Goal: Implement a district-wide bully prevention program
Objective One: Establish a Bully Prevention Task Force by September 26, 2008
Activity / Due Date / Person Responsible / CommentsIdentify key stake holders
Establish meeting dates
Identify meeting locations and times
Invite stake holders
Convene meetings
Identify Task Force Objectives
Develop Youth Subcommittee
Youth Subcommittee to report to Task Force
Objective Two: Develop a District Definition of Bullying by October 10, 2008
Activity / Due Date / Person Responsible / CommentsResearch current district definition
Identify other definitions in literature/research
Develop district definition
Objective Three: Develop District Policy and Protocol on Bullying by October 31, 2008
Activity / Due Date / Person Responsible / CommentsReview current policy and protocol
Contact CSBA for policy and protocols
Consult with CDE regarding policies and protocols
Contact other school districts
Secure model policies and protocols
Develop district policy and protocol
Submit to board for approval
Inform schools, parents and students
Conduct trainings for school safety teams
Objective Four: Assess Current Level of Bullying by October 31, 2008
Activity / Due Date / Person Responsible / CommentsReview CHKS and develop district wide report and summary for each school site
Conduct focus groups with students
Assess bullying on school buses and bus stops
Identify other assessment instruments such as Olweus Questionnaire and School COP
Develop other assessment instruments as needed such as Survey Monkey
Work with each site to analyze data
Include analysis in mandated school safety plan
Objective Five: Conduct 12 Trainings on Bullying Awareness and Strategies by June 30, 2009
Activity / Due Date / Person Responsible / CommentsIdentify training topics
Identify trainers/resources
Secure training sites and dates
Develop Agendas
Inform school sites and other districts of trainings
Conduct school-based trainings
Conduct parent trainings
Evaluate trainings
Objective Six: Implement bully prevention programs/efforts at 100% of school sites by December 1, 2008
Activity / Due Date / Person Responsible / CommentsResearch and review best practices
Identify effective programs
Identify costs and resources to fund efforts
Implement school-wide efforts
Implement Youth Development Approach
Implement Peer Educator Program
Implement Targeted Cross-age Mentoring
Implement targeted prevention
Develop bully intervention services
Develop skills-based Saturday School
Develop skill-based On Campus Suspension