Insights About the Dreamspell Calendar

Insights About the Dreamspell Calendar

Insights About the Dreamspell Calendar

by Gary M. Cook


The Dreamspell Calendar is a spiritual tool that has surfaced very recently. It is closely aligned with the Mayan Calendar (although the two calendars are not identical). The most important similarity between the two calendars is the recognition and honoring of naturally occurring energy cycles. These energy cycles were known to the ancient Maya and much of their wisdom about the nature of time is contained in their calendar. The ancient Maya understood time to be the passage of cycles. They studied and mapped the cycles of Mother Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the Pleiades, the Galaxy and the Universe. They have much to teach us about the cycles.

I have prepared this document for you. I have been strongly pulled to this knowledge since the Spring Equinox of 1995. I make no claim that I have all the knowledge or that my views are the only "correct" viewpoint. The notion that there is only one answer or viewpoint for any question is very limiting. We are all limited by our beliefs. My intention or wish in presenting this information is that you would question your beliefs. Understand that I do not wish to cause you discomfort or agony. I wish that you would come to love yourself completely. The Creator has made us All, to be unique, to have a unique perspective.

A General Discussion of Calendars: Egyptian, Julian, Gregorian, Mayan, Dreamspell

About 6000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians developed a calendar which consisted of 12 months of 30 days plus 5 days of celebration. Starting on July 27, these 5 days of celebration honor the births of Osirus, Horus, Seth, Isis, and Nephthys. On August 1, the new year begins. In ancient times, the beginning of the year was marked when the star Sirius rose at the same place that the Sun rose.

In 46 B.C., Julius Caesar asked the astronomer Sosigenes to develop a uniform calendar so that all of the lands he controlled could use the same calendar. Sosigenes set up the Julian calendar with 365 days per year and an extra "leap day" added every 4th year. This was based on his observation that the year was 365 days, 6 hours long. The Julian calendar was divided into 12 uneven months that didn't correspond very well to the lunar cycle but apparently this was not considered to be that important. Augustus Caesar changed the name of the 6th month to August and borrowed a day from February to make August 31 days long. He wanted August to be as long as July, the month named after Julius Caesar.

As linear time went on, it was observed by astronomers who measured the time from one vernal (Spring) equinox to the next, that the year was slightly shorter than 365 days, 6 hours. In 1990, the solar year was calculated to be 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 45.5 seconds. In the Christian religion, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday following the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox. As a result of the slight error in the Julian calendar, the date of Easter was slipping.

In 1582 A.D., Pope Gregory the 13th changed the Julian calendar. He declared that the day following October 4, 1582 would be October 15, dropping 10 days from the calendar. He also changed the calendar so that leap years would be skipped on century years unless the year was divisible by 400. This calendar would come to be known as the Gregorian Calendar.

The calendar that is dominant in the world today is the Gregorian calendar. This calendar is based on 12 unevenly divided months and has no apparent link to any naturally occurring cycle. It's as if it has been intentionally organized to remove those who use it from their connection with Nature. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people on Earth today are tied very closely to this calendar. Every law and monetary transaction has this calendar linked to it.

The Maya developed their calendar long before the Julian or Gregorian calendars came into existence. The Mayan Calendar is based on naturally occurring energy cycles and a close connection to Mother Earth, the Sun, and the Pleiades. Because the Maya honored Mother Earth and the energy cycles that are present here, they were in tune with the cycles. They had access to information that is not available to 'modern people' because 'modern people' are extremely limited by their belief systems.

The Maya gained knowledge about many cycles which occur on Earth. They recognized a 13-day cycle of energy which comes from galactic sources. They also came to know a 20-day energy cycle coming from the Sun. By studying the cycles and their interaction with each other, the Maya gained an understanding of life on Earth that far exceeds our 'modern' beliefs. Fortunately, this knowledge is becoming available to us at this time to assist in our 'return to natural harmony'.

The Mayan Calendar goes way beyond what we think of as a calendar. It is not merely a way to find out what the day of the week is or how long it is until a friend's birthday. It is a carefully constructed map of the cycles of Natural Time, cycles within cycles. The Mayan Calendar is multi-leveled. On the base levels of the Calendar, it maps the daily cycles and in higher levels it maps larger blocks of time. On the top level, it maps the Great Year (the Grand Cycle) of 26,000 years, the orbit of our Solar System around Alcyone, the Central Sun of the Pleiades.

The Dreamspell Calendar incorporates a great deal of the wisdom of the lower levels of the Mayan Calendar in a form that is easy to understand for someone that is accustomed to the Gregorian calendar. It is a daily calendar and it brings to our awareness the daily energy cycles. I view the Dreamspell Calendar as a way to help us transition from the artificial timing of the Gregorian calendar and once again resonate with Natural Time and the daily energy cycles.

Pacal Votan and the Telektonon Prophecy

Statue of Pacal Votan

Pacal Votan was an ancient Mayan king who incarnated on Earth from 631 to 683 A.D. He established the Mayan city of Palenque in Mexico. Pacal's tomb is located inside the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque. Pacal is a very highly evolved being and during his lifetime on Earth, the Mayan people flourished. Pacal left behind a prophecy known as the Telektonon.

In the late 1980's, José Argüelles came to understand the Telektonon prophecy. He mysteriously received an ancient Mayan text from a man in Cuba which he initially didn't think was very significant. After he translated it, he realized that it was the Telektonon Prophecy of Pacal Votan. The Telektonon speaks of the period of time from 1987 to 2013.

The Dreamspell Calendar was developed as a result of understanding the prophecy. It called for humanity to embrace a calendar based on 13 Moons and the Mayan Energy Cycles. José received further information directly from Pacal through telepathy and intuition. José and his wife Lloydine have dedicated their lives to spreading the knowledge of the Telektonon Prophecy.

Hunab K'u and the Galactic Synchronization Beam

The Maya referred to the Creator as Hunab K'u. They teach us that Hunab K'u is sending out a beam of energy throughout the universe. This beam originates at the Great Central Sun of the Universe and is carried through the universe by the stars. One of the many purposes of our Sun is to relay the Galactic Synchronization Beam to each of us. I envision the beam traveling from the Great Central Sun of the Universe, to the Central Sun of our Galaxy, through Alcyone (the Central Sun of the Pleiades), to our Sun, and to us. The beam keeps everything synchronized so that the grand evolutionary event which is upcoming will occur as the Creator has planned it. It is very important at this time to connect with the Sun because it will greatly aid our participation in the Divine Plan.

Your Heart is your Divine connection to Hunab K'u, The Source, God, Allah, or whatever name you chose to call the Creator, the One that is All. When your body was created for this lifetime, your Heart was genetically encoded with all the information you would need to complete your life's mission. Listen to your Heart. Listen to the Sun. Listen to the Moon. Listen to the Earth. Listen to the Stars.

Honoring the Natural Cycles, Returning to Harmony with Mother Earth and All That Is

Certainly, humanity has done harm to Mother Earth by pollution, destruction of the Forests, and over-population. These are physical manifestations of humanity's loss of Connection with our Earth Mother. As we have drifted further away from living close to Nature, we have forgotten to acknowledge and give thanks for the many blessings we receive from Her. How long would we live without her beautiful atmosphere that we breath without thinking? Without clean water, none of us would be around too long. Without the light of the Sun, we would be very cold and surrounded in darkness. We have come to focus only on the physical aspects of reality, forgetting the Great Spirit all around us, embodied in every being and every thing. Our loss of connection with Nature has fueled our greed and our feelings of separation.

All beings are interconnected to each other. When we acknowledge our interconnection to All That Is, we return to living honorably. By honor, I mean the recognition that everything you do, everything you think and everything you feel effects the entire Universe. This is not to say that it is always immediately obvious what the effect is. But when you come to realize that everyone and everything is part of you and you part of them, you treat them differently, with Honor.

It is important to honor the Natural Energy Cycles. The Mayan and Dreamspell Calendars are a great way become more honorable. I believe that the Maya foresaw what would be happening on Earth at this time and left their Calendar for us to assist us in returning to Honor. Our reality is Time, Place and Spirit. The Mayan knowledge is full of great revelations for us all about the interrelationship of All That Is. We can re-establish our connection to Nature by returning to an honorable way of living.

The 20 Day Energy Cycle of the Sun

Above you will find a chart labeled "The 20 Tribes (Solar Cycle) of the Dreamspell Calendar". This chart show the Glyphs of the Dreamspell Calendar. Below each glyph, is the number and English name for it. Below the English name is the Mayan name. These 20 glyphs correspond directly to the glyphs that the ancient Maya used to honor the Energy Cycle of the Sun.

The Mayan knowledge teaches us that each day an Energy is present which comes to us from the Sun. These Energies cycle through every 20 days. By honoring this cycle of Energy, we are blessed with synchronicity. We gain insights about reality that we had missed before we attuned to the Solar Energy Cycle. Each day of the cycle offers us gifts that we may receive simply by tuning in. As you will find when you start to resonate with the Sun, each of the 20 Energies has attributes and characteristics. For example, Night (AKBAL) is an Energy which supports abundance and intuition. Eagle (MEN) is an Energy conducive to creativity and vision. This is not to say that you cannot be creative on days other than Eagle, but that it will be easier and will flow more smoothly on those days.

The 13 Day Galactic Energy Cycle

Above you will find another chart labeled "The 13 Tones (Galactic Cycle) of the Dreamspell Calendar". This chart shows the Mayan numbers which correspond to the 13 day Galactic Energy Cycle. Below each Mayan number, is the number in our notation and a keyword associated with that number. These Mayan numbers are the same that the ancient Maya used to identify the days of the Galactic Energy Cycle.

The Mayan number system is quite simple. A dot represents one and a bar represents five. You just add up all the dots and bars to find the number. In the 13 Tones chart, you can see the Mayan numbers 1 through 13. The Mayan numbering system uses base 20, instead of base 10 which we use. Each of the numbers in the chart is one digit in Mayan.

In a similar way to the 20 day cycle, the 13 day Galactic Energy Cycle produces a different energy for each day. In the Galactic Cycle, there are 13 different energies. After the 13th day of the cycle, it starts again the next day at 1. The Galactic Energies are different that the Solar Energies. Each Galactic Energy has its own attributes and characteristics. For example, the 11th day, Spectral is supportive of releasing and liberation. The 6th day, Rhythmic, is a day which is good for balancing and organizing.

The 4 Day Earth Energy Cycle, the 4 Directions and the Elements

Above is a chart labeled "The 4 Day Earth Energy Cycle". This chart shows the 4 days which make up the Earth Energy Cycle. The Native Americans have taught us about honoring the 4 directions. This energy cycle is in alignment with those teachings. The Dreamspell Calendar honors this energy and shows us how this energy cycles daily. Each day has a color associated with it and one of the 4 Elements.

The 4 day cycle is very closely aligned with the 20 day cycle. When you think about the mathematics of 4 and 20, 4 divides evenly into 20. Because of this, the color from the 4 day cycle is always the same for each day of the 20 day cycle. For example, Storm (CAUAC) is always blue. Star (LAMAT) is always yellow. Within the 20 day cycle, there are 5 cycles of 4 day Earth Energy. Each time the 20 day cycles starts again, the 4 day cycle also starts again.

The 1st day is Red. It is associated with the East direction and the element of Earth. It is the beginning of the 4 day cycle and its energy is a good one to begin things.

The 2nd day is White. It is associated with the North direction and the element Air or Wind. This day is one of growth and sometimes there can be growing pains.

The 3rd day is Blue. It is associated with the West and the element Water. It has a healing energy to it (a good energy to follow growth).

The 4th day is Yellow. It has the South direction and the element Fire. Yellow days are generally very pleasant and there is a feeling of completion.

The Galactic Signature

The Galactic Signature is a combination the 4 day, 13 day and 20 day cycles. It is represented as 3 words. The first word is the color of the 4 day Earth Energy Cycle. The second word is the name associated with the 13 day Galactic Cycle. The third word is the English word for the glyph of the 20 day Solar Energy Cycle.


Blue Magnetic Night - 3rd day in the 4 day cycle, 1st day in the 13 day cycle, 3rd day of the 20 day cycle.

Red Spectral Skywalker - 1st day in the 4 day cycle, 11th day in the 13 day cycle, 13th day of the 20 day cycle.

It is a good thing to know your personal Galactic Signature. You can find this easily by using the Dreamspell Calendar Software and finding the Galactic Signature for your birthday. For further instructions, see the section about the using the software.

The 28 Day, 13 Moon Cycle of Lunar Energy

There is another Energy Cycle which comes to us from The Moon. This cycle takes 28 days to complete and 13 complete cycles occur each year. When you multiply 13 times 28, the result is 364. Since there are 365 days in one orbit of the Earth around the Sun, there is an extra day following the completion of the 13th Moon called "A Day Out of Time". This is a day to meditate, relax, and contemplate the upcoming year.

The names of the 13 Moons are the same as the names of the days of the 13 day Galactic Cycle (see 13 Galactic Cycle). The days within each cycle are numbered from 1 to 28. For example, the day Electric 14, is the 14th day of the 3rd Moon (Electric).

When scientists measure the cycle of the moon, they come up with the 'fact' that it takes 29.53059 days of linear time for one complete cycle of the moon as we observe it. Actually, it takes 27.33 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth, but the Earth is moving with respect to the Sun so the combined movement results in 29.53 days. If you work through the calculations, this indicates that there are about 12.368 observed lunar cycles in a 365.25 day year, but the moon orbits the Earth 13.36 times per year.

The Daily Affirmation of the Dreamspell Calendar

For each day of the Dreamspell Calendar, there is a daily affirmation. To help you attune to the energy cycles, the daily affirmation should be read each day. The affirmation combines keywords which relate to the Energy Cycles and merges the energies together in a form that can be read. Sometimes the exact meaning of the affirmation may not be totally clear on an intellectual level. However, it is important to read it each day even if it doesn't make sense to you. I think you will find as you work with the calendar, you will come to understand the daily affirmation more and more.