MAJOR: MSCJ – Justice Administration

Section One: Describe all department activities with respect to improving student learning in the major. This may include new faculty hires, course revisions, assignment creation, rubric revisions, goal evaluations, etc.

Activity Statement:

During the AY 2010-2011 the MSCJ JA program received further refinement. There still seems to be a lack of uniformity between all professors teaching the courses. The Program Assessment Plan for this concentration was developed and published mid-year. Faculty in the major reviewed appropriate program goals and selected one to measure this year and then the School planned to review both goals and measurement for next year.

Section Two: Describe which program goal(s) in the Major Program Plan was assessed during the academic year.

Intended Outcomes #1:

Graduates will be able to research, prepare, and present in clear written, oral, and electronic/digital formats the results of their inquiries into a variety of course topics.

Assessment Criteria:

In a paper and/or PowerPoint presentation, 80% of the students in JUS 510 will receive a grade of A (90%) on the assignment, evaluated according to a standard rubric. (D – Writing Abilities / D – Career Readiness – Program Specific)

Results of Outcomes Activity:

2010-2011 / Met/Not Met
Met / Data Details
100% of the students received a grade of 90% or higher on the assigned paper and presentation.

Section Three: Describe analysis of assessment data and action plans for upcoming academic year.

Analysis and Action Plans:

In the interest of reaching the maximum degree of skill in writing projects and presentations the JA 510 class will have same learning activity assigned, measured, and reported.