Participant Information Sheet (PIS)

What is this research about?

Offer a short, plain language description of your research topic.

Who is this researcher?

Introduce yourself as a student of Yale-NUS College.

Why is this study being done?

Explain why you are doing the research (e.g. as part of a capstone project), and assure participants that this is the only reason the information is being gathered.

Who can participate in the research?

Provide the inclusion/ exclusion criteria of your participants. Please also provide the upper and lower age limit of the participants in your study.

Do I have to take part?

Make clear that participation is voluntary and participants can withdraw at any time, without having to give a reason.

What will happen with the photos (or videos/ audio recordings) you’re taking?

Explain that you will use photos in presentations of your research, but only with your participant’s consent.

Explain as well what will happen if participants disagree to being audio/ video-recorded. Will that exclude them from the study?

What will happen to me if I take part?

Outline what you will be asking the participant to do, and how long it will take.

If I agree to take part, what happens to what I say?

State that collected data is kept confidential and will only be used for stated research, with specified beginning and end dates. Unidentified quotes may be used in presentations and libraries. State that you will not identify the participant, but the quotes may be used in a capstone project. No one will know your participant’s name.

Please also indicate in this section that participants do not have to answer any questions that they feel uncomfortable with.

Are there any risks in taking part?

Your research should not create risk for participants. You should let participants know, for example, if they will be identifiable, if they may experience discomfort, how confidential the information you collect from them will be, or how long you will keep it.

Please also insert the following text into this section:

“If you follow the directions of the researcher in charge of this research study and you are physically injured, the NUS will pay the medical expenses for the treatment of that injury. By giving your consent, you will not waive any of your legal rights or release the parties involved in this study from liability for negligence.”

Are there any benefits of taking part?

Outline any benefits (e.g., payment or course credits)that participants will receive. Often, participants will not receive any direct benefits from the study.

How will my privacy and the confidentiality of my research records be protected?

Please use the below as a template for this section:

“Only the Principal Investigator has your personal information (e.g. names, contact information and email addresses) and this will not be released to any other person, including members of the research team. Personal information will never be used in a publication or presentation. All your personal information and research data will be coded (i.e. only identified with a code number) at the earliest possible stage of the research and then deleted.All data collected will be kept in accordance to the University’s Research Data Management Policy. Research data used in publication will be kept for a minimum of 10 years before being discarded. Research data, including any personal identifiers, not used in publication will be discarded when they are not needed anymore.”

Why do I have to give consent and sign a consent form?

Explain why a consent form is needed – it records that participants have been fully informed, and that they understand what it means to participate, and have agreed to participate.

Who do I contact for further information?

Name of Researcher:

Contact number:

Email address:

Supervisor’s name:

Supervisor’s contact number and email address:

Who do I contact if something goes wrong or I am concerned?

Name of Office of Research Contact Person:Mastura Binte Mohammad Saleh

Contact Number and Email address:+65-66013664;

Thank you for reading this information sheet and for considering taking part in this research.