PREMISES AFFECTED – 255-39 Jamaica Avenue, a/k/a Jericho Turnpike, north side of Jamaica Avenue, 80' west of 256th Street, Block 8830, Lot 52, Borough of Queens.


APPLICANT – The Agusta Group, for Turnpike Auto Laundry, Inc., owner.

SUBJECT – Application March 8, 2005 – Extension of Term of the Special Permit for the operation of an existing auto laundry which expired on February 8, 2005 and an extension of time to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy which expired on July 22, 2005. The premise is located in C8-1and R-2 zoning district.

PREMISES AFFECTED – 255-39 Jamaica Avenue, a/k/a Jericho Turnpike, north side of Jamaica Avenue, 80' west of 256th Street, Block 8830, Lot 52, Borough of Queens.



ACTION OF THE BOARD– Application granted on condition.


Affirmative: Chair Srinivasan, Vice-Chair Babbar and Commissioner Chin...... 3

Negative:…...... 0

Abstain: Commissioner Collins...... 1


WHEREAS, this application is a request for a re-opening and an extension of term of a previously granted variance pursuant to Z.R. § 11-411, as well as an application for an extension of time to obtain a certificate of occupancy; and

WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on this application on November 22, 2005, after due notice by publication in TheCity Record, and then to decision on January 24, 2006; and

WHEREAS, Community Board No. 13, Queens, and the Queens Borough President recommended conditional approval of this application, as discussed below; and

WHEREAS, the site is a 17,550 sq. ft. lot improved upon with a 5,691 sq. ft. one and two story concrete building occupied as an auto laundry (Use Group 16) and is partially within an R2 zoning district and partially within a C8-1 district; and

WHEREAS, the site is located at the northwest corner of the Jericho Turnpike and 256th Street; and

WHEREAS, on February 8, 2000, the Board granted an application pursuant to ZR § 11-412 to permit the proposed legalization of an enlargement to the existing auto laundry for a term of five years, to expire on February 8, 2005, on condition that a new certificate of occupancy be obtained within two years of the date of the grant; and

WHEREAS, the site was previously the subject of three prior Board actions: BSA Cal. No. 130-29-A, which allowed the construction of a one-story auto repair

facility; Cal. No. 128-70-BZ, which permitted the change in occupancy of the building from auto repair to auto laundry, as well as an enlargement in lot area for accessory reservoir space; and Cal. No. 16-90-BZ, which allowed a legalization of an enlargement of the existing building; and

WHEREAS, the applicant now seeks an extension of term for ten additional years, as well as an extension of time in which to obtain a certificate of occupancy; and

WHEREAS, the applicant represents that no certificate of occupancy was obtained after the 2000 grant due to delays in obtaining appropriate sign-offs from the Department of Buildings; and

WHEREAS, the Queens Borough President and the Community Board recommended that traffic coordinators be present at the site to ensure that any traffic impacts are minimized; and

WHEREAS, the applicant declines to provide such coordinators, and the Board agrees that they are not needed provided that operations on the site are conducted in compliance with the conditions of this grant, as well as all relevant conditions of past grants; and

WHEREAS, accordingly, the Board finds it appropriate to grant the requested extension of time and extension of term.

Therefore it is Resolved that the Board of Standards and Appeals reopens and amends the resolution, said resolution having been adopted on February 8, 2000, so that as amended this portion of the resolution shall read: “to permit an extension of time to obtain a certificate of occupancy, for an additional period of one (1) year from the date of this resolution, to expire on January 24, 2007, and, pursuant to ZR §11-411, to permit an extension of the term of the variance for an additional period of ten years from the last expiration; on condition that the use shall substantially conform to drawings as filed with this application, marked ‘Received October 5, 2005’-(4) sheets and ‘December 13, 2005’–(1) sheet; and on further condition:

THAT this grant is for a term of ten years from the last expiration date, to expire on February 8, 2015;

THAT the hours of operation shall be 8 AM to 6 PM Monday through Saturday and 8 AM to 4 PM Sunday;

THAT there shall be no vehicles standing or parked in the sidewalks or streets adjacent to the site at any time;

THAT the gates on the 256th Street side of the site shall be closed and locked from 6:30 PM to 8 AM daily; THAT all vehicles exiting from the accessory parking lot shall exit the site onto the Jericho Turnpike and appropriate signage indicating this shall be installed by the auto laundry operator;

THAT the above conditions shall be listed on the certificate of occupancy;

THAT all conditions from prior resolutions not specifically waived by the Board remain in effect;

THAT a new certificate of occupancy shall be obtained within one year of the date of this grant;

THAT this approval is limited to the relief granted by the Board in response to specifically cited and filed DOB/other jurisdiction objection(s) only; and

THAT the Department of Buildings must ensure compliance with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Resolution, the Administrative Code and any other relevant laws under its jurisdiction irrespective of plan(s) and/or configuration(s) not related to the relief granted.”

(DOB Application No. 401129015)

Adopted by the Board of Standards and Appeals, January 24, 2006.