Goal Planning Worksheet

Goal Planning Worksheet

Kids Goal Planning Worksheet for Education

Major Goal to Accomplish within 30 Days


1. What is major educational goal you would like to accomplish within the next 30 days?

2. What are the benefits for achieving your education goal?

3. What are three actions steps for achieving your goal?

4. What are some possible obstacles for this goal?

5. What are some possible solutions?

6. What is your reward for accomplishing your goal?

Kids Goal Planning Worksheet for Family

Major Goal to Accomplish within 30 Days


1. What is major family goal you would like to accomplish within the next 30 days?

2. What are the benefits for achieving your family goal?

3. What are three actions steps for achieving your goal?

4. What are some possible obstacles for this goal?

5. What are some possible solutions?

6. What is your reward for accomplishing your goal?

Kids Goal Planning Worksheet for Health

Major Goal to Accomplish within 30 Days


1. What is major health goal you would like to accomplish within the next 30 days?

2. What are the benefits for achieving your health goal?

3. What are three actions steps for achieving your goal?

4. What are some possible obstacles for this goal?

5. What are some possible solutions?

6. What is your reward for accomplishing your goal?

Kids Goal Planning Worksheet for Finance

Major Goal to Accomplish within 30 Days


1. What is major financial goal you would like to accomplish within the next 30 days?

2. What are the benefits for achieving your financial goal?

3. What are three actions steps for achieving your goal?

4. What are some possible obstacles for this goal?

5. What are some possible solutions?

6. What is your reward for accomplishing your goal?

Kids Goal Planning Worksheet for Social

Major Goal to Accomplish within 30 Days


1. What is major social goal you would like to accomplish within the next 30 days?

2. What are the benefits for achieving your social goal?

3. What are three actions steps for achieving your goal?

4. What are some possible obstacles for this goal?

5. What are some possible solutions?

6. What is your reward for accomplishing your goal?

Kids Goal Planning Worksheet for Community

Major Goal to Accomplish within 30 Days


1. What is major community goal you would like to accomplish within the next 30 days?

2. What are the benefits for achieving your community goal?

3. What are three actions steps for achieving your goal?

4. What are some possible obstacles for this goal?

5. What are some possible solutions?

6. What is your reward for accomplishing your goal?

Kids Goal Planning Worksheet for Spiritual

Major Goal to Accomplish within 30 Days


1. What is major spiritual goal you would like to accomplish within the next 30 days?

2. What are the benefits for achieving your spiritual goal?

3. What are three actions steps for achieving your goal?

4. What are some possible obstacles for this goal?

5. What are some possible solutions?

6. What is your reward for accomplishing your goal?