Jill Roese made motion to adjourn and Tom Ramsay
Second, Matt called for a vote: Tyann yes, Donna yes and motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm
Next Meeting:
July 21, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
Submitted by: ______Approved by: ______
Kelly Neal, Office Ad Matt Pettibone, Mayor
Reviewed by Iris Darst, CFO