Healthcareh Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP)
National Clinical Audit of Rheumatoid and Early Inflammatory Arthritis
Organisational data for each Rheumatology unit(to be collected annually via audit lead clinician)
1 / Date (day/month/year)
2 / Rheumatology Centre ID
3 / Is your main Rheumatology unit in a: (please tick one)
3.1 / · Teaching hospital
3.2 / · Non-teaching hospital/DGH
3.3 / · Community setting
4 / Catchment population figure:
5 / Please provide the following information for the Rheumatology unit:
5.1 / · Number of WTE NHS consultants
5.2 / · Number of WTE clinical specialist nurses (exclude hours dedicated to research if research nurse)
5.3 / · Number of WTE SAS doctors/GPSIs
5.4 / · Number of WTE trainees who are rheumatology specific, at Registrar level or above
5.5 / · Are patients able to access specialist physiotherapy services in the unit? (please tick one) / Yes / No
5.5.1 / o If yes, number of WTE specialist physiotherapists
5.6 / · Are patients able to access specialist podiatry services in the unit? (please tick one) / Yes / No
5.6.1 / o If yes, number of WTE specialist podiatrists
5.7 / · Are patients able to access specialist OT services in the unit? (please tick one) / Yes / No
5.7.1 / o If yes, number of WTE specialist occupational therapists
5.8 / · Are MDT staff employed by the Trust? / Yes / No
6 / Information on clinics/service provision model
6.1 / Do you have a specific early inflammatory arthritis (EIA) clinic? (please tick one) / Yes / No
6.2 / Are the following available on the day of clinic attendance: (please tick one)
6.2.1 / · Ultrasound / Yes / No
6.2.2 / · X-ray / Yes / No
6.2.3 / · MRI / Yes / No
· Phlebotomy / Yes / No
6.3 / Do you provide satellite clinics in the community? (Satellite clinics include those in GP surgeries, community settings, peripheral DGHs and community hospitals) (please tick one) / Yes / No
6.4 / If yes, how many? / Yes / No
6.4.1 / · Per week
6.4.2 / · Per month
6.5 / Do you have a shared care protocol in place with GP colleagues for DMARD monitoring of patients? (please tick one) / Yes / No
6.6 / What is your DAS threshold for commencing biologic treatment? (please tick one) / 5.1 (UK) / 3.2 (Europe)
6.7 / How many unsuccessful DMARDS courses are offered before a patient is placed on biologics? (please tick one) / 1 (Europe) / 2 (UK) / Other
(please specify)
6.8 / What DAS score do you use to consider a patient is in remission?
7 / Is the following available to patients with IA?
7.1 / A named member of the MDT who is responsible for co-ordinating their care (please tick one) / Yes / No
7.2 / A telephone helpline (please tick one) / Yes / No
7.3 / A structured patient education and self-management service that is offered to patients within 1 month of diagnosis(please tick one) / Yes / No
7.6 / Access to psychological interventions (please tick one) / Yes / No
7.7 / An annual review process co-ordinated by the Rheumatology unit (please tick one) / Yes / No
7.7.1 / · Is this available to: (please tick one) / All patients / Some patients
7.7.2 / · Does the unit have a process for requesting GPs to undertake aspects of the annual review, where appropriate? / Yes / No / · Does the unit have a process for assessing that GPs have undertaken these agreed aspects? / Yes / No
8 / Rapid Access
8.1 / Do you provide a telephone advice service to patients with IA who have a flare of arthritis? (please tick one) / Yes / No
8.2 / Do you provide an emergency access clinic facility available to patients with IA who have a flare of arthritis within 1 working day of contacting the rheumatology service (if required)? (please tick one) / Yes / No
HQIP data collection form – organisational – V7 Page 1 of 2