Goal 2.03: Distinguish between the economic and social issues that led to sectionalism and nationalism.

  1. ______: when regions of the country place their local needs above what is best for the country
  2. Technological developments that encouraged sectionalism
  3. Eli Whitney’s ______(1794)
  4. Made cotton farming more profitable and led to the rise of “______”, the South’s dependency on the cotton trade
  5. Growth in the cotton trade led to further growth in slavery
  6. Interchangeable parts
  7. the idea of making mechanical products out of standardized parts; if a part broke, it could be replaced easily with another part just like it
  8. Led to an increase in factories for mass production of goods
  9. The “______”
  10. Brought to US by Englishman Samuel Slater
  11. First put into widespread use in Massachusetts by ______
  12. Lowell’s factories employed mainly young women known as “Lowell Girls”
  13. The mechanical sewing machine (1846)
  14. Opened the way for cheap, mass-produced ______(clothes, linens, etc.)
  15. Why did the North industrialize?
  16. Easy to finance new factories because of the number of banks in the north
  17. Low tax rates
  18. Plenty of cheap labor available due to ______
  19. Northern states passed laws that protected factory owners from ______to investors if their business lost money
  20. Lots of streams and rivers to provide power via water-wheels
  21. How did technology tie the North to the West?
  22. Canals were built to connect rivers in North and the West to the Great Lakes
  23. The ______connected the Hudson River to Lake Erie, making ______the most important commercial port in the US
  24. Steamboats used to move people and goods along major rivers and the Great Lakes
  25. First commercially steam-powered boat made by ______in 1807
  26. US government built the ______to connect Maryland to St. Louis
  27. Private investors built thousands of miles of ______, or toll roads, to connect major Northern cities to each other and to routes going West
  28. Tens-of-thousands of miles of ______were built, connecting the North to the West; very few were built in the South
  29. First US built locomotive = “______” in 1830
  30. Thousands of miles of telegraph wire were strung, allowing rapid communication
  31. Telegraph developed by ______(along with Morse Code) in 1837
  32. West became reliant on manufactured goods from the North, especially farming tools
  33. ______(1837): necessary to cut through the loamy soils of the Great Plains; developed by John Deere
  34. ______(1847): necessary to harvest the vast acreages of wheat without massive amounts of labor (so Western farmers didn’t need to rely on ______); developed by Cyrus McCormick
  35. Social differences between North and South that fueled sectionalism
  36. South’s dependence on ______for labor
  37. Slave population continued to grow rapidly even after Congress banned the importation of slaves from outside the US in 1808
  38. Even though only about 6% of white Southerners owned any slaves, nearly all white Southerners supported the practice
  39. North’s dependence on ______for labor
  40. 1825 – 1855: over 5 million immigrants arrived in US from Europe
  41. Created a cheap source of labor for Northern factories
  42. Not everyone in North was happy about immigration
  43. Immigrants were taking jobs that might have gone to others; the increase in available labor also meant lower wages for everyone in the poor working class
  44. Rise of ______, or support for the rights of “native” Americans over immigrants (note: nativists were not supporting the rights of the Indians (Native Americans), but rather the rights of whites who were native-born in the US)
  45. Most nativists were white Protestant men of English descent
  46. The “______”: strongly anti-Catholic nativist group that briefly enjoyed success as a political party
  47. Oddly, most immigrants were pro-slavery – they didn’t want the South to free the slaves out of fear that many former slaves would move into Northern cities and compete with them for jobs
  48. Tremendous growth in population of North worried the South
  49. Northern states representation in Congress began to grow as population increased
  50. Population growth among slaves was offset by the ______– slaves didn’t fully count as a person for census & representation purposes
  51. Summary of key differences between North and South

North / South
Economy based on the “factory system”: manufacturing and commerce / Economy based on the “plantation system”: large-scale farming of cash crops
Relied on plentiful immigrant labor / Relied on slave labor
Favored high tariffs that protected US industries / Opposed to high tariffs – imported many European goods, feared Europeans would retaliate by putting tariffs on Southern agricultural exports
Wanted a strong federal government to build transportation networks, protect trade, and regulate the economy / Favored strong state government, feared a strong federal government would restrict slavery