Table of Contents
Welcome Page
About Us
Goals for Family Service
Goals for Children
Facility Information
Terms of License
Hours of Operation
Non-Discrimination Practices
Administrative Structure
Other Information
How to Enroll
Documents Needed
Attendance Schedules
Supplies Needed
Termination of Enrollment
Changes to Policies
Penalty Fees
Other Charges/Credits
Arrival and Departure
Authorized Pick-ups
Birthdays & Special Occasions
Breastfeeding Friendly Center
Care for Children with Special Needs
Cell Phone Use
Child Abuse & Neglect
Cultural Diversity and Religion
Emergency Planning
Field Trips
General Center Guidelines
Legal Custody Disputes
Lesson Plans
Outdoor Activities
Parent Involvement
Pet Policy
Social Media
Teacher Training
Toilet Training
Health Policies
Allergies/Intolerances/Special Dietary Needs
Communicable Disease Control
Communicable Illnesses
Medical Log
Physical Examinations
Sanitation Guidelines
Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Suspected Illness
When a Child Becomes Ill at the Center
Programming & Curriculum
Educational Philosophy
Education Policy
Curriculum Framework
Physical Environment
General Program Schedule
Early Morning and Late Afternoon Programming
Infant & Toddler Curriculum
Over Two & Preschool Curriculum
Ready 4 Learning 4K Program
School Aged Children
Center Map...... 28
Welcome Page
Dear Davis Families,
Welcome to Davis Child Care Center…where little minds grow! Thank you for choosing us for your child care needs. More than 100 years ago, Elizabeth Batchelder Davis left an endowment and this land to serve the needs of children in this community. The endowment is called the E.B. Children’s Home Foundation. Our space began as an orphanage, transitioned into a group home, and since 1990, has been a child care facility. Imagine the foresight Elizabeth had so many years ago, the vision she had and we have benefitted from.
I think of her often as we take on another form of programming or reach milestones of one kind or another in the Early Care and Education world.
Our National Accreditation through NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children), demonstrates that we are committed to being the best at what we do each and every day. State standards are not enough, we pride ourselves on always striving for more, to meet the needs of young children and their families in any and every way we can.
Our Partnership with the Oshkosh Area School District demonstrates our willingness to collaborate and work together to bring care and learning to as many children as we can reach out to in our community.
We are never finished expanding what our organization can contribute to this area. We pledge to always be diligent in caring for the little friends, helping them develop into confident, strong individuals who will make a difference in this grand world of ours.
We do it for you, Elizabeth. We thank you for this opportunity.
About Us
Davis Child Care Center is a non-profit child care program sponsored by E. B. Davis Children’s Home Inc. Foundation. The primary purpose of the Center is to provide high quality child care services for children in Oshkosh and the surrounding area. The program emphasizes the social, intellectual, emotional, physical and ethical development of children.
The family unit is the most important influence in the life of a child. Our Center strives to maintain the role of a family support agency by providing a program sensitive to parent needs for child care and parenting concerns, and children’s need for a warm, loving, consistent environment that enhances their growth and development.
Faithful to the wishes of Elizabeth Batchelder Davis, Davis Child Care Center exists to provide for the emotional growth, well-being, and development of children. Through programs that educate and develop social, ethical and intellectual skills, we offer the highest quality of children’s developmental services available. We maintain a learning, nurturing, and safe environment for children to grow to their fullest potential.
How we accomplish our Mission is as important as the mission itself. Every action we take will be guided by these values:
- Individualism – We believe that each child is a unique person. We recognize that each child needs to be nurtured and accepted for the special skills and talents that they will offer to society.
- Caring – We believe that a child can excel only when they feel safe and loved. We foster an environment that embraces love and respect that cherishes the children we are entrusted.
- Respect – We believe that when children are respected for who they are, they will also respect others. We develop programs and activities that assure the dignity and development of children above all else. We involve parents and other caregivers in decisions that are important to them.
- Character Development – We believe that the moral foundation of our society is based on honest and principled behavior to each other. To establish principles of good conduct, a system of moral values must be taught at an early age to children so that they know the difference between right and wrong.
- Learning-We believe that our lives are a journey of life-long learning. We enlighten and guide the minds of children by creating an environment of receptivity, learning and discovery. Only through knowledge will children be able to achieve their full potential.
Davis Child Care Center provides services for children 11 years and under. Our Center is renowned for its superior quality educational and social programming. Parents are involved in the classroom and other educational activities. Parents are routinely given the opportunity to participate in the decisions and activities of the Center.
Our employees are dedicated professionals committed to the mission and values of our organization. We offer fair and competitive wages and benefits, and allow employees to participate in decisions that affect their work and strategic direction of the Center. The Center provides education and training for our staff that leads to personal growth and development in their work. All employees work is valued and each individual is treated with dignity and respect.
The Center is known throughout the region for providing the highest quality of care and education to children. The Center is also recognized as a leader of child care services through its continued innovative and contemporary approach to the changing needs of our children and families.
Goals for Family Service
While meeting the total ranges or needs for children’s growth and development, Davis Child Care has the following goals for parents and families:
- To respect parent child-rearing practices.
- To be sensitive to parent concerns regarding their children.
- To offer a resource library and other opportunities for education to enhance parenting skills or to address other subjects of interest.
- To communicate regularly via a monthly newsletter and other information materials.
- To create a portfolio of your child’s abilities will follow your child through the facility and will be shared with families during conferences.
- To schedule conferences with teachers or the Director at any time.
- To develop a range of services to meet family needs:
- Full and part time (limited availability for part time) care for children of working parents, or parents otherwise occupied outside the home.
- Referral for families in need of crisis intervention or respite care for families in need of reducing family stresses.
- An individualized developmental program for infants and toddlers.
- Preschool enrichment experiences and pre-Kindergarten readiness activities for all children.
- Maintain a collaborative relationship with the Oshkosh Area School District through a 4K Ready for Learning Program
- To provide opportunities for parents to become more involved with the program.
- To provide opportunities for family activities, such as winter family fun night, summer picnic, spring book fair and more.
Goals for Children
The program is designed to enhance social, emotional, physical, ethical and intellectual growth and development, and it fosters the formation of a positive self-concept. The program goals and objectives are to:
- Respect each child as a unique individual.
- Promote intellectual skills by providing a variety of materials and experiences to encourage independence, creative thinking, and problem solving.
- Provide children with a nurturing environment to enhance their emotional security and well-being.
- Allow children to express needs and feelings freely.
- Communicate with the children in a non-judgmental manner.
- Provide a learning environment, which successfully meets the children’s needs according to their style and pace of learning.
- Promote positive and social interaction and cooperation.
- Provide appropriate opportunities for physical growth and development.
- Arrange equipment and materials so children have the freedom to choose activities.
- Allow adequate space for children to move freely.
- Provide opportunities for active and quiet play, group interaction and individual solitude, and indoor and outdoor play.
- Provide experiences in an inclusive classroom environment with regard to cultural traditions, customs, and practices.
- Provide a safe environment.
Facility Information
Terms of License
Davis Child Care Center is licensed by the State of Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Northeastern region. Davis is licensed to serve a maximum of 165 children daily, ages 6 weeks through 11 years of age. Davis is inspected regularly to insure that we meet State of Wisconsin licensing standards. The Center licenses, any violations found, and a copy of licensing regulations are posted on a parent bulletin board above the water fountains just inside the main entrance.
Hours of Operation
Davis Child Care Center is open Monday through Friday 6:00am to 6:00pm year round.
- The Center is closed on the following major holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
- The Center is also closed for an In-Service Day in late August just before public school starts.
- Christmas Eveavailability is limited and based on family survey results to gauge attendance. Hours are limited to 7:00 am until noon with no lunch being served. Facility will be open if 20% or more of the population needs care.
- Day after Thanksgivingavailability is limited and based on family survey results to gauge attendance. Hours are limited to 7:00 am until 5:00 pm unless otherwise indicated by director. Facility will be open if 20% or more of the population needs care.
- In the event a holiday falls on a Saturday, the center will be closed on the preceding Friday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the center will be closed on the proceeding Monday.
*See more in Policies.
Non-Discrimination Practices
Davis will not refuse to enroll a child (or hire personnel) on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, religion, political persuasion, national origin, handicap/disability, ancestry or sexual orientation. Children with special physical or emotional needs will be accepted if the program is determined to be in the child’s best interest, and/or if the child does not require an inordinate amount of staff time that would detract from other child care, in accordance with Title III of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).
Administrative Structure
Davis Child Care is governed by a Board of Directors. The Director is directly responsible to the Board for major financial and policy issues. The Board has the final say in matters related to policy and finances. Our delegation of authority is as follows: Board of Directors, Executive Director, Assistant Director, Program Support Teacher, Administrative Assistant, Lead Teaching Staff, Teaching Staff, Kitchen Staff, Support Staff.
*See front office posting for staff contacts and chain of command.
Davis is a secure facility. We have secure entrances and security cameras throughout our facility to monitor activity in and around our building. Staff and families all have individual door codes to enter the building. For the safety of all, please do not give out your code to others or allow anyone to enter the building that is not permitted to do so.
- If your child will have an alternate adult pickup, please note the name of the person picking up in the notebook near the check in clock and let your child’s teacher know. They may ring the doorbell at the front entrance, and a staff member will check their ID and take them to the child.
- Adults not noted as an authorized pick-up person on intake papers, or not noted in the notebook will not be allowed to take children from the center without a parent or guardian’s permission.
- Children will not leave the center with a person who appears impaired by drugs or alcohol. Authorities may be called.
- When entering, please do not hold the door and allow others to enter. Everyone should use their own code to enter.
- Children should NOT enter door codes or hold secured doors.
We do allow volunteers, however they are required to meet with our Administration team and go through a brief training of expectations and our code of conduct. Before entering a classroom any visitor to our facility will need to check in at our visitor’s station by the front entrance, sign in and wear a visitor badge at all times while on Davis grounds.
Other Information
There are bulletin boards in the entryway and just inside the main, secured entrance for families to find information, menus, child illnesses, and parent resources. You can access a copy of our Licensing Rules and Parent Handbook by asking our administrative assistant. Classrooms post information about field trips, upcoming events, menus, and other news outside their rooms on their Parent Boards.
For the protection of our staff, children and families, weapons of any kind are not allowed on the premises, unless it is legally part of your uniform. Smoking is not allowed within our property limits, in accordance with licensing regulations, which also includes our parking lot.
*See building map on page 28
How to Enroll
Enrollment will not be accepted over the phone or email. Prior to the child’s first day of attendance, parents are required to meet an administrator, tour the Center, discuss child specific needs, and obtain required forms to be filled out. Before a child may start, all forms must be completed and turned in, and registration fees must be paid in full. Families utilizing assistance of any kind need to have this setup before children may attend. We suggest parents bring their child prior to his/her first day to get acquainted with the facility and staff to ensure a more successful start. Families seeking full time care have first priority for enrollment. Other requests are considered on a first come, first served basis, depending on openings available. Children are placed in classrooms by age and developmental readiness, so questions may be asked about mobility, toilet training, or other skills that would affect classroom placement.
Documents Needed
- Child Care Enrollment Form
- Health History & Emergency Care Plan Form
- Intake Form
- Day Care Immunization Record**
- Child Health Report Form/ Physical**
- USDA: Family Size Income Affidavit
- USDA Meal Form/ Infant Meal Notification
- Authorizations Form
- Special Dietary Needs Form- if applicable
- Davis Child Care Emergency Card
These forms should be completed and turned in to administration by the first day of attendance. Forms marked with a (**) will be given 30 days to turn in, or enrollment will be in jeopardy. Notify the Center immediately of changes in residence, places of employment, telephone numbers, emergency or authorized pick- ups, or other changes pertinent to the care of your child.
Information on each child will be on file in the child’s classroom and in the office. For infants and toddlers, updates must be made every 3 months by the child care worker and the child’s parent. All records remain confidential, and would be shared with Center staff when pertinent to the care of your child.
We ask that any special concerns for your child be shared with the Center prior to the first day of attendance. For example, special dietary needs, behavioral challenges, physical disabilities, custody issues, etc. Disclosure of this information help our staff better understand and prepare for your child’s start to ensure it is as successful as possible.
All children’s records are confidential and available only to the following people: administrative personnel, child’s teacher/s, parent/guardian of child, Board Members, an agency assisting in planning for the child when informed written consent is granted, and agencies authorized under S.48.78,stats. Staff are informed that all information regarding a child and his/her family is confidential. Staff may not give out information about a child to other parents. Staff are also notified that information about a child and his/her family is not to be shared with other staff not directly involved in the daily care of that child. Information regarding families and children is not to be discussed outside of the daily business of Davis Child Care Center.
Attendance Schedules
The child’s anticipated attendance schedule, listing the hours and days a child will be in attendance, must be completed on the enrollment contract. This schedule should be shared with teacher as your child transitions through the facility, and any schedule changes should be noted. This is used for billing purposes and to ensure the correct number of staff to children. Teachers use this information for planning activities as well. State Licensing Guidelines limit the number of children per staff member, thus it is necessary that your child attend only on his or her scheduled days. Extra days may be available on a drop in basis when space permits. Attendance change requests must be discussed with administrative personnel in advance. We pride ourselves on quality care programming. This includes your child arriving prior to 9 a.m. The bulk of our academic day occurs in the morning due to rest time. We do not offer Half-Day Care or Drop-In Care.