Goals and Objectives of South Boston Grows
Goal 1: To improve community green space use in South Boston.
Objective a: To include South Boston community partners in the planning and growing of locally grown produce.
Objective b: To provide resource and personnel support for individual, family, and community partners to improve their South Boston neighborhoods, by using urban green space for food production.
Goal 2: To increase participants’ knowledge of how to grow edible plants in South Boston.
Objective a: To include South Boston community partners in the participants’ education concerning planting and growing of locally grown produce.
Goal 3: To increase the community, specifically urban youths’, intake, access, and exposure to fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs in South Boston.
Objective a: To grow fresh fruits and vegetables in various locations in South Boston usinga combination of raised beds and container planting.
Objective b: To increase knowledge of nutrition and sustainable agriculture in South Boston via nutrition, farm, and garden-based education. This will be achieved through farm to School interventions, garden-based education, and increased exposure to Farmers Markets in South Boston.
Goal 4: To demonstrate sustainability of this urban agriculture education program; South Boston Grows.
Objective a: To evaluate participant and community interest and desired changes in the South Boston Grows’ program and its ongoing implementation.
Board Members of South Boston Grows
1. Phoebe Flemming, Registered Dietitian and ED of SBG
2. Michael McGee, Attorney and Clerk of SBG
3. Donna Brown, Housing Expert and Treasurer of SBG
4. Susan Labandibar, Technology Guru
5. Matthew Thayer, Local Business Owner
6. Jacob Bombard, Environmental Advocate
7. Christine Kane, Yoga and Literacy Teacher
8. Addie Conner, Social Media Expert
Annual Budget
Proposed 2014 Budget / ESTIMATEDSources of Funds / Uses of Funds
Grassroots and/or Dept of Ag, etc. / ~$14,000 / Acquisition (currently no fee for land – contract w/ BHA but there will be for future sites) / $3,000.00
Patagonia Foundation / $7,000.00 / Future Garden Construction / $15,000.00
New England Grassroots Environment Fund and Match / $8,000.00 / Supplies / $15,000.00
South Boston Neighborhood Development Foundation / $4,000.00 / Cooking Program; supplies, teaching materials, food, professor, / $7,000.00
South Boston Grows supporters
(ex: Individuals and the Moms Club) / $2,000.00 / Water and other garden maintenance / $5,000.00
In kind, donations / $15,000.00 / Outreach/Marketing / $3,000.00
Pending Cabot Family Charitable Trust support / $20,000.00 / Staff: Exec Dir, Proj Mgr, youth / $50,000.00
Pending Cabot Corporation FoundationSupport / $30,000.00 / Overhead, Fee, etc. / $2,000.00
Total / $100,000 / $100,000
Schools and Programs South Boston Grows has collaborated with include:
- Boston Green Academy
- Perkins Elementary
- Boston Collegiate Charter School
- Perry Elementary
- Condon Elementary
- South Boston High School
- South Boston Youth Ambassadors
- Girl Scouts
- Youth Tutoring Youth Program at Laboure
- Julie’s Family Learning Program
- The Gavin Foundation/Cushing House